There is literally nothing wrong about being jewish, and you cant prove otherwise.
There is literally nothing wrong about being jewish, and you cant prove otherwise
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Goyim exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.
We have to recognize that Jewish blood and the blood of a goy are not the same thing.
If you call diluted Jews Jewish I guess. That'd be like calling someone with 2% Neanderthal blood a Neanderthal. LARPing mutts, that's all they are.
>Jews dindu nuff....
So Sup Forums admits defeat ? stop being anti-semitic and recognize use jews as normal people.
There is literally nothing wrong about being schizophrenic, and you cant prove otherwise.
Is this official now?
No! We can't talk to goyim cattle beast
Does it really matter at this point if nothing were wrong with being Jewish?
Except a Jew just won the Nobel in Physics on the CERN collider. The Englert Higgs Boson is the God particle that disproves GOD.
So A Jew proved that Jews were never indeed the chosen anything and Israel is a fraud.Since A Jew disproved God.
It has been official for quite a while.
I disagree
>posts the Saturn symbol
god made that particle
Prove the holocaust was wrong
Thank you for this piece of nostalgia, user.
>cut dick
Fuck that!
cool vid.
god mate that particle
Then why do you oy vey if people talk about your criminal activities and subversion from Russia to India to US to China.
It's like you don't want to be found out and gotten rid of.
Jew bad, heebs.
Is this even bait?
More racist than any other race
>studies of race mixing by race shows Jewish people race mix the least out of any race
>Most work places with Jewish workers tend to only hire other Jewish people
>Their race is so crippled from their xenophobia and shitty small population gynocologists regularly ask pregnant women if they are Jewish to rule out a list of genetic birth defects from having as small gene pool
>pol/ is too fucking retarded to notice we could destroy the Jew by easily turingv the left against their racist, xenophobic, 99% of the 1% asses
Many jews I know are very intelligent and based people.
They don t have an aesthetic religion such ad christians, but they are ok in my agenda
>pol/ is too fucking retarded to notice we could destroy the Jew by easily turingv the left against their racist, xenophobic, 99% of the 1% asses
Why would Sup Forums want to destroy the Jew? Sup Forums loves the Jews now!
It says Eric Trump's wife isn't jewish.
Plus, the most jewish advert I've ever seen.
Listen to your rabbi.
Also, sage.
i'd drown them filthy kikes for sure
Being Jewish sucks because no matter how many good works you do or how decent or patriotic you are, people will hate your for ignorant meme- and conspiracy-related reasons.
Take it from me, it's better not to be Jewish.
t. Polish Jew.
love how they blame a german in first paragraph
> fucking kikes are HA HA
also SAGE every post
China and India?
can i burn you personally pls
False. We hate you because you're subversive scum that promote racism towards whites. If you all fucked off to Israel I wouldn't give a shit what you do
>There is literally nothing wrong about being jewish, and you cant prove otherwise.
There is literally nothing wrong about being EVIL, and you cant prove otherwise.
So many of the worst scum on earth are Jews and there really aren't that many Jews. Even if 99% of the Jews are ok, that's 1% that are truly awful.
Whereas with Protestants, it's 0.000whatever1% that are truly awful.
Jews have both Rothschild and Soros.
You need to come up with a lot of awful Christians, as bad as Rothschild for as long as Rothschild, to knock the Jews out of the top spot for worst.
Teaching his kids the value of money and practicality.
Thats smart. Magical thinking is a sign of mental immaturity.
Germans exist to serve the Jews.
> (OP)
> (OP)
>it's better not to be Jewish.
you convinced me
Donald Trump is jewish.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to post the screencap
Except that there’s no such thing. People of Judea were finished off by the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
So what you really have today are giant human cockroaches saying “We’re Jews.” If anything, they might be related to hooknosed Pharisees like Josephus, but they’re not related to “Judahites.” Liars on arrival, is what they are.
die nigger
“The Jews are an ignorant and barbarous people, who have long united the most sordid avarice with the most detestable superstition and the most invincible hatred for every people by whom they are tolerated and enriched.”
― Voltaire
>what did he mean by this?
Nice proxy faggot.
Good joke
I'm actually really conflicted on this. I hate what Jows have done historically and continue to do, but I don't think it's genetic...
basic observation of Jews. They're literally still like this with their academic versions of 'fuck whitey'
>So it is the human condition that to wish for the greatness of one's fatherland is to wish evil to one's neighbors. The citizen of the universe would be the man who wishes his country never to be either greater or smaller, richer or poorer.
Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary
What a profound thinker..... economics is a zero sum game..... pure genius.....
I'm not going to try to explain red to someone who was born blind.
>trying this hard
>in all fields
You worship a genocidal maniac. That's wrong enough for any purpose.