Why are these Japanese and western men such pedos?
Why are these Japanese and western men such pedos?
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thats not pedos thats lolis
Jewish psyop.
Whites are the enemy, pedophilia will cause a white man to stop engaging in society, and remove himself as a breeder. Same as neets etc etc etc.
lolis aren't pedo, retard.
Pedos spotted
They aren't any more than other races, they're just the only ones that punish themselves for it.
>Japanese and western men
>pedos spotted
Because Islamists will never report child rape in their media, since it's so commonplace and seen as acceptable
its a gateway. You can say they are "le thousands of years old" but only one type of human have that stature, have that apperence, have those manners. You're not fooling anyone faggot
because they're not
>Muslims do it so it's okay if the white man does it
>Why are these Japanese and western men such pedos?
They're amateurs. In Russia it's a business.
Sup Forumstards belong in their own category. Ignore that shithole.
>triggered by loli threads on Sup Forums
Fuck off, newfag.
ignore all shill threads
>in all fields
Oh look, it's {{{ this thread }}} again and again and again. Like 1000 times in the past month. The Kremlinbots never tire, do they?
where is the jews
Ok and? It's a fucking cartoon.