They are everywhere, they even suggest a new referendum now for no good reason.
Brits, why are your Remoaners so strong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because we are going to #ReleaseTheMemo!
Brexit isn't happening, cap my post.
>They are everywhere, they even suggest a new referendum now for no good reason.
* 37% of eligible voters voted for BREXIT
* Brits living in the EU are pissed, because they were not allowed to vote
* Model Kanada (Free Trade alone) does not work because it would necessitate to split Northern Ireland (DUP does not like that)
* Model Norway (Common market without having a say in the rules) is politically not en vogue ("WHAT DID WE EVEN VOTE FOR?")
* There are also the lies (NHS & co).
But this second Referendum won't fly, for whatever reason, because Farage pushes it.
Best course of action would have been to build capabilities for the exit over a longer period. Or rather, find out: What does it REALLY mean, to exit.
I think they are idiots all around (EU politicians, British politicians, British EU politicians, ...). Then there are the three cowards that fled after shit hit the fan (Prime minister, Boris, Farage, ...).
What good does it do to rush things? Or alternatively to stubbornly cling to it at ANY cost? Is forming a European Hegemon (incl. Britain) really that bad of a thing?
What lies would remain use on a second one anyway
They claimed EU Army and Super state were both scare tactics by leavers
But EU is pushing hard openly for both
>Is forming a European Hegemon (incl. Britain) really that bad of a thing?
They did not expect to lose, they are so used to forcing their agenda onto everyone that it really hurts them to lose.
>Is forming a European Hegemon (incl. Britain) really that bad of a thing?
Was every single other time some retarded kraut tried it, why would it be different this time?
>Perfectly possible
Love how they talk about a second referendum but we've already triggered Art.50 and after 2 years the EU can boot us out even if we wanted to stay
In the event of a hard, no deal, brexit. Who do you think will erect the border between north and south Ireland?
Because it was not tried via force, but through long and tedious negotiation?
I have no idea. But someone is going to get pissed.
Because the Daily Mail says so.
If Brexit fails I'm gonna cry for those poor Brit bastards
Break down the difference between military force and economic force if you would be so kind.
Do what we did in the past. "Lend-Lease" some firepower to fight it if it really gets that bad.
Well I guess.
>Defence cuts leave Britain vulnerable to an attack from Putin: Head of the Army warns of dangers of UK failing to 'keep up' with Russia's military strength
Nice army you have there.
>someone is going to get pissed.
Yes but who? Because if you can think forward then you will know who won't want hard brexit. Will the UK force NI to do it or will EU force Ireland?
Rich leftists need as jewy an economy as possible. They are fighting for their salaries and fairly upper class positions.
Because they are essentially a burden on society.
They could negotiate a trade deal regarding NI too.
??? too late m8s
>17th Jan 2018
>Westminster approves EU exit by 324 vs 295
That's it. It's done, and properly democraically too. Incidentally we should make a list of the 295 MPs who decided democracy by referendum was a chore.
In answer to your question: they are not strong, they merely have the backing of corporaye media, which even canadian JP managed to show means jack shit in current year by simply being polite and sticking to facts.
Why can't we post images lads?
>economic force
Muh economic warfare? They could have stayed out altogether.
That one historian posited that not joining at the start (when they were negotiating trade) was a mistake. As was not mentioning that the EU was a political project with its own merits, instead of insisting that it wasn't political.
The delcine of the EEC started appropriately enoughin 1984, when the former socialist-leaning members realised that this right wing economic partnership was succeeding not only to help Europe compete globally as one, but also represented an existential threat to ttheir batshit leftist rhetoric. So they fucked it and turned it into the EU a propos of nothing, certainly no mandate.
The question isn't specifically to brexit, but to the goal of a hegemonic, post-national, pan-european superstate.
When the goal is the same what is functionally different between military control and economic control. Aside from the basic 'bad PR' inherent with military expansionism.
Many individuals in EU states are languishing under the yoke of economic control forced upon them by this process (doesn't Spain have +50% youth unemployment still?)
Leave was primarily a working class vote. A lot of the strongest results came from where the Conservatives really fucked over the working class industry in places like Sunderland when they got rid of the shipyards and stuff.
>yfw the EU feels a bit like a spiritual successor to the Roman Empire. Territorial ambitions in the mediterrean and all (Sphere of Influence as a Think Tank put it).
>When the goal is the same what is functionally different between military control and economic control.
Neatly side-stepping the question if it happened against the will.
I hope a superstate has its economy and military under control.
>under the yoke of economic control
Taking the money as long as its convenient. TARGET2-saldi, ECB having to buy state bonds.
I guess at present it does not prevent you from fucking up your own country.
Again you keep going back to interstate relations rather than the overarching question YOU are directly in this very fucking thread advocating for.
What is the difference, to an individual, between being unable to work or feed his family because the EU shipped his jobs away and some military power expanding and destroying his factory. He had no say in his country joining the EU just like he had no say in some country invading his.
You asked 'Why is a pan-european hegemon a bad thing' well throughout history it has demonstorably failed, so why would it succeed now, you responded with "Well it's Economic not Military!" and now i'm asking you what is, functionally, the difference when the end goal is the same?
>Is having a supranational entity deciding everything for your country and rendering your parliament almost useless really that bad of a thing?
