This guy has to be higher on the list than Paul Ryan.
Most punchable faces in politics
They should just hurry up and #ReleaseTheMemo.
Is that Maddox?
Miller is fantastic. He used to walk around high school in a cowboy hat bantsing spics.
Fuck off, Miller has only ever done good things so far.
i like him..
lock her up
release the memo
So, he was bullied. I can't imagine much has changed.
I love Stephen Miller he's a smart guy
t. Jim Acosta
Where did you get that from what the user said? Sounds like he was the alpha bully, actually.
This is what amounts to a shill thread, btw. Miller has yet to say or do anything that's not entirely in our interest.
>walked around in high school wearing a cowboy hat
>basically bald at 32
Nah, he's just angry.
>bald now means he was bald 14+ years ago
Nice, shill. No more bumps for you.
Miller is a /ourkike/. I'm pretty much in favor of gassing all homos and I'd kiss that man. He's fucking beautiful.
He's Kushners buttboy and responsible for everything fucking up with Trump
Israel agent
t. Schlomo
Your in denile fag. He probably got bullied by 10/10 el guapos for being a baldlet and lashed out at them
kill yourself shill rat
Nah, this nigga was a Chad.
>utterly baseless shill accusation to discredit someone on our side
Reminder that this is what shill posts look like.
>basically bald at 32
>this somehow has anything to do with his personality/political leaning
what the fuck?
He is the only good Jew I can think of.
>he still has to go
He’s kinda hot desu.
Nobody punches Goebbels and gets away with it.
roastie detected
>in all fields
You know that seeing someone as "punchable" is just latent homosexual attraction right?
Unless you are female, which I doubt.
post c0ck
Goebbels wasn't a kike
cant uplaod images
Did the Jews do it? be honest we're all friends here
I dont know whats happening
pol is a psy op and the us government shutdown means no bots are working
As long as you know it's happening. That's the important part.
We'll meet again in anglosphere hell
well, I know I can't upload images of "the most punchable face in politics"
Ed Miliband is my vote
I miss not having any good reason to post my Ed Miliband memes.
Why would you want to punch American Goebbels
Eat shit, faggots. Stephen Miller is /ourjew/.
Post your face, OP
Cry more Graham you homoerotic McCancer loving fuck
/our/ kike 4 sure
>This guy has to be higher on the list than Paul Ryan.
Stephen Miller and Don Rickles are the only pol approved jews
I would like to give Miller a pat on the back and a handshake.
Wondering why image replies are disabled? It's because of this thread:
Goddamn ed milliband is so motherfucking ugly, I don't know how anyone can stand to look at the TV with him on it. He is like a caricature from wartime propaganda, just absolutely disgusting.
I mean UK politicians (and people) aren't exactly handsome, or even average, but they at least look like normal human beings, not some weird puppet or a worm wearing a human disguise.
I once saw a gif of Ed Milliband eating a sandwich, I nearly threw up. It was worse than watching 1 guy 1 jar, which I can at least wrap my head around. Ed Milliband eating a sandwich was like watching a car crash, but when the impact happens, each car just explodes with a tidal wave of blood.
What the fuck is up with his hair? Is there no one around him to say "Hey, why don't we go down to the homeless shelter and get this fucked up wad of shit you call a hairstyle sorted out? Ok Ed, you ugly fuck?" Jesus christ.
Also, is he not British? I want to say he looks like he's from Spain, but he looks more like he was born in an underground cavern of mole-people. Every inch of his skin is like the extra dark reddish skin of a baby's penis.
Holy fuck someone give that guy an Elephant Man mask or something so I can look at him without turning to shit-scented stone. God fucking damn. His face looks like one of those prosthetic faces attached to sunglasses they give massive head wound victims. Motherfucker literally looks like a bear ate his goddamn face, and that is what the NHS could cobble together for him out of novelty rubber ears and breast implants.
Ed Milliband, Jesus fucking Christ.
Respect the Hebrew hammer
What is John Kerry?
How come an led explosion in Florida isn't in the news much?
Can anyone tell me more about it?
I can't make a thread about it either which is weird
This post literally changed my mind about Drumpf and I am nao #withher. Thanks based shill, keep up the good work :^)
Stop being baldophobic. It's clear you just have it out for anyone and everyone bald.
