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saved for when it inevitably flops, and these same retards blame it on white racism
*watches every single MCU movie except Black Panther and just reads a synopsis online*
Nothing personnel.
its called torrenting
>Literally starts a war on film, tv, and video games because they don't have characters for minorities to identify with as the lead character often enough
>pretending anyone white ever has a problem identifying with a character they don't look like
This person so butthurt to make a point that society doesn't give a fuck and will look at him as a scapegoat to the shill machine
>implying anyone who identifies with the views espoused on Sup Forums watches capeshit
Enjoy """converting""" all those soyboys whom were already completely submitted to you
>white nerds are gonna have to learn to identify with someone [who comes from a rich, successful society with an intact social structure and long history])
>And white nerds are going to have to see it
Yeah that's the thing actually with these recent politically motivated movies lately, they are finding out that white nerds actually *don't* have to go see the movie and would rather spend their time elsewhere
>Hollywood proves again that they are racist by needing to put together a cast of black actors, because blacks are not allowed to just be blacks in their movies.
Blade was a good movie.
the only niggers that are superheroes are the ones that kill themselves by ODing on crack
This brilliance again ay?
Arnt the nerds who watch cape shit ready the same soyboy who want a black bull?
It's another 20 something pea brained entertainment reporter larping as a sociologist and psychologist episode
Yesss goyim, you HAVE TO go see this spearchucker movie made with gibs, it's enlightening.
Honestly I don't give a fuck about Black Panther being black, he is Marvel character that is black, and would have got to see it not even caring about race if it wasn't for these smug goddamn liberals race baiting.
Want to race bait, fine, you crashed another movie and added to racial strain you smug piece of shits.
The point of fantasy is fantasy, injecting politics in it ruins the escape factor.
I still think we need to push the idea that Alt-Right people are going to see it because it demonstrates how strong a country surrounded by a wall, doesn't give foreign aid, and doesn't take immigrants can be. It is the Purest example of why Trump's America will be great.
Maybe we can get the SJW's to denounce the film.
still a faggit
>saved for when it inevitably flops
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's going to.
Which makes sense, because 95% of nigs will go to see this, in addition to the usual Capeshit audience of nu-males. When blacks go see a movie en masse, it always does well, even if no white people go. That is why Tyler Perry movies always debut at #1, despite no white people seeing them.
>They are going to have to learn how to identify...
I like how they make the assumption that white nerds don't like black superheroes. Black Panther and Luke Cage are the SHIT. They're some of my favorite Marvel heroes.
Also, they're in for a surprise when they realize Black Panther is basically Black Trump Superhero. Walled off, xenophobic country that hordes its natural resources and treats non-Wakandans like shit and sees other Africans as garbage because they're living in mud huts when they could be bettering themselves.
I think it's funny that Luke Cage got really popular among blacks until they realized his character DESTROYS gangs on a regular basis.
This will actualy be the first marvel movie im going to torrent since iron man 2, just so that i can keep up with the WE shitposts this will inevitably spawn.
Most of us grew up watching Blade, Spawn, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, etc. Race isn’t an issue here because it wasn’t shoved down our throats. These were good movies that happened to have minority leads, not movies designed to capitalize off of their minority leads simply being a different race.
Black panther might even be good, but likely identity politics poisoned the script.
Woah, you mean like every fucking TV show, movie, song, or book since 1989? These fucking unrelatable character have been around for quite some time now. It used to be you'd have "The Jeffersons" or "Fat Albert" for the blacks, and whites had their "Falcon Crest" or "He-Man".
Now? Everything is unrelatable because none of it is realistic in the sense of real lessons learned or hypothetical situations with a real-life factual basis.
How long will this SJW marketing scheme work?
The marketing tactics of having SJW Journalists write thinkpieces about movies (Wonder Woman, Star Wars, now Black Panther) is the most blatant Jewish trick I have ever seen
It's going to have conservative values and blacks are going to hate it.
Superhero movies have always been and will always be garbage
> Tfw work gives you free movie tickets so you haven't paid for a movie in over 2 years
your move hollywood
What is it with black people and forcing their "biggest, blackest" into white people?
Good for them, nigs deserve to have at least one decent movie with a nig character. Just like Django, though we got to share that one.
None of the geral nogs going to see it live in Wakanda and would think Vibranium is some kind of dance white people do.
