"Girls just don’t have the brains to play chess"

Is Nigel Short /ourgrandmaster/?

Are you good at chess?

1v1 me faggot


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Women are terrible at chess. One of those women in the house though should go ahead and leak/#ReleaseTheMemo.

GG Tyrone.

>wasting your life with a memorization game known to drive good players totally insane
no thanks pal

The only reason you know it's a memorization game is because you remember it is and other things you remember remind you of the fact.

>pic related not our 5D chess master

You cracked it! You must be so smart!

no need for passive aggression, instead of being a retard prove me wrong.

Women are less obssessive. We have depth, they have breadth. We become specialised. It is not a reflection of the superiority of one sex vs the other, men are just more obsessive / autistic, so naturally the top 1% of any single domain, even cooking/arts/creativity, will be dominated by men.

Men are more autistic about shit.

chess makes you smart
but to be wise is more impotrant

It sorta looks like the sign says Condom Chess Classic

No, women have a much smaller IQ distribution making them centered around 100 IQ points. There are virtually no female geniuses or chess players because women on average are less smart than men and no women that claim the highest rungs of intelligence

why stop at chess, women don't have the brains to be running companies and countries effectively

Just because women have different brains doesn't mean they have less brains.
Although they probably actually do have smaller brains, their failure at chess isn't necessary reflective of that, it's entirely possible they are smarter in ways not required for chess - for example it's commonly accepted women are more geared towards emotional intelligence (which is why they can figure out what their children are thinking).

anyone down for a chess game?

Emotional intelligence is just a meme repeated to make stupid people feel clever too.

That's a cool story brah but if you've ever seen a good mother around children you'd know they've got something we don't.

Im 2100 so i am literally in the top 0.1% globally. AMA.


Go back to school and learn what a flatter distribution means. More genuises are men, which is why they dominate every subject imaginable, but most degenerates/criminals are also men. "On average" we are not any smarter, do you know what a fucking average means ? 1,10 vs 5,6.... Same average retard.

This is also important to state to end that mindset that women and men are enemies. No they are not. They have complementary roles.
>but roasties
Be indifferent to them. I'm not considering them as women, they're whores. But stop being a retard who thinks you should trick and make fun of women every chance you get, we are supposed to work together for a healthy society.
>but making fun of roasties
Only shows you care about them. Be indifferent, it's the most potent weapon. Only care about those worthwhile. Of course you first have to be worthwhile yourself to be accepted as one of the cool kids

Singles of truth.

I have...and they don’t. Keep painting with a broad brush though, it’s funny.

knight to e 5

>subject is women as a whole
>"You're painting with a broad brush"

Well duh! It wouldn't do anyone any good for me to start talking about how my aunt mavis is smarter than my dad now would it?

>Emotional intelligence is just a meme repeated to make stupid people feel clever too.
Is that not painting with a broad brush also?
Very disingenuous argument on your part.


great at games, horrible at chess.

Fischer was the greatest chess player of all time and he sounded perfectly sane and well adjusted.


When was the last time you saw a good mother? They are rare.

Jesus how painfully scripted


Sort yourself out nigga

Objectively, there might be truth to this. My girlfriend wanted me to play chess against her when we started dating. It was something she had picked up on her own and was playing against others.

Naturally, I was a bit rusty on the game, but I picked up quickly. I hadn't played in maybe 8 years and I beat her. She was surprised because she had been beating everyone. Over the course of weeks and months we made a habit of playing the game every few days. We started recording our matchup win/losses. We'd start in September, and finish a "season" of play come Spring. I won something like 38 games and she won about 9. I felt myself getting smarter and more aware of patterns and stuff while I feel like she didn't grasp them as quickly.

The key difference in our styles of play was something I noticed within a week or so of starting. I played the long game, allowing pieces to be taken or not getting worked up when I made a mistake and lost a vital piece to my plan, quickly changing my plans and finding strong alternatives. She, on the other hand, would generally do very well in the first half of a match, and then completely fall apart when I started to thrawrt various traps or, would take her by surprise with a move while she was too focused on her own plays. At which point, she would basically panic, and lose complete concentration, making brash, reckless moves and not thinking about the decisions like in the beginning of the game.

This happened almost every single time. It was interesting to witness. I even brought it up to her that if you just didn't let yourself get phased and relaxed about losing pieces, you would win more.

Take it as you will

It's supposed to be "understood" that it is scripted, and that is part of what makes it funny.

Is there some language barrier that is making you think it should of been super natural and not just goofy?

The female #1 Hou Yifan is currently playing in a tournament against the top grandmasters in the world (all men). Right now she stands in last place with 6 losses and 0 wins. This is by far the best female player in the world.

Fun fact: Chess used to be a game roughly equally popular with men and women as a casual recreational game until the late middle ages when the strength of the queen was greatly increased. This made the game significantly more difficult and volatile, turning the game much more competitive and making the game an almost exclusively male domain.

Ironically, making the only female chess piece stronger resulted in the near exclusion of female players from the game.

Check out GO
Highest ranked female is 123rd, and the next after her 175th

This was a tribute to Isabella of Spain.

Thats a btfo.

It was probably something like "lets have a woman play in the mens tournament to show how progressive we are and promote feminism." not realizing they were subjecting her to getting mentaly raped.

>Literally Hou

Seconding. The only women actually good or better than men in their jobs or hobbies are ugly and autistic.

kek, don't change straya

>We have depth, they have breadth
It's spelled "breasts."

Thank you for saving me from having to post this

She may not be better than the top men but she sure as hell is fucking better than all the men who didn't even make it to that tournament. Just saying.

What does it feel like to be that retarded?
Is it like a constant fog of confusion?
Or is it like a warm bath of ignorance?

Women don't care about or are incapable of seeing patterns and logic unlike men who can be autistic at this shit. Your gf just probably made knee-jerk moves while you actually understood the game and used creativity and intelligence. I was also rusty on the game but when I started autistically playing on lichess a few months ago I shot up from an ELO rating of about 900 to 1200 within weeks through sheer wit (*tips fedora*)

How is she retarded? You don't just get to face the top grandmasters without beating other players up the hierarchy first.

How do i know if a woman is a roastie or not?

So "warm bath" then.