Daily reminder that British posters on this board have ZERO reasons to complain about house prices.
Pic related: this house in Luton (white population: 44%) should be affordable to any mature, hard-working man in Britain
Daily reminder that British posters on this board have ZERO reasons to complain about house prices.
Pic related: this house in Luton (white population: 44%) should be affordable to any mature, hard-working man in Britain
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how do you get the deposit for the mortgage though
yeah no
>You too can live like a Paki in London, for 200k lbs.
get a job and save? that's what Ive been doing. saving for the last 2 years living in a dingy bedsit. It's do-able but your average millennial brit would rather have the holiday and iphone. Ive purchased a one bedroom flat not much I know but in a few years I'll lease it out and get somewhere bigger.
redpill me on luton
i'm thinking about moving there as i cant afford to buy in london
>44% white
you must earn a lot, if it's a 1bed flat in the cheapest area that's still 25 grand in cash after tax , saved up after rent costs.
>lol look this house in bumfucknowhere is kind of affordable, stop complaining
Luton needs more white people. It's cheaper plus you're close to London. Work your butt off for 5 years and get somewhere better. Got to start somewhere desu.
200 000GBP?
For "something" like this?
If I had 200 000GBP in Poland, then I would live in a fucking mansion.
its London but with even more pakis and poles and less jobs
Enjoy getting glassed by (((British))) (((people)))
Haha this would get you a detatched 3 bed in Lincs why even waste your money in a shit hole like Luton desu
standards of living the UK are circling the drain and your government is hell bent on importing hostile shitskins by the tens of thousands every year
is this brit/pol/?
That's a pop up tent in any first world nation.
Could imagine spending my life in a little euro cuckshed. Get some land niggers.
Are you just a paki estate agent trying to sell your house?
rent costs £300 per month that includes water, heating and service repairs. Like I said it's do-able but you need to live within a tight budget for a few years. Also use a credit card get an overdraft and pay it back by the end of each month your credit rating will be much better and banks will be more willing to lend money with low interest rates.
It is now
>a brittish pucciboi whining online because he sucks at life IRL
What else is new.
I wasn't aware you could use good boy points for anything but chicken tendies
Come to america boys
We have cheap rural/suburban houses with no jobs in the area
No sane white person will move to economic voter created shit holes.
For that price I can get a mansion up here. In a 100% white area too.
What’s Luton?
By looking at the picture, the living hall is almost as wide as my hallway/antre.Almost.
This could be said about any western government
Plus i thought of whole point of brexit was about giving england power to controll its immigration polices
What county ?
If i wanted a barren wasteland with empty houses that are literally free and not a single job in sight, i would go to east germany.
we have the power to control our immigration now, but the normies keep electing the same party time after time and wonder why they make no attempts to control it (tory donors fucking love migration)
Daily reminder, to Fuck off back to your estate agent employers, you Fuck wit.
Eight times average salary to live in a cramped up PoS mid terrace """house""" in a high-unemployment BLACKED area
This is a joke, right?
£200,000 for that? Thats like $300,000. and those "MTV Cribs" houses are near that much.
That house looks squashed and you will definitely hear your neighbors through the walls.
The housing bubble is where ALL the inflation has gone from the bank bailouts
1/3 british 1/3 slav 1/3 paki
100% shithole
>parents bought house for 160 000 when I was 12
>3 bedrooms, 2 studies, living room, dining room, kitchen, morning room, 3 bathrooms, garage
>28 now
>it's worth half a fucking million
This fucking slide thread has been posted nearly every day this week.
times have changed mate, its all acid attacks now
Absolutely exemplary post. Take heed, fellow Brits, this is the can-do, role-your-sleeves-up, mature masculine attitude you need to get on in this country.
You'd have to be a retard to do what you are suggesting here. I think a millennial who does what you did is an idiot while a millennial who recognizes that the whole system is fucked and to stop feeding it is the one with any brains.
Lawful neutral cuck.
House prices are very high in London and the surrounding boroughs, because London's where the money's at. Reducing commute time and costs is a premium that you get when you move closer to the capital. I suspect London's a worse case because we've got genuine house shortages too, but I'm sure all capital cities deal with the same house price inflation crap.
Damn, haven't been keeping up with newest trends. We dont have to deal with that near me thank god.