Some people would rather be ruled by their local peers instead of foreign bureaucrats. It's called self-determination, they have a right to choose.
>but through long and tedious negotiation?
Turns out brits weren't happy with negotiating away their sovereignty.
>I guess at present it does not prevent you from fucking up your own country.
Really funny saying that you're all using a coin crafted by germans for their needs. Maybe if the EU wasn't so fucking hellbent on creating a federation, governments would be able to tackle their own problems individually instead of being forced a one size fits all german/belgian "solution".
>MPs voted against this
Aren't politicians usually smart enough to suck dick in order to improve their image and stay in office? In the US this would have passed Congress with at least 80% of Congressmen voting yes out of fear they'd get branded anti-democratic and voted out. Are British MPs just absolute madmen who don't care about stuff like that?
British politicians are honest enough to do what their paid for. That a lot are paid by international corporations, is beside the point.
I said this would happen right after the first Brexit vote.
They will REVOTE over and over and over until they get the result they want.
There will be no Brexit!
Because a British or Anglo hegemon is not only far superior, it's what this planet and this species needs.
A broke democracy can be fixed.
It's already done, son
You're a poof, m8 - I'll knock your cunt right in whether you agree with Brexit or not
>It's already done, son
Wait... they will revote.
>Brits living in the EU are pissed, because they were not allowed to vote
But they were tho. Only people who weren't allowed are people who've been gone for more than 10 years, and frankly if you've been gone that long you shouldn't get a say since it's no longer your country.
A conventional war on a nuclear armed state? When has that happened?
>* There are also the lies (NHS & co).
Just like the remain arguments which were 100% based on lies?
>* Brits living in the EU are pissed, because they were not allowed to vote
Completely wrong, why should I believe any of the other garbage in your post when you're outright lying?
like the EU has a hard time forcing ireland to do things
based putin getting revenge for the crimean war
Because centralisation of power has been tried before. It didn't work out very well.
Centralisation of power just means the most corrupt people in the world only have to corrupt 1 organisation instead of 28.
Every pro-EU politician is a corporate shill or a fucking idiot.
Wondering why image replies are disabled? It's because of this thread:
So besides the london part I want to know what is the process that takes to get a shotgun, rifle and handgun along with both ammo and reloading set up in the U.K.
What is the culture, attitude and reaction people outside of mahor cities have on guns and those that own them? How do the police outside of cities treat those that have legally acquired said guns compared to those that are in major cities?
I know that it is illegal to shoot a random drunken idiot that accidentally waltz into your house but what about the one that breaks in and legit is trying to murder your wife and kids or any family relatives with a weapon? Is it theoretically legal to use lethal force then and explain why you where forced to do so to protect your family?
Can't make thread because somehow gook moot fucked up again and now unable to post with an image because it comes up as "ERROR UPLOAD FAILED"
>why are your Remoaners so strong?
because we are the true white europeans
brexiteers are a bunch of pakis
absolute cods whallop
there won't be a 2nd referendum, its pretty much impossible to actually initiate it at this point, way too much bureaucracy.
Because George Soros bought it last year for 18 Billion.
Farage literally never said he wanted one
The Marxist types are incredibly strong in the UK. I'd say more so even than America in terms of their influence on politics and equal to in terms of university campuses.
should've just left immediately and told the EU to fuck itself, this is what you get for electing a remainer(and voting Tory at all, really)
Your gonna be remoaning to Mohammad in the next election unless u help the war effort
Gentle Reminder that Sup Forums is in shutdown mode because of the following thread:
In matters relating to Brexit, Theresa has the authority of the crown.
Anyone challenging Brexit is challenging the Queen.
>Brits, why are your Remoaners so strong?
Squeaky wheel syndrome. Remainers are mostly middle-class and occupy media positions, thus giving a distorted image. Middle-class Remainers also make themselves busy, have occupations that afford them the luxury of being able to tweet all day and phone in to radio shows. You can't really understand Brexit unless you understand the British class system.
while I wouldn't dispute the OP itself, why would they SHUT IT DOWN because of that thread when 'the shutdown' causes the offending thread to be not only not deleted but thousands of posts longer than usual?
also this but not all middle class are brainwashed. Just the vast majority...
Lots of normies are scared by "experts" and loud lefties.
Daily reminder. Brexit was never going to happen. Been saying this since the day after the referendum. Stop believing you live in a democracy, otherwise you're just setting yourself up for continual disappointment.
Most remoaners are in London, most media outlets are in London.
Simple really.
>unless u help the war effort
fuck off vlad
Because everybody in Europe south of Vienna are lazy, workshy, inbred siesta takers.
>Muh economic warfare?
Do you realize how many fucking wars were fought of "muh economic warfare"?
In addition to what answers you already have. Hegemony in Europe means German hegemony (yet again, will we really need to march once more?), and it's going to remain so unless Germany can't help itself by sending back the goons they brought in recent years.
It's a sad state of affairs though since European states are puny compared to the big players, if they don't unite in hegemony (i.e bend over to Germany). Would France and Britain really have any leverage against, for instance, China, if they didn't have the whole of EU's economical prowess backing up their claims to power? If Europe falls, we're in for dark times: the Americans are going back under the rock they came from before WWII and the Chinese are far less keen on humanitarianism, even less than Europe was back when they colonized Africa. The next colonization is not going to be pretty, even having the last one as the standard.
cute image