>Thought I was going to see a historical movie about the Black Panther party from the 60's
>Its a superhero movie
If you “Identify” with a fictional character you need to see a therapist.
You’re supposed to empathize with fictional characters, not identify, and empathy is something that transcends race.
ergo, this author should kill himself
>watches every single MCU movie
The absolute state of wh*toids
BREAKING: all white nerds are on Sup Forums
No one cares. I'm not seeing this movie and even if I did I wouldn't care about the opinion of some monkey.
>Implying I'm going to see it.
Last movie I saw in theaters was Blade Runner 2049.
It's important that you goyim have learned self-helplessness when it comes to dealing with the african migrants we are sending to your country. Surely you understand, we cannot have them in the holy lands? No. You need to be prepared to handle all the africanization and you are not tolerated to resist even the slightest.
I don't know man. I liked the Raimi Spider-Man movies. I just don't give a fuck anymore though. Fuck comics. Fuck movies. Fuck video games.
Black Panther is NOT going to flop because it connects directly to Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Infinity War is NOT going to flop.
>Giving (((Disney))) my money
I’ll stay in my temple of iron to build myself into a super hero.
I completely agree with you. Spider-Man 2 was kino as fuck.
It's blaxploitation, fuck it.
This kind of shit only matters to people who base everything on race aka racists aka blacks and liberals
>impying the story isnt going to be racewashed and wakanaidn is goi g to take immgrients or some shit .
or they will pull the double think, that is only racist if whites do it
i hope it bombs.
Black panther is alt right. Wakanda is a negro ethnostate.
i'd see this in a black theater just to watch the audience. what level of whiteness is the villain? 56% or talcum x tier?
>I'm not racist but all white people are literally incapable of understanding anyone who isn't exactly like them and have zero empathy
Same thought here. When people talk about white nerds the image invoked for me now are tech sector soygoys from california who are already down for the bbc.
It's true, this movie is very powerful for many reasons
1. It's a movie so it has a massive impact on society and global culture
2. It's a marvel movie so it will be very nuanced and down to earth
3. There are black people in it and they aren't slaves (this is the first movie to do that)
4. The protagonist is black (also a first)
5. It will make a lot of money which is good for black people (for obvious reasons)
I'm going to buy twenty tickets to this movie and live off rice and beans for a few weeks, it's okay because that money will go towards creating a better world where black people can succeed
>"going to have to learn to identify with someone who doesn't look like them, who doesn't live where they live, who doesn't talk or act the way they do"
Can't really empathize with an aliens.
Quality shitpost, leaf.
Yeah, a literal god, billionaire, supersoldier and scientist who constantly quip and live in mansions is literally me
Kind of like when a black president runs...
i hope they push identity politics so hard that people just don't go and see it so they can blame the russians.
They keep saying these things but I know for a fact that I never even saw any of the Star Warses. Not even the first one.
>Most of us grew up watching Blade, Spawn, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, etc. Race isn’t an issue here because it wasn’t shoved down our throats.
fucking this
The blackest movies ever were madea’s movies and the other movies by that director, he even uses his own studio so the whilte elites get less money. Marvel isnt owned by blacks so who *really* benifiting here?
It looks decent. I'm glad it will make white people think. Wow what's wrong with American blacks when Africans are so capable.... I don't see any saying pants or baby Mama's in the movie... Hmmm
I actually want to see this movie.
i wont pay for it though
>will have to
But at least they're being realistic now. The only time their backwards views and politics could possibly have any credibility is in a science fiction movie for children and they know it.
Just don't watch their movies and pretend they don't exist, soon enough they'll disappear.
sorry, the blackest movie ever was black dynamite.
make blaxploitation great again.
>nerds are going to have to go see it
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Black Panther is literally alt right. The man is woke.
Blacula is better. Black Afro Vampires and everything.
You're a good Joe
They're shilling it so hard here because they know China is not going to be interested at all.
Why is Hollywood churning out a black identitiarian movie named after a far left terrorist group?
Since when do movie theaters take EBT cards?
>Which makes sense, because 95% of nigs will go to see this, in addition to the usual Capeshit audience of nu-males.
sounds like when Obama ran for office.
