Five days prior to this they had smashed his windows with rocks and fireworks.
All in the heart of Copenhagen.
Five days prior to this they had smashed his windows with rocks and fireworks.
All in the heart of Copenhagen.
Other urls found in this thread:
English mother fucker. Do you speak it?
Are the owner and workers already applied to get a handgun for self defense (with permit to carry it of course)?
Which part is unclear?
And yes I do, I'm from NZ.
No. Possession of an illegal firearm will get you prison and in worst case a permanent ban from Denmark.
Copenhagen a place of diversity
You're supposed to call the cops and wait for the rescue like a cuck while they kill you.
What is that supposed to represent?
Denmark's citizens have no need for guns, they are not a violent shithole like the US. They can fight off any problem using the deadliest weapon of all, the power of persuasion
I am not talking about illegal firearms.
I am about them getting legal firearms to protect themselves, their loved ones and their property from such thug gangs. As is seen from the OP video, police in is unable to protect them.
Plus there's still a high chance the cops won't show.
We honestly didn't have a need for guns before muslims started sneaking in weapons from Slovakia.
There's no such thing as a legal firearm in Denmark.
Why do you think our cops uses Beyblades instead of guns?
Self defense is illegal in Denmark. If you use a gun to save you life you will go to jail.
The fastest way to get cops show up is to say that the attackers are armed with firearms. Remember this to get into priority line in our commie EU shithole.
Lol dude with the exception of US and like two meme countries no other country that is developed offers a permit to carry. Also you can use a gun in self defense in almost all of england. When you apply for a gun license in Canada, UK, Ausfalia, Nee Zealand, Germany, France, etc. Self defense is NOT a valid reason for owning a gun.
>There's no such thing as a legal firearm in Denmark.
Blatantly false.
Why are you spreading lies like this?
Fucking KYS, end your suffering.
Gangs roaming around with baseball bats or booted legs and fists are reason enough to legalize self-defence gun ownership for law-abiding citizens.
Being a member of a hunting or a gun club does not legalize your use of a firearm outside the club or restricted hunting area. In practicality you cannot use firearm.
>gangs roaming around with baseball bats
They have guns too, just not legal ones.
In Estonia you can get handgun as ordinary citizen for self-defence (licenced) and it comes with concealed carry permit.
if the baker provides me half of what they ask i will bash the muslims heads with rocks.
The Dutch are pretty innovative right? Learn how to manufacture your own and make them underground. The Filipinos do it.
If OP's muslim shit starts to get to Finland i will move to Estonia, my bro. This shit is fucked up.
Did you guys hear? Copenhagen is turning more gay by the minute.
All the worthless losers tried to Elect a bunch of Hipster communists, because they wanted them to select the "mayor of Employment" position so they could give more money to freeloaders.
Lo and behold, they chose the Mayer of Culture instead. Fucking lol.
Just FYI, you can own a gun for self deffence just not use it to harm another individual unless he/she has allready hurt you.
It's called something like psycotic in the moment, and is a legal deffence against murder in self deffence.
>Muslim gang terrorizing Europeans
Fuck off, we're full. Fix your own country.
>Video of muslim gang
wrong title faggot, but unknown people destroyed baker shop, the owner of the shop name is Ali
Makes me think OP is Islamophobic, nothing bad about that remove all religions anyway. However wrong title faggot.
We need a purge of some kind
Where are the bikers? You can trust them to keep peace in the neighborhood.
Cool. Although I would be fine living in a gun regulated Denmark if we didn't have muslims.
I'm not gonna risk getting banned from Denmark for owning a gun.
My father already did 3 months prison for trying to shoot two bikers.
And now we have a Party lead by a gay ass in charge of Culture in Copenhagen.
choose one
Suit yourself. I'm sure the muzzies are stockpiling AK-47's under their mosques awaiting the signal to kill the host population off.
Yeah we go pretty fucked on the last local election.
Bikers are worse than muslims here.
I'm not is Denmark right now.
What are you going to do about it?
Like I said with the exception os US and two meme countries. Yours, Poland, Czech republic, I think Poland and thats about it. You still probably dont have a castle law and Stand your ground or make my day.
In Estonia I would be only prosecuted for crossing the self-defense threshold shooting that gang from my legal handgun on the spot only when I started to shoot them already lying on the floor. They are armed, destroy my property.
One warning shot would be nice too... but in heated situations it can be ok to shoot them without it.
Self defense is very much legal in Estonia. Even against state gone rogue and started arcting against constitution using violence.
We already had that. Copenhagen has been dominated by cucks for a long time now.
Fine, I'll fight them with caring and tolerance.
Nothing I just wondered if you were larping or actually danish
Poland gun laws are shittier than here.
Isn't Diversity a beautiful thing
wew lad
Living in Denmark atm too.
Country is cucked beyond repair.
Like 30% white
Don´t tell me you´re falling too, Denmark
If I remember correctly, you can't use even a pepper spray for self-defense in Denmark.
If you have diversed gaschambers
The whole thing. What's the problem here? It seems to me like a bunch of thugs wrecked the store.
Why all the crying? This shit is nothing. Nobody got hurt and all they did was some minor property damage.
I realize that there are many good European people that never asked for this, and do not deserve it, but I honestly don't care anymore.
If enough of them still have not woken up to the situation they are in, fuck them.
They're toast.
They don't even have weaponry to rise up.
