Why can't non-whites compete?
Why can't non-whites compete?
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Ayo hol up we wuz kangz and sheeeit! Our skin colour makes uz winners bro..
we've been asking this question for a very long time my friend
They are too focused on getting the memo released! #ReleaseTheMemo!
crackers gonna crack. As we can see, this fellow white care only about being a bestial being punching his way through a nonsensical fight he can't win. I guess it's up to blacks to make this planet a better place, depsite what a well known aberrant being telling us who live in "shithole" and who doesn't. Fool of them.
Non whites are busy making millions in real sports
Who did this?
Daniel Cormier is the whitest nigger in the UFC
A very talented uncle Tom honestly.
in what world is he white
he is a cream top of nigger race
He won ya moron
We aren't white. Germanics can't compete, we can.
It's funny, when blacks can't compete mentally they get quotas. When whites can't compete physically they get nothing.
What a world.
>When whites can't compete physically
there are literal white cuckold weaklings on Sup Forums who believe this. kek
Stipe sent that nigger back to his French shithole a sad nigger.
those ab insertions are god awful
The fight was pretty sloppy and boring desu. Both guys got tired fast.
they do not have Neanderthal genes.
A white man has not won the 100m or 200m in athletics for aslong as I have been alive. When do we get our 20m headstart?
too busy scheming and getting rich
A nigger has never won the world strongest man niggers literally cannot physically compete with white men
Have you ever listened to Daniel Cormier or Jon Jones speak. They are black in appearance only.
The real fight was watching Stipe take down an establishment-hyped literal African rapefugee, despite having a shorter reach and surrendering 20+ lbs.
Mark Henry won world strongest man in 1994 or something. Went on to become wwe superstar
But we won 400m hurdle
No he didnt you stupid faggot he has never won it. Kys cuckold. Maybe fact check your own cuckoldry before you post it KEK
Can't wait to hear Joe Rogaine walk back his months of hyping this fight and Ngano.
Volkan Oezdemir is turkish
>Why can't non-whites compete?
Dont you mean why can't non-slavs compete with slavs the ultimate neanderthal-nord master hybrid race?
200m World Championship Men, 2017:
200m World Championship Women, 2017:
Both white, but in athletics its really just who has the best (((doctor))). All jamaican and american sprinters dope hugely.
Also not forgetting the flying scotsman:
MMA is a literal trailer trash-tier sport.
rogan bends like a reed in the wind. he was sucking up to ronda for years then turned tail and trashed ronda AS SHE WAS GETTING HER ASS KICKED.
>A fraction of a second average performance
the company was trying so hard to push this ngannou nig so they could advertise the poor refugee makes it story
they had him at their insane training center with a team of trainers and doctors building him up
WME wanted their golden boy to promote, but stipe stopped the hype train with technique and control
fuck dana white and WME
This scrawny little cumskin would get tore up by any brother in the hood in a real street fight.
he's too busy saving people as a firefighter
When is this meme going to die? Go jerk off to Kimbo Slice “highlights” faggot.
Niggers can't fight for shit. They only ever fight people smaller than them or gang up on one. Literally every nigger fights by
>always punching first, usually on unsuspecting people trying to solve a problem reasonably
>unleashing a retarded flurry of punches with (retard style) like the think theyre going super saiyan or some shit
Kys cuckboy
Kek, try harder - this is poor quality bait even for you Tyrone
Um, that was a wrestling nickname. P.S. Undertaker isn’t actually an undead mortuary worker.
Stipe seems like a good guy, no one can deny it.
He destroyed a real African ape, he would have no problems with diluted mongrel blood like yours
There will be no more blacked spam after yesterday. Any such post will seem ridiculous now. This ends the blacked meme.
Join traditionalist workers party
>hurrr it's a control opposition!!
no it's not
>Hurrr larpersss
Shut the fuck up
We are taking back western civilization
look at that qt blonde
too bad she's a whore
He just held some power lifting record. Ken Shamrock wasn't the World's Most Dangerous Man either. He just fought some MMA before going to WWF.
Only won because the nigger gassed. Pathetic win
he's swiss u dumb fuck
just thick obliques and he's flexing the abs wrong. also nobody told him he should twist a bit at the midsection to offset his thick waist like joe weider instructed arnold to do. guy's a fucking idiot
Because ppl with slavic dna (poles and russians) are naturally stronger than africans. Look at sadulaev “the russian tank” or aleksandr karelin “the experiment” They are literally neanderthals compared to black people, and they are way way stronger. There is no black athlete that compares to the athleticism and strength of sadulaev and karelin.
