Is the thesis of Mein Kampf accurate? were all of Hitler's failures the fault of Jews and he had no responsibility for any of it?
Is the thesis of Mein Kampf accurate...
Sounds like you never read it.
I read it twice and found it pretty whiny.
Also, sage this faggot liar.
no. Obvs.
didn't david irving say that mein kampf might be not original from hitler? irving preferred the table talks of hitler and other books and said that he never read mein kampf because it cannot be verified to be from hitler.
HItler was a socialist. Of course he blamed someone else for his problems.
Mein Kampf is freaking bad desu. Or at least the one i read so I don't know if its the original.
and also he was a terrible writer and so insecure and he had ONE BALL and a small penis
that's one more ball than you have.
being a expert on hitlers balls. i can say he had 2.
The translation matters a lot.
No. Read the Stalag version. If people wanted to know what the hell was going on in the world today they only need to read that book and what has happened in the 90 years after it came out can be clearly explained.
That's not the thesis, shill. Cool flag
So what's the best version of Mein Kampf?
Preferably one available on Amazon
If you haven't joined a fascist/ pro white movement yet you are part of the psyop.
You're an illiterate if you think that was in any way the thesis.
mein Kampf was a literally nothing more than a propaganda piece specifications tailored for the specific troubles of the time, it's the equivalent of reading a modern day's eceleb biography, I don't know why so many people on Sup Forums nowadays find it to be essential reading
>I read it twice and found it pretty whiny.
you clearly didn't sage faggot
It was written by a failed young artist of course it's shit
t. didn't read it
That's true, hitler didn't read it - it was kempfle a jesuit.
>announce you want to create a 1000 year empire in Europe
>expect nobody to try to stop you
was Hitler autistic?
>Reads Mein Kampf
>Thinks the book is about how Jews are responsible for Hitler's personal problems....
You should read How to Read a Book.
Hmm, you should go read it a few more times and perhaps a few other books on Sup Forums's "must read" list before you post anymore. If you don't understand Mein Kampf then I don't know why you would post here, it seems like any important thread and even many of the less-important threads and jokes would be lost on you
I've been listening to it on audiobook lately.
His critique of democracy is pretty good.
And the sad state of a low-culture society out of touch with its history...
Hitler had so much empathy for his perceived ingroup that he had negative empathy for everybody outside of it.
A lack of understanding how others react to his behavior and words.