>Denmark already beginning to crack at the seams
Please don't send any of them here, thanks
Kek, that's not even close to the truth, but Copenhagen is extremely shitty.
Yes. This is true.
>imagine paying exorbitant taxes to the state
>they are supposed to give you security n shit in return
>the state takes the taxes and doesn't do shit, allows gangs to pillage the taxpayers, provides no security
>further, the state does not allow you defend yourself
>imagine you're so big of a cuck that you still paying taxes to such a state
Fucking why? Why would you still give them your money? At least fucking gangsters might actually show up, if you're in trouble. Or they won't send you in jail if you kill their competitors in self-defense.
Just become a neet and watch this abomination collapse.
Yes, their shit is fucked.
What is even more bad than being unable to legally defend yourself with arms is that they not have the culture of self defense and this makes them into total cucks.,
They can't survive where you live.. but we danes can.
Living in Copenhagen. It's like 30% white minus Amager. Norrebro is 95% Muslim 5% hipster.
Danish seem to accepting there fate
It sure feels that way.
I'm reminded every Christmas holiday, I take the train to visit the faminly, and the official Language that's spoken in Danish trains is Arab or Turkish.
You will always have a bunch of shitskin women in their Ghost attire talking loudly so everybody can hear them, while all the real Danes are cucked and silent.
>culture of self-defence
What are you talking about? In my family we've always defended ourselves, just not with guns.
I am sorry but I can't understand one thing - How did you conclude they are muslims? Assuming they weren't caught(I don't know danish so I wasn't able to read this whole thing).
I mean they had their faces covered.
Why not. Collecting their own taxes is the next logical step for Muslims. The leftie shit government has given up all other functions to them.
Now the government only exist to ensure you can't fight back against the transfer of power.
>They can't survive where you live
They can. Icelanders just slave away while invaders breed in comfy house. Stop spreading this shitty lie.
>we didnt need guns until we needed guns
this is why you ALWAYS need guns. Anyways only time will tell if you become sweden and have to die or not.
They smashed a store.
Geneticly they can't. They can hardly live here, because of our weather.
Don't know how you'd handle the overbearing seasonal depression, though
You fucking what mate
The highest amount of non European immigrants is 41% and it's in Brondby starnd
Well how did you conclude they were muslim?
So how Denmark was overrun with invaders and become a mudslime shithole when you have a self-defense culture there? Seems like wishful thinking from danes...
>How did you conclude they are muslims?
They have muslim gangs over there.
They diversify their businesses.
They deal drugs in the territory.
Extorting business owners is part of the equation as well.
and you will die off with every other people who tried such nonsense
>Geneticly they can't.
Are you fucking retarded or just brainwashed?
They can very well survive in comfy house there.
The same way we handle it now. The weak cull themselves and the strong survive.
It was implied that because they destroy shit they are muslims, because in Denmark only muslims does that.
If a state actually serves its people you dont need guns, you just evict the cancer from your country with state force
Through an election of some kind preferably
This isn't my point. In the video, the attackers have their face covered. Even if there are muslim gangs in Copenhagen, you can't 100% say that they are muslims
Yeah OP your logic is flawed and you're just baiting the degenerates here.
>Through an election of some kind preferably
>Evicting mudslime invaders through election
>Even if there are muslim gangs
It's the only gangs there are.
>Yeah OP your logic is flawed and you're just baiting the degenerates here.
That's if they can get housing to begin with, eestibro
Right now our own citizens can barely get any housing and as a result our government is just about to (or has already) poured around 875k USD into social housing
Source? It could be somali immigrants or even danish teens for all i know.
Wut. Even Germany has stronger self-defense laws than Massachusetts.
Hahaha Brondby has the highest ammount?
We have 10% max
Look up genetic studies telling that muslims in Denmark suffers from lack of d-vitamin due to absence of sunlight.
Our government is paying for D-vitamin supplements for all middle-eastern immigrants so they won't get autistic children.
This is not even concealed knowledge you brainlet.
Oh yea you don't call them immigrants now you call them "danes"
You have some ~100 already there having that comfy housing, user.
Somalis are muslim shitskins too.
By the way you can see the locals in the video being threatened. They know for sure when the shitskins have muslim dialect.
Where are the Danish WIKANGZ when you need them the most?
10% .. its is like 570k of them.
You are royally fucked and being overrun.
Wake up.
wrong faggot, thee are many gangs and the most popular is non muslim gang.
I am not even a muslim and you can't have a proper argument so you resort to calling people stuff.
Sup Forums logic right there.
D-vitamin can be supplemented. Danish taxpayer buys them the supplements btw. You are naive.
Yea unfortunatly the danish goverment has now hidden the page with the statistics so i can't really find the source
And it 6% of the danish population that are now from a non European origin
What kind of fucking bikers are those?
Here they are all good neighbours and trustworthy people for the most part unless you yourself mix into their 'less legal' businesses.
Sharia shill trying this hard to derail the thread. Gtfo of Denmark you leech.
Yeah, maybe out in bumfuck nowhere like Akureyri or in some slum hostel in Breiðholt
Fact of the matter is that even if our government wanted to be acquiescing towards some Syrian mudslimes they simply couldn't at this point, both because of pressure from native Icelanders to make more available housing and because there simply isn't enough housing to go around as it is
Subhuman low iq faggot, i don't have any religion. Just justifying facts and nothing more. You people are no better than SJW