DOJ/FBI burner phones

This is now our FBI and DOJ- using burner phones to avoid detection. Nothing but a bunch of common criminals.

At least this report claims the OIG is on to it:

Other urls found in this thread:


I remember seeing some guy answer one during an interview, obvious little burner phone i even recognized the ringtone; I can't remember who it was, maybe schumer?

wat wat?

where has out Nordbro been?

>Nothing but a bunch of common criminals.
you will notice where any newspaper article mentions the bust of a big criminal they always are carrying a blackberry, you must use a blackberry if you communicate with people who classified access

No they aren't, ask me how I know.
Blatantly false.

>No they aren't, ask me how I know.
I'm ready for a fresh new LARP, hit me with it

how do you know -.-

wat wat wat?

>Blatantly false.
uh huh sure paco, make sure you grab some fabreeze while you're out Sanchez

do you suck dicks?


sweet thread. i hope you don't mind doing plug something. fuck commies and fuck cartels


This is OP has started and is now ongoing

Find your flag & print some of these fuckers:

Game Plan:
1. Posters started to go up last night on campuses & public spaces around the world!
2. Bonus points for putting them in feminism & SJW related areas: social science & psychology departments, women's & gender studies departments, office doors of feminist profs, etc.
3. Please do not commit vandalism or do anything illegal
4. Translations are available for over 25 countries
5. Only use the official versions of the poster:

Antifa is shitting themselves over this: Forums-ready-new-poster-campaign-target-womens-studies-departments-campus-january-21st/

So is the SPLC:

but Ben Garrison has given MBMC the green light:

along with The Golden One, Peter Sweden, Jack Posobiec, Tara McCarthy, Millennial Woes, LA Werewolf & many more

Ignore shills, stick to the plan & only use the official versions from the main website:

>Blatantly false.
you must be using a blackberry if you are communicating with a government employee who has classified data on their phone

government employees don't use iphones

this. fire away

I'm a law enforcement buff and I used to worship the FBI. They were my heroes as a kid.

Now they disgust me. What a terrible fall from grace. Corrupted by Obama and Clinton. Truly disgusting.

Feds always trying to steal my swag

wat wat wat wat

Show us da wey

in the butt

sure they don't

wat wat wat wat wat?

Yes, if you google schumer + soros you will see his little burner phone on the table.

ignore the fact that its WaPO, the underlying reporting is sound.
It's obvious to everyone that smartphones are the easiest devises to crack into, by virtue of the fact that they are 1.) using data, therefore constantly pinging the tower, and 2.) in most cases you cannot physically remove the battery.
This makes it extremely easy for anyone to track the phones location, and intercept all communication both to and from said device.

disposable phones which can be easily obtained and used without providing (in some cases) any form of ID. The problem however is twofold, 1.) the same manufacturers who produced your smartphone produce the vast vast majority of easily obtainable burner phones, and they built them with the same backdoors. 2.) no matter what, you cant escape the cell towers.

example: An individual is being actively hunted by mil/law enforcement. He is pretty sly, and knows a thing or two about tradecraft. He purchases his burner phone from a location that requires no id and starts using it. IMMEDIATELY the phone pings a tower and the meta data is sucked into the database. Now that phone number is known, as well as the substance of the conversations he is having. Now, despite that this guy is still pretty smart, so every time he is done using the phone, he turns it off and removes the battery thus nullifying the hunters ability to remotely access the phone and force it to ping towers, thereby revealing it's location. All he is doing is delaying the inevitable.

His voice, syntax, grammar, key words, etc. are already being actively compiled into a profile which can be accessed and verified against live conversation in a matter of seconds.
Big data is the key that closed the burner gap. No mater how often the phone is switched, or how often the user shifts his location, it all flows back to the profile.

No such thing as gubmint employees walking around with classified data on cellphones (what's a SCIF?) (((atleast not employees who should be)))

But Hollywood films taught us the IC is tracking everyone via 3D radiation mapping using any radio-frequency equipment and identifying the person in real life using both imagine recognition and unique radiation patterns.

How on earth is using a burner phones bypass the mega data collection and following? Or the films overestimated IC capabilities.

