Why are white supremacists such cowards IRL?


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Old news slowpoke

>footage of one coward white supremacist
>haha why are ALL white supremacists such cowards

Sup Forums logic

Terrible thread. Just #ReleaseTheMemo already!

death to LARPers

they're usually outnumbered by well organised leftist cancer.

Because they aren't going to let the media meme them to be chimpout white niggars that are so aggressive and angry and threatening.

No fag youre just a coward

what uniform was he wearing?

>makes me wonder about all the criminal niggers i see on camera....

Wasn't this guy outed as a liberal plant?

Dont feed this massive faggot. White Nationalism is real and indomitable. Let the rest of them have their echochamber. Let them think they a so bold and noble. We have already showed that we are still here. We always will be. We will not relinquish our stronghold on our futures ever again. It simply cannot be allowed. We will wait. Sure. That's fine. When time comes . . . YOU WILL KNOW WE NEVER LEFT!


There are thousands of those videos though, so....

Paid protestor. Jew you not see?

Standard Nazi uniform these days: white polo shirt with khaki pants.

You're so cool

>look man i'm just a soros shill to give NYT some shit to write about how nazis are dangerous, dont hit me

> Why are white supremacists such cowards IRL?

They are white supremacists BECAUSE they are cowards

There is no such thing as "white supremacists".
There was some sharterican organizations which were more like cults or FBI honeypots back in the day who used that slogan.
Then it got used by the media all the fucking time.
So some leddit edgelords and obese amermutt manchildren started declaring themselves as ""white supremacists"" to be edgy.

They can realize the consequences of their actions almost like time travelers.

>they are white supremacists because they sre cowards
>people who align with the most villified political belief, so hated that the mere association to it can get you fired from your job, university, lose your friends and family and be dismissed dishonorably from the military, those people are cowards.
Leftist logic is a meme lol

>why in a world where even saying you're proud of your white heritage can lose you your job would 'white supremacists' be such cowards

I don't know user

Only niggers appear on camera.

kek, i'm starting to think this board is actually filled with soyboys

Did this fucker say he was in jail?

Basically this. We'll see if the tides change


They are taught to hate but not taught to fight.

Why were all the supposed "death camps" only found in the Eastern territories that the Russians took over? Only concentration camps were found in the camps the allies checked?



>white supremacists
now i know you're a nigger. probably a woman

Where's Heather at?

americans are pussies, whether they are "white supremacists" or communists
dont compare them with Nordfront or anything of that sort

*Why are american white supremacists such cowards IRL?

In the situation of imminent conflict over trivial circumstances fueled by emotions.
Would you rather:

1. Keep on living life

2. Die

Seems legit... not staged at all. Lol this is a new low for anti fa, literally pretending to be white SUPREMEISTS getting humiliated in fake scenarios.

That's some real autism/desperation.

Your proofs? You're the one making the flimsy assertion.

And Fake News sources don't count.

Come on, cough it up or you're a toilet-drinking AIDS nigger with paper skull.

Gentle Reminder that Sup Forums is in shutdown mode because of the following thread:


Comments under the vid make me wanna kys.
>unironically starts talking about """white privilege"""
On how many levels of doublethink are leftists, to be exact? I support all forms of nationalism for all ethnicities, not any made-up social groups like "white race", because you have to have a fishbrain to unironically think a swede = an italian = a russian = a german = all same white people!!!!!
>be leftist
>think white people are privileged from birth
>hehe stupid white shupremaceests, there's like, no reason to proud of your race at all!
Are these people real? Are there shareblue bots on YouTube?

White people are nice until they aren't.
Let's see where the anti-white rhetoric goes.