Good shit user
Lol Miller is that biggest flaming tool everyone knows who is trying to overcompensate for being a fucking kike.
Like what exactly?
We will beat them until the false song of globalism is gone from their dirty lying mouths
Kys shill
I would love to post a picture of chuck shumer right now
Tie between him and Mnuchin.
our fucking kike
Hi leftypol. You can never defeat Stephen Miller. He is the best, most based man in the White House. Even more so than Trump.
Millers ourguy faggot.
You can tell he is extremely low test. Low test men with no self-respect are the easiest to get to do your bidding (see Lindsey Graham). Spineless men are necessary for someone like Trump to be successful
lol agreed. everyone knows 'that' jew.
Could give two shits about this kike queen
Stephen Miller is an alpha male. He would stomp your hippie guts out.
>looks 55
This is the shit that poop knives are for.
>Stephen Miller
>Alpha male
He can’t even bench 1 plate, I guarantee you. Trump is an Alpha Male, a big dog, a German Shepard. Stephen Miller is a yippy beta, a little dog, a Yorkie
Never understood why people favor this kike.
um, sweetie, maybe it's not cool to be a fascist?
He is a kike tho... so he must be watched like a hawk.
How much is Soros paying you? Because its not enough you faggot shills. You have nothing on Miller.
>pacifist memeflag
I wonder who could have paid for this post.
I know an unflushable shit when I see one
It's because after you try flushing it then you can still see it there amirite
Did you figure out that trick on your own, or did your father take you aside and tell you how the world works?
Stop drinking out of the toilet user
After you flush it's just clean water from the tank.
Thanksgiving at your place must really be something.
We give thanks to toilets and running water. The white race is truly a blessing and a miracle.
OP is one of the best minds at Shareblue. He’s figures out how to make meth from soy and sadness.
My my, what an awful bigot.
all these low-t soibois look the same to me.
yes, in the way that fetal alcohol syndrome is hot, amirite guise!?
lmaooo, can this butthurt self hating jew try any harder??
Reminder that he went to school with Richy Spencer.
There's speculation that they're still in contact, working towards the same goals.
(((stephen miller))) has that look of a guy i know who’s a rich boy jew kike from a kike slumlord family who has no idea how he managed to get nepotized into his current position because he knows he used other people’s work to get to where he is- and donald still hasn’t figured it out after a year in
just that constant “lol im a dumb gay jew that took this position from others thanks to my friend jared lol”
op looks like a kike rat weasel because hbd and physiognomy is real...we’ve gone over this for over a decade for all you faggot posers, newfaggots, and reddit tier boomer magapedes lurking...
no he didn’t
he just dressed up as a gay cowboy for a school photo
you know how gay jews have a thing for real rough tough ruggedly individualistic real whites? it kinda like that.
stephen is such a spoiled beta jew idiot he doesn’t think he needs to pick up trash that he leaves on the ground
just a real quality human...totally not a jewish piece of shit...yaaaa
that fucking faggot jew has never done anything, has not done anything, and never will do anything
gtfo jew shill faggot
>claims some weeb freak jew is an alpha
>claims said weeb jew freak is doing big things for America somehow without providing proof or facts.
>pure pro jew / anti American post
gtfo faggot jew jidf shill
Bot/shill faggot
Time to die
i call him “(((rogaine)))”
being a gay angry jew caused him to lose his head
Femanon here, I want to have his babies.
>Self-hating Jew who is a dollar store Goebbels and looks like death at 32 years old
Everyone should punch Miller.
dicky spencer tryin to get in on the fag party too now
don't lay a hand on /ourkike/
he's the only thing stopping america from turning into mexico
I bet he could whoop your ass though
that’s not a chad, david...
that looks like some rich boy petulant kike faggot from la that talked a big game about killing Iraqis, but had never been in the same room as a firearm or a vet in their lives. the type of weenie jew that sent /us/ off to fight shitskins while he licked politician and professors asses for the next 6 years...
basically another ben kike shapiro
ask me how i know dude
shut up little (((stephy))) bitch we get it you’re a faggot. stfu.