Kakistocracy noun, plural kakistocracies...

kakistocracy noun, plural kakistocracies. A kakistocracy (English pronunciation: /kækJsˈtɑkɹəsi/) is a system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.
> word root kαkός
>Proto-Indo-European root *kakka- (“to defecate”)

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a fucking shitpost.

Shit is archiving now. Posts not going through

More like kikeocracy

Kakka only exists in Armenian and in Romance languages.


rip Sup Forums

>system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.
Thats called a democracy

Also in Slavic languages, as well as Greek.

Sup Forums confirmed Indian supremacist

The word comes from the Greek words kakistos (worst) and kratos (rule).

test test nigger nigger nigger

double click the image link work for anyone else?


It worked for me but I can't get any images

No. You borrowed it from us Indo-Europeans. We are far more superior than you.

Wtf this is the last thread created in the catalog.
Someone randomly said some other thread would be the last thread.
What's going on?


You're fucking cuck

Ching chong ping pong.

Just tried and failed to upload an image.

haaahaa look at thoossse digits CHECK 'EM!! XDD

hey dont say that word its offensive to my race

wtf is this, senpai?!?

It means shit in finnish.

Word " Kakat " is " to poe " is also in Czech.

This Is The World Order
We Have Been Living In A Global Kakistocracy For Over Five Thousand Years
Wake The Fuck Up
End The BIS/Euro Royal Control Of The World

Caca means poo in french too

>You borrowed it from us Indo-Europeans.
Is there evidence to rule out *kakka being an even older word inherited by Uralic and IE separately?