>Slavs are white again episode
Pekka, this is not your fight, you mog fuck. This is between whites and blackys. Wait when we talk about mongs....
Croatians aren’t Slavic by DNA.
Actually we are
wins with a face like this..........Stipe was the more experienced nigga, but his face got fucked
Fucking idiot, Oezdemir is a Turkish name. He is not white. Do you really consider Turks to be white? This just proves that Americans does not know what a white person is or their heritage.
>56% in charge of who is white.
Because it requires both raw physical prowess and a good strategist that can think on their feet under pressure.
American education
The only ones who doesn't think that Slavs are white are either Serbs and Croats who loves Turkey or all Americans on Sup Forums.
I can't blame him you all look and sound the same.
There is a principle in biology named after someone I forgot, that says mammals tend to get larger the further north they live. Hence why polar bears are so big, and Iceland has all of the world's strongest men, despite a population of < 1 Million.
Mutt retard thinks he knows Europe. All of former YugoSLAVia is Slavic
Chukchas, sorts of finnish norther nomad tribes and eskimos are tiny.
Unless when they are actually brown, there are a lot of Turkish rape babies in Serbia and Croatia
who gives a fuck about vestigial mascles this is why chinks are gonna surpass us they realize its not about psychical dominance but mental dominance whoever has the best civilization and best nukes gets to boss the other around.
The only darkies are the dinarids in southern Croatia.
Educate your self, they are indo-european and kept their blood fairly pure due to living in mountains which were tough to access.
Bergmann's rule.
Volume increases faster than surface area, leading to better heat retention. Just growing bigger proportionally is probably the most simple adaptation.
What part of "tend to" did you not understand? Most of the Nordic people's are known for their size.
That's it user, thanks.
It actually decreases the size to strength ratio, but it does have the effect of increasing raw strength.
Lol, you mean like your football? One group of niggers versus another group of niggers, both owned by club owners who are always white? It looks like something out of Ancient Rome
Asians have tiny penises. They are all 160cm short and beta as fuck.
>that physique
I think I know how MMA guys discover their passion, they try bodybuilding but have terrible insertions and shitty genetics so they start beating the hell out of people.
that filthy subhuman african booty scratcher got schooled by THE REAL MAN THE WHITE MAN
unfit people gass. That's it.
Get an education, Europoors.
Croatian DNA overlaps with Hungarians, Germans and Bosnians not Slavs. Very little genetic overlap between Croatians and Serbs.
He's a Kurd mutt not Swiss
>Oezdemir was born in the French-speaking part of Switzerland to a Kurdish father and a Swiss mother.
Man this whole race angle this is so fucking stupid.
Stipe beat Ngannou because he is a much more experienced and strategic fighter. Ngannou is blessed with amazing genetics but those aren't enough to compensate against a much more experienced and varied fighter like Stipe.
Same thing that happened to Oezdemir. DC is a much more experienced and unpredictable opponent who everyone knows is probably one of the most dangerous opponents in a clinch, which he of course went for to mitigate Volkan's boxing style and ended up owning him on the ground.
Seriously being Black, White, or whatever isn't going to do much good for you against an opponent of close physical stats who heavily out-experiences you.
He's half Swiss and half Kurdish. He passes as white.
The fact that humans are subject to these biological principles and we live in this illogical liberal society that flagrantly ignores every instinct we have and all elements of natural order.
>leddit spacing
>opinion written like matter-of-fact
go back, faglord
Bodybuilders are fags.
They lack the cunning superiority of the Aryan race.
dodged every punch won 50 - 44
Apparently being intelligent and a high-achiever makes you not Black. fucking Ameritards
hahah no fuck you.
Don't try to claim our guy as your own.
That's all you westerners know how to do, steal cultures.
aesthetics vs function
bodybuilding is stupid if they can't use the muscles they develop
he's from ohio
love the intro lol
France is a nigger shithole too.
I eat frogs for breakfast. .|.
Based Stiopic with the immigrant mentality easilly outclassing Nigganou with his refugee mentality
He's a burger, and a fellow Ohiofag to boot. Get shit on!
Look who's talking...
Lol, you faggots stole our language and you still complain. I guess you have no shame.
The original Serbian language was far more similar to Bulgarian.
Bosnians are Slavs too mutt.
Are you one of those
>we wuz Germans and shiiieeet
Croats Ante?
Can't tell you two apart.
We have little overlap with you subhumans. We’re the ubermench.
Serb overlap: Bosnian, Bulgarian, Romanian
Croatian overlap: Hungarian, Bosnian, German
And Bosnians share no overlap with any Slavic countries.