That being said, the use cases are pretty small CONUS. The vast majority of fed employees actually care about the constitution.

Overseas however? Wild west.

How does this prove that the FBI/DOJ doesn't benefit from burner phones? In order to join the FBI/DOJ, you've already consented to polygraph tests/etc. and realistically forfeited many of your paper rights as a private citizen; so that isn't the central issue here.

kek. Vastly overestimated.

Until about six years ago, it was a very time consuming process to actually find and roll up the individual in question.

a "burner" phone costs 200sek with a sim card in swe, why would you not use one? have fun being monitored fags

There is massive data collection, but having a shitton of data is entirely different from being able to find a single piece of information in that data.

Imagine I gave you 100 books. How long would it take you to find a single sentence in those books?

Great point. I suppose what I was trying to get across wasn't that they aren't using burner phones (poor communication re. my first post) but the utter futility of them using said phones. Which by logical extension, considering the big dogs already know how hopeless it is, would opt for different methods to communicate.

absolutely correct. Big data has been around since the internets inception. The ability to quickly and efficiently sort through said data is a relatively new ability.
What's really scary is the fact that using data and cutting edge analyses, it's often very simple to presuppose an individuals behavior, and in the case of a man hunt, be where they are going before they get there.

>using a blackberry
shit head. They are clean phones specifically for that shit. You cant go buy a blackberry and expect to be lol ok no trace for me

Ok, but do any of these agencies that gather all this info have to reveal it to prosecutors or anyone who matters?

still cool

burners would get you away from FOIA ability though.


Yes and no. If we are talking OCONUS, no one will ever know what happened to you. CONUS, slightly different story. Think FISA courts, but insulated within each individual fiefdom. People aren't too stupid for the most part, the logical extension of PRISM is the use of all that data, one of the ways it's used is predictive planning.
How so? Irregardless of what means the individual is using to communicate, it still gets indexed against their file. I suppose if someone tried hard enough they could FOIA for the metadata associated with an individual, but the chances of that happening are slim to none, at least until the programs that depend on that data become obsolete.

its nothing new. obama and hillary did the same. eventually they got so cocky and brazen because they thought they were untouchable they stopped caring and she decided to set up her own fucking email server but what can you do?

>How so? Irregardless of what means the individual is using to communicate, it still gets indexed against their file. I suppose if someone tried hard enough they could FOIA for the metadata associated with an individual, but the chances of that happening are slim to none, at least until the programs that depend on that data become obsolete.

No, their records on company property are allegedly able to be foiad and examined for oversight. Has nothing to do with FISA

bro they dont give a shit about being covert, they just dont want their shit exposed in a FOIA. its the reason king nigger made a fake gmail with fake name to talk to shillary on her private server. they arent trying to avoid FBI investigation, because the leftist FBI faggots are all on the same team. they are just trying to avoid FOIA, and legally turning over congressional requested evidence, like the "text messages" that are now all of a sudden "lost" between page and strozk

and to answer your question, yes, in some cases the data is revealed, but for the most part no. Black bag ops are a real thing. But not something the average shitposter needs to be worried about, no one really gives a shit what people talk about on here.
Advice; critically examine anyone who tells you otherwise, they might be playing for the wrong team.

Understood. But you are working under the assumption that FOIA isn't fundamentally broken. In a perfect world this would be the case, in practice it takes an act of god. And I'm not talking about the public strictly, there are lots of things our duly elected officials have no idea about.

There's something there, that's really all I'm comfortable saying.

We both know it's a broken farce. Normals don't. I'm very unsure of where to bring the conversation to next.

Fuck it, lets talk about failed black bag ops and successful antiterrorism activites in the USA.
How many dirty bombs have we stopped in comparison to the fbi fucking up sting terrorist attacks.

