>Including black women, black men, the LGBTQ, etc
Is he right?
Other urls found in this thread:
No. He's a fucking retard.
In fact, can anyone be Black Panther?
>They keep casting white people in people of colours roles
>REeeeee anyone can be Batman
lolno. Only Bruce Wayne can.
No, but go for it. Not like DC is going to get their head out of their ass anytime soon. Hurry up and make Bruniqua "Lil" Waynesmith so it can bomb and we can get the fucking cartoon back already.
>Fat tranny in a skin tight bagman Halloween costume struggling to get through a doorway
>The high pich gay voice
“I’m Batman”
No. Literally only an empathetic white rich person with good genes who went through a lot of
childhood trauma could become Batman.
they will try to make it happen but any movies they make with a non white male batman will flop and flop hard. so if the studios want to buy into this blank slate nonsense they will have to take the financial loss for it as well.
No, Batman is white.
Go make your own shitty superhero.
per-requisits of being batman
>born in to money
>orphaned in tragical circumstances
>grew up with angst manifesting in closed off personality
>trained extensively marshal arts
>increased the family wealth to billionaire status
>strict code of conduct and major analytical capabilities
>suspicious towards people bordering to psychos
with the above mentioned traits we can safely exclude the overwhelming majority of people and with almost hundred percent certainty dismiss the possibility of him being anything other than a fucking white male ( with the distant very, very-possibility of him being far east asian)
lowering the standards in order to fit in is a leftist ideology
Ignore this slide thread. They are trying to distract you from the current happening.
Batmans also most likely non-sexual and has no sex drive
Can anyone be black panther or any other black superheros?
he'd be called bat mane if he was a black guy
This is literally the most insufferably obnoxious video I've ever seen. He can't stay on topic for 5 seconds.
As long as Tom Cruze can play Shaft.
only batman can be batman. that's what makes him batman. gas these degenerates.
>niggers don't make movies
>jews do
No shit, that's what the Black Panther is, also he's also supreme dictator of a walled ethno-state that bars refugees, so that's nice too.
He's basically Batman: Improved
>Anyone can be Batman
is this meant to be some kind of call for people to become vigilantes?
>I'm batman, and you are, too. Carry that with you wherever you go.
>Vicky Vale
>Salina Kyle
>Silver St Cloud
>Talia Al Ghul
>Jezebel Jet
>Jaina Hudson
>Wonder Woman
Anyone can be Martin Luther Kang?
any one can post horseshit on youtube
who cares?
board is gone
enjoy your last few
Sup Forums is absolutely kill. It's been fun lads. Keep on memeing into the ether.
What a shitty last thread
He should also be blind, and in a wheelchair.
Is it a secret that minorities want to be white? They have hijacked every other facet of white society so why not?
What’s happening?
Both things are fucking stupid, caused by jews, and should stop.
Image uploading, and making new threads, has been disabled for 4 hours on all boards.
Holy fuck at the comments. "His white privilege allows him to beat up disenfranchised people".
gookmoot did not pay the bills?
Are there other sites affected?
CIA can't keep operating Sup Forums, thanks to the indefinite government shutdown.
That or some false flag shit, or smoking gun is being posted, so they cant risk allowing it to be disseminated.
Is no one going to point out this faggots arms don’t even fill his sleeves?
The title "Batman" can belong to people other than Bruce Wayne but they have to at least be a man or else they default to Batwoman or Batgirl
>man that identifies as a fucking bat
Its like hes the original leftist retard.
don't disrespect Batman you piece of shit
All women he "near-missed" in fact he had no sexual relations with any of these women.
And no, the movies arent cannon
Then what is canon, since Batman has had several with at least three of those women in the comics.
Or BatFag
He had a son with at least one of them
but anyone cannot be black panther etc. right?
If anyone can be batman then anyone can be tifa. SIGN THE PETITION TO BRING THE ORIGINAL TIFA BACK
>Click here
Matt Damon is being cast to play Black Panther in the sequel.
How do they react?
No because Batman is a real person and the movies are documentaries about his life.
sure. but can every batman sell movie tickets?
Bruce is the male version of the Virgin Mother?
Well Damian is very AntiChrist
The main difference is Batman's not wearing hockey pads.
why haven't there been a comic yet where all the disenfranchised murders and crooks take to the street BLACKLIVESMATTER style after Batman sends someone to the hospital.
what, you dont like falafal?
Batman is an orphan boy who lost his parents at the opera. Bull fucking shit is it Daquan under the cowl
And Dick Grayson, and Jean Paul Valley, and Hugo Strange, and any one else who decides to pick up the cape and cowl. just so happens they're all white though. Sorry, blacks and gays. only canonical characters get to be the bat.