>having empathy
imagine being this big of a faggot
Because black panther was a marvel character before the black panther movement
It is probably going to be the biggest failure for any marvel film in asia. Chinks/Japs don't care about gorilla fighting.
i dont know anything about all that.But the world looks cool to me.I saw a clip with a nigger in a green suite with a plate hanging out of his lip. I was like wtf.
Honestly i wanna see the white south african guy. His character looks super interesting
No, he's based. Being woke means doing yoga, going to BLM rallies and understanding the wage gap and gender spectrum.
Wow, you mean not all movie protagonists are fat losers who still live with their parents in the UK and shitpost on Sup Forums all day?
Because if they're not I already can identify with people who aren't like me.
>Hollywood exposed as degenerate pedo infested hell hole.
>also exposed to be run by Jews and serves as nothing more than a propoganda tool used to control the masses
>red pilled white people stop buying tickets out of disgust
>every single black person be like sheeeeeiiiiiiitttt. They coming out wit dat new black power black panther movie! Take my money please.
>A bunch of people who never heard of black panther before this movie think people who read black panther pre-cuck era are going to watch the movie.
Its laughable, because before the sjw takeover black panther was the Mussolini of black nationalism.
i preferred scream blacula scream desu.
>White nerds are going to have to see it
>Have to
That's not how it works.
Demonstrably that's not how it has been working
These fucking dumb niggers, white comic nerds are the only people gave a fuck about black panther in the first place. This stupid nigger character wouldnt even exist without white nerds
Even some of the biggest Marvel fans are worried about Black Panther and the direction its going to be in.
Here are my predicitions.
>Wakanda is only possible because EVIL WHITEY wasn't around.
>They will push this point through the entire movie.
>The white cast members (Captain America and Winter Soldier) will be mocked by the blacks and made to feel guilty.
>Black Panther will be pushed to be the main Avenger when Stark dies to Thanos in the next Avengers movie.
Remember Disney is full on SJW mode now. Its going to start being pushed in the movies alot harder too.
Kind of sad. I was looking forward to Thanos being on the big screen, but its just going to be used to push BLM WE WUZ KANGZ bullshit in the end.
>Watching capeshit
You're a dumb faggot
>when you fail to realize Jews giving away things for free are not in your best interest
This user understands
What are you talking about, man? Black Dynamite was pastiche. The best blaxploitation movies in particular order are: Disco Godfather, Shaft, Shaft in Africa, Superfly. and Black Caesar.
it wasnt funded by blacks so blacks didnt make the profits. THATS why it is blackxpoltation
If i get bored i will illegally download it.
I completely agree with you. I'm so disillusioned as a 29-year-old man (I'm going to turn 30 next month) that I'm reverting to my original goals as a very young child: To be the world's first REAL superhero, to be an astronaut and to be a ninja. I have realised for quite a while now that I can become all three at the same time simply by awakening my siddhis. For example, I can be a ninja-themed superhero who has awakened a siddhi which enables me to survive in outer space without a space suit (among other siddhis that I plan to awaken). So me being able to survive in outer space without a space suit would make me a ninja-themed superhero astronaut. And I have one more goal - to achieve liberation from the cycle of birth and death in this incarnation of mine. I do NOT want to reincarnate after this incarnation of mine. Once I awaken my siddhis, I will become the world's first REAL superhero. My superhero name will be 'Dragon Man' (because I'm a Dragon, according to the Chinese zodiac). I know it will be a hard and thankless life, but I am ready for it. I am training hard right now to awaken my siddhis.
seriously this entire genre is just scifi for 5 year old children.
I dont understand how anyone over the age of 10 watching capeshit anything.
No, this is the blackest movie ever made. Not a single white person was remotely involved in its creation.
The fictional African country that Black Panther is set in is a nation that never experienced colonialism. That means it is ethnically homogenous. We need to seize the initiative here and brand Black Panther as the film of the Alt Right because it shows that a ethnically homogenous society can lead to a technologically advanced utopia.
>Black People Are Sneaking Into Movie Theaters with Camcorders to Bootleg The New Marvel Movie, Here's Why That's a Good Thing
>You Can Only Torrent Black Panther if You Are Black
Yeah it was never a problem for white people. Jackie Chan Adventures was always cool.
You're Aboman.
Your super power is getting drunk and falling asleep on the road.
why would you even torrent this?