In 2017, a total of 520 people received international protection in Poland

>The spokesman for the Office for Foreign Affairs, Yakub Dudzyak, said that the criteria for granting one form of international protection were primarily citizens: Ukraine (276 people), Russia (87 people) and Tajikistan (35 people).

So yeah, about Poland accepting millions of Ukrainian refugees. That's total bullshit, but what else can you expect from lying lyakhs???

Other urls found in this thread:,3/szydlo-w-pe-o-uchodzcach-z-ukrainy-komentarz-ambasadora-deszczycy,612314.html

Of course it is a lie. That's how politics work.
People coming from the middle east aren't refugees and the west knows it.
That is why we are allowed to call you refugees.

But most people coming from Middle East and Africa are actual refugees, they receive according status and help. Most Ukrainians coming to Poland are not running from war, they are coming for work and your country benefits from it immensely, because most of the time you don't even pay minimum wage to these people. And on top of that you treat them like bydlo, because you are arrogant hypocrites.

>to Poland

Be honest, you will trade your arm and leg to get polish citizenship.

>But most people coming from Middle East and Africa are actual refugees

your nose is shwoing, shlomo

Literal fake news. There's more hohol scum in my city alone. Sage and hide.

No one wants to live in Poland, not even Poles themselves.

My family immigrate to Moscow from Dresden, lol.

>But most people coming from Middle East and Africa are actual refugees

The overwhelming majority of people who immigrate to Europe illegally don't qualify for asylum and therefore are not refugees.
Pic related is nationality of migrants that use the Libya route, which is the main route for iregular migration from Africa to the EU.

*immigrate to Europe illegally from Africa

Dude ukrainians and russians brought hepatitis type a back to Poland. We got rid of it like more than decade ago and now we have almost 2k cases.

Maybe stop fucking that easy ukrainian pussy. Every day someone asks on pol how to get ukrainian wife.
Sure they did, olgino.

Ukraine is not a real country.

Like seriously, how shitty does your country have to be so you immigrate to poland.

>3rd World Shithole that emigrates european countries is shit talking about ukraine

Like Jordan.

butthurt yuropoors, im actually probably the richest person on this website, also jordan is not a shithole, your countries soon will be though.

We never said we accepted millions of refugees, we accepted around 2.5k of ukrainian fugees and 2+ millions of your migrants... stupid hohoł.

Are they refugees from Donbass though? Do they receive help and shelter? No. Because most of Donbass refugees are internally displaced within Ukraine itself.
Most people coming to Poland are coming to work, they don't receive anything.

>We never said we accepted millions of refugees
You did, lying polish scum.

Vanya, nobody is serving vodka here. Go away.
>Almost 1.6 million inhabitants of the Donbas and Crimea preferred to stay in Ukraine.
>Thus, 9616 refugees were hosted by Germany, 9319 - Italy, 4278 - Poland, 3459 - France, 3148 - Sweden.

Oh yeah great some translated "quote" by reuters straight from their ass. Show me her original quote where it says "uchodźcy" and not "imigranci".,3/szydlo-w-pe-o-uchodzcach-z-ukrainy-komentarz-ambasadora-deszczycy,612314.html

>około miliona uchodźców z Ukrainy

There you go, she lied and you were right... then again since you are not an idiot you know EXACTLY why she said that. So EU will fuck off with their muslims.

1 >EU: take black refugees
>PL: we already took ukrainian refugees
>EU: these are not refugees
>PL: yours are not refugees
2 impas
3 not being erased from history by black bydlo
4 ...
5 profit

i hope i helped

How can we accept millions of something that doesn't exists? Fuck off to /x/

>So yeah, about Poland accepting millions of Ukrainian refugees. That's total bullshit, but what else can you expect from lying lyakhs???

Poland can whatever the fuck they want. problem?

So then Germany can cut the gibs to Poland???

yes. if they chose to do so.

There are not gibs just loans... like the one we gave you when Russia attacked you.

Poles repatriants programme
we got back Poles that had grandparents sent to Russia and Tajikistan or any other -stan in the past
nothing bad with it, even considering hohols

wow bravo, post your expensive memes

you just quoted polish cnn

i started out thinking russias attack on ukraine was bad, but every time i hear a ukrainian open his mouth i get more and more convinced that they did the right thing.

I am hearing Ukrainian right fucking now

The government took away my daughter because me and the mother was ourselves under CPA as a youth. That was literally their reasoning

If I ever dare to have another child it will probably be in Poland



what is that?
throw stones at them, ukrainians are enemies of Poland. somehow even more than ruskie

What the fuck?

>ukrainians are enemies of Poland. somehow even more than ruskie
We literally did nothing to you. what the fuck

Is this common in Norway? I remember a story about a Norwegian woman seeking asylum in Poland because her child would be taken away

Guess it's about Lemberg?


Sure, Bandera was cool guy kids love him.

People who comitted Wolyn genocide (and numerous other slaughters) are currently praised as national heroes in Ukrainie.

>Research Wolyn, UPA, Bandera

And polish death camps

>But most people coming from Middle East and Africa are actual refugees

die in a fire ukrascum

fucking kek.

Million Ukrainians but not all reffugees.

ruskies are ruskies. they work for their own interests. which I can respect.

hohols are traitors. they aren't a real nation - they are just traitorous poles and russians under jewish control. they deserve the worst

Ukrainians posting on Sup Forums truly is the best thing about this website. Fucking hell. True content.
>we are real country
>we exist
>who wants to live in pooland!? ahhaha ukraine number one

>russia give back crimea pls

>posts a link to a shill article instead of actually retorting verbally
>comes from a broken state and actually believes its not broken
>doesn't realize or won't admit that some of national heroes of his country are murderers
>attempts to misguide others


>>Labour camps

>Taras Kuzio

You seriously deserve to get your artificial country partitioned by Poland and Russia.

Kiss and make up lads, we're all White here

fuck off and die
Fuck off
and die
take your family
and your entire fucking nation with you, while you are dying

why do you care about this? lel

So tell the 2 millions of rats that came from your country to go back.
>tfw ukrainians are new mexicans of Europe


This proxy boi probably here working and not getting all the gibs refugees are getting elsewhere.