Tough to answer. Dirty bombs 0 as far as I know. Understand that everything is strictly compartmentalized, anyone who claims it isn't, or claims to have an overarching view of the situation is a liar at best, or an active plant sniffing out leakers at worst.
>failed black bag operations
More than you know. Mistakes get made all the time, see LV shooting.
>FBI stings
They are still operating with the old model, ie. send in infiltrator, gain trust of schmuck, goad them into an act, arrest them and parade it as a massive success. FBI has been left in the dust for quite some time, defanged almost in comparison to other players, hence the devotion to the previous administration. They embraced their enemy in the name of survival, sad really.

youre not understanding me. nobody in the FBI CARES about surveillance or leaving a trail. they arent hiding from themselves or the IC. they are hiding from the american public. does joe average, american public, have access to hardware backdoors of telephones in order to tap into a phone of his choosing and expose traitors within the gubmint?

>Tough to answer. Dirty bombs 0 as far as I know. Understand that everything is strictly compartmentalized, anyone who claims it isn't, or claims to have an overarching view of the situation is a liar at best, or an active plant sniffing out leakers at worst.

Very, very aware of that. Hence why I'm curious and speaking in general terms.

>More than you know. Mistakes get made all the time, see LV shooting.

That's also very known.

>They are still operating with the old model, ie. send in infiltrator, gain trust of schmuck, goad them into an act, arrest them and parade it as a massive success. FBI has been left in the dust for quite some time, defanged almost in comparison to other players, hence the devotion to the previous administration. They embraced their enemy in the name of survival, sad really.

Look at hilariously they fucked up the garland sting and laugh and cry.

go on

>corrupted by obama and clinton

bad news for ya bud, FBI have been scum since j. edna hoover.

True to a certain extent. They are concerned with maintaining their image in the eyes of the public, and by extension their seat at the big boy table. But I can absolutely promise you that they are hiding everything they can from the IC. What they don't realize is it's already too late.


>I used to worship the FBI.
That's sick.

>Now they disgust me.
That's even sicker.

>be FBI agent
>have official phone that is fracked and all communications are saved
>buy burner phone for sensitive communications and never disclose it to supervisors

Wow that was hard

Redpilled way to communicate is burner passenger pidgeons. You literally burn the pidgeon after you're done to prevent it from squawking. Step up yo game dawg.

>In order to join the FBI/DOJ, you've already consented to polygraph tests/etc.
Right, so any investigation into you, the employee, will include a PDD and in the case of leaked communications you will certainly be asked about unapproved devices you might have used or had access to.

This LARP is starting to smell like the hourly Kremlin disinfo op to turn Americans against their intelligence community. Replies that call me a kike or niggar prove it.

Hi FBI. How do I get a data autist job with you assholes?

NSA larp, possible CIA larp.

this guy gets it.

>Hi FBI.
He said niggar. I doubt he's a fed. But Sup Forums is swamped with the hourly pro-Russia, hate America threads. So OP is just another asshole stirring the pot.

So replies calling you a spic are fine, Pedro?

you mean like the "investigation" into hillary clinton and email use? or the clinton foundation investigation? or the LV shooting?

>So replies calling you a spic are fine, Pedro?
Hmmm, yeah, that works.

>if you don't trust spooks then you're a russian shill
this brainlet line might fly on reddit, but not here

Imagine being such a company man that you alphabetpost on a Tokugawan Katana Teleportation website even when the government is shut down meaning that you're doing it for free, just like us.

The FBI would never use slurs online. They never would create terrorists. :^)

Literally a glow in the dark thread that is interesting. I'm guessing people are currently shut down and venting right now.

>you mean like the "investigation" into hillary clinton and email use?
Hillary and Bill are possibly the most investigated couple in America's history. Hundreds of investigators, thousands of people interviewed. half a dozen case files. If there had been even a jaywalking ticket we would have found it.

>or the clinton foundation investigation?
Expect minor tax evasion charges on the money conversion. Nothing else there.

>or the LV shooting?
Ongoing investigation, sealed from other FBI district offices.

Lot's of successes, but mostly at the border despite the current narrative of illegals. Personally, I've only seen one case where an individual entered the country illegally in an attempt to cause harm. What most don't realize, is that the real threat was and is Al Qaeda. their people (the ones that weren't Hellfire fodder in AFG and IQ) received formal training from ISI among other foreign agencies. They know their tradecraft, and up until recently they were pretty good at hiding. The downfall of the AQ model is that the cells rarely if ever enter the country with marching orders. It's an organization that does not promote free thinking. ISIS on the other hand is like the slutty girl you went to high school that gave blowjobs under the bleachers, not very sophisticated, but effective. Their strength was the decentralized nature of their command structure, and the fact that they encouraged lone wolf type attacks.
Through various means I discussed above, we've been able to prevent ISIS from coalescing into cells here at home, and thus their attacks were paltry by comparison. Unlike europe, where entire networks were operating in plain sight practically.

This is going to make Watergate look like fucking petty larceny. Jesus fuck.

Using burners is just good sense. Why is it supposed to be bad?

>if you don't trust spooks then you're a russian shill
If you were an American, you'd know that these TLA agencies are recruited from the best and brightest college graduates in America. They are the most patriotic, least criminal and most have a lifelong dedication to public service. There will be bad apples. We found on 9/11 there were too many silos of unreported information used by internal lifers to get promotions. That ended with Yoo and Bybee.

You don't have to take my word for the Kremlin presence on Sup Forums. They're playing you. Check the web trends.

if you had a chance at becoming the most powerful person on the planet would you fuck with statistics? of course you would

lol. There's a reason the KGB switched back to paper record keeping.

You forgot to mention the electric typewriters. Someone learned their lesson. ;) I wonder how inspected that shipment of typewriters will be.

I am chuckling at the image of a spook war going down ITT.

wow this is like when your lame parents get into the cool trend, fucking government ! damn you !

>If you were an American, you'd know that these TLA agencies are recruited from the best and brightest college graduates in America. They are the most patriotic, least criminal and most have a lifelong dedication to public service. There will be bad apples. We found on 9/11 there were too many silos of unreported information used by internal lifers to get promotions. That ended with Yoo and Bybee.

And yet, they're full of diversity hires and similar shenanigans.

any CIA nigger knows the chinks are running circles around both american and russian intelligence.

Why would the (((FBI))) need burner phones when all they have to do is (((accidentally))) lose any evidence?

smartphones are toys

Best game to play user.

Nope. A mobile device has to meet FIPS 140-1 and 140-2 specs as well as be listed on the NSA's "approved" list of devices in order to be allowed use by DoD/.gov.
Long ago that meant "Blackberry" since it was the only one of the list. But now iOS devices are on that list and are the preferred phone choice by many.
Back in the day we used to load crypto keys into special Motorola candybar GSM phones so that when those phones called each other or an encrypted landline phone the calls were automatically encrypted.

Not as true as you think. They are definitely a player, but tend to fuck around in their own yard. What was surprising to me was the number of penetration attempts that came from the bush league ie. pakis and Iranians. Russia is the major concern and not because of the news cycle. They never really went away after 91, just dormant. Super easy to shake the dust off and get back to work.

Forgot link.
These were the Motorola phones the crypto models were based off of.

if you don't use burners you're a fucken idiot

it's like the #1 way to spot a bluepilled pleb, do they have a smartphone

buy them now before they're made illegal and dry out

It's a very revealing discussion. Interesting these types of discussions never come up on OTHER chans.

We shall see what occurs in the next 48 hours as far as back to normal.


you would (maybe) be shocked by the number of foot soldiers in the govt. that are fed up with the bullshit. Outside FBI and DOS I've yet to meet someone who openly supported Hillary, or had anything good to say about the previous 8 years. The big boys up top have decades invested in getting to the positions they are in, and as a result they get pretty touchy when shit goes sideways on them.
At the ground level however, are tons of great Americans who want nothing more than to protect their country.

>Lot's of successes, but mostly at the border despite the current narrative of illegals. Personally, I've only seen one case where an individual entered the country illegally in an attempt to cause harm. What most don't realize, is that the real threat was and is Al Qaeda. their people (the ones that weren't Hellfire fodder in AFG and IQ) received formal training from ISI among other foreign agencies. They know their tradecraft, and up until recently they were pretty good at hiding. The downfall of the AQ model is that the cells rarely if ever enter the country with marching orders

You forget that AQ seems to fucking love their sleeper cells. I think they might have been exposed to one to many 60's spy type movies. They're more happy to have continued cells then pull a quick jihad. They seem to be much better at longterm games. You also forget the vast amounts of work spent tracking down how they were communicating online, like in custom CS:GO servers and shit. Fascinating.

>It's an organization that does not promote free thinking. ISIS on the other hand is like the slutty girl you went to high school that gave blowjobs under the bleachers, not very sophisticated, but effective. Their strength was the decentralized nature of their command structure, and the fact that they encouraged lone wolf type attacks.
Their lack of doctrine and quick low, ahem, budget, attacks is what makes them so effective.

>Through various means I discussed above, we've been able to prevent ISIS from coalescing into cells here at home, and thus their attacks were paltry by comparison. Unlike europe, where entire networks were operating in plain sight practically.
I've seen there's a ton of the same in Mexico. Europe is fucked.

Your company can run its own Blackberry server rather than use cloud services. It's more secure. Everything gets stored on the server. It's also easily audited.

The Awans ran a Blackberry server for the Democrats. So they had full access to all the emails and texts.

You forgot your trip, (you)fag

This country was founded on distrust of government you commie fucking nigger. Go fuck yourself then kys.

Sup Forums is kind of like a big bug zapper, it's pretty in the dark and you like buzzing around it with the other bugs. But if you get too close you get zapped, hard.

I'll repeat this again for anyone who happens to be reading; the best thing you can do for yourself is to avoid ANY threads that advocate IRL meetups, especially if the purpose is to agitate.

here's a hypothetical situation, user 1 makes a thread decrying the current state of the country, and advocating for anons to meet up to "solve" the problem. Anons 2-10 respond and decide to go ahead with the plan, they meet the next day. Theres a 75/25 chance that anon1 is a foreign asset. Congrats, you just played yourself for mother Russia.
Alternatively, it's a honeypot and you just revealed yourself to a domestic agency.
lose,lose. Keep your nose clean goys.

>Why would the (((FBI))) need burner phones when all they have to do is (((accidentally))) lose any evidence?
You overestimate a bureaucracy. Far more damage is managed by accident rather than on purpose.

>This country was founded on distrust of government
If you're referring to America, it was founded on a rejection of divine rule by the King of England.

>sleeper cells
Very much so. We've dialed in on some that are in hibernation mode, but to act on them would reveal the methodology by which they were identified.
Failed state, and only getting worse. Europe will make it through, but only because we're helping. Notice the downtick in attacks that occurred after Nice, and before their caliphate was destroyed.

...dude in the very threads discussing these scandals it is revealed those cronies who are protected do not get properly investigated! A burner phone is used so that is discovered, though it may look shady, there is no direct evidence to use against you and you can do like these neolib and neocon fucks did and just say you did not understand the rules or an accident happened! No records for these few months! Oops!

You are not dumb you can see exactly what everyone else is seeing. We are not just freaking out because the politicians we may abhore are going to get it, but because it is fucking unamerican! You are putting party over country and should be fucking ashamed of yourself. When your friends and allies are running the damn investigation and are motivated by ideology combined with ever decreasing scruples, you have arbiters of justice making a miscarriage of justice! If something shady is found, your friends just delay, obfuscate, deny, destroy, and lie.

Come on dude on your conscience now, are you really going to go this route? You are American damn it, act like one.

Very good point that many many people fail to take into account.

Anyone knows what kind of communication is safe these days? I used PGP encrypted blackberry, costed 1300eur and another 600eur every 6 months. Can't call with it, mic is permanently disabled, RSA 4096 bits AES256-encryption communication. Lately I've been shilled a 'crypto phone' but didn't buy. Now I'm using protonmail, wickr. Signal works pretty good, too bad you can't have anonymous nicknames.

You think this is a hate America hrwad? Ever thought your penchant for serving and aiding leaders over country as extremely wrong? You do know the liberals of old who loved America and fought the corruption in the intelligence agencies were not doing antiamerican things.

Do you know how much your post screams McCarthyism?