Absolutely shill post. Take heed, fellow Brits, this is the shame millennials into dumb-shit, psy-op, irresponsible, childish attitude you need to get fucked in this country.
Actually Stefan it's merely just over an hour away from central London, meaning you can leave your doorstep and be in your high-responsibility, high-intensity, high-wage central London office job in just over one and a half hours time, and be back home after a long day of work at around eight pm, leaving you at least two hours to enjoy yourself before you get ready to get stuck in again.
£200k for a shitty little two bedroom house in little Karachi? Yeah that sounds like a cracking deal mate.
This. Having car insurance payments coming out of your account every month will do the trick. When you're a young lad car insurance is through the fucking roof so you may as well use that unique possition young adults are put in.
Sup Forumstards mistook the EU with the dominant ideology of our town and are now surprised that the far leftist government, which white Britons keep reelecting btw and shitting on any actual ethno-nationalist party, continues as before. What's more: Farrage actually campaigned on bringing in more "shitskins" to replace the cut off Polish/inter-European immigration after BREXIT. "Look Sadiq McCurry here is a real Briton! Get rid off Pisuldzki though who brings our wages down by ebul EU."
So why is it so expensive?
And who maintains the common walls with your neighbors?
Why can't bongs afford their own walls?
>'Crossbow killer' laid in wait in his neighbour's home after secretly removing a dividing wall in the loft… before shooting dead a father-of-three and seriously injuring his 27-year-old partner
>Police manhunt launched after a suspected murder in East Yorkshire on Friday
>Shane Gilmer, 30, died after he was shot by an attacker armed with a crossbow
>His pregnant girlfriend Laura Sugden was found 'pouring with blood' at home
>Police tried to track down suspect Anthony Lawrence but found body last night
Spoiler: white normies don't get into USA.
Can’t tell if serious, boomer, or shitpost.
Old English traditions! But why couldn't he go out hunting for Pakis? What's the matter here?
>Farrage actually campaigned on bringing in more "shitskins"
no he fucking didn't I hate this meme, you can argue it was dishonest but he used pictures of the Syrian rapefugees in his leafleats
This is a "shame millennials into feeding the system" thread.
These guys are shills. Don't listen to them. They are lying. They are paid to since millennials are the victims of currency devaluation after the bailouts. You are not lazy or entitled you are mathematically screwed by currency devaluation. Your parents didn't have to deal with this. Its a new thing that has existed after the 2008 bank bailouts. No banks ever got bailed out before 2008. It fucked the purchasing power of the currency. Pol is 100% psy-op spamers trying to get you cucked by the system.
Stop feeding the system.
If you are a millennial and you get a mortgage now YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT.
So much (((wealth))) in Britain is fake and is tied into purposely inflated house pricing. It's why Britain uses the Consumer Price Index to measure inflation rather than the Retail Price Index.
I'm trying to remind British manchildren what being a responsible, hard-working, stiff-upper-lipped, high-earning, masculine, (highly) desirable capital-m Man is all about. Sometimes that means commuting for an hour and a half or more each way to work. Sometimes it means working for 10+ hours every day in a busy, competitive office. Sometimes it means spending over half your rent to a Middle Eastern or Asian landlord who refuses to fix the boiler or have anyone around to sort out the plumbing. Sometimes it means going without holidays, going without restaurant meals, going without booking a train back home to visit your mum when she has another cancer scare. But at the end of the day it means being a Man. It means tightening your belt (around your waist) and getting on with it. Pulling yourself up the bootstraps. Reminding yourself how good you have it when compared to your great-great grandfather. A True Man doesn't even think about happiness until he reaches the age of 36.
>drive to london instead of through
When did this become a thing?
Holy shit I bet you can hear your neigh pinch a loaf those things are so tight together. That wouldn't even be acceptable for low income housing here in the states.
It's fucking boomers you dumb cuck. They fucking fill the cities up with human trash that use govbucks to pay for their rentals whilst they "retire to the country". Boomers need to be fucking gassed.
Do you just post this everyday now?
>keep saying masculine
The Manchildren would be the ones getting mortgages in this climate.
The housing market is a bubble and every property is vastly overpriced
meanwhile in America
>3 beds 3 baths 2,312 sqft
>Contemporary home nested on 4.75 acres in the heart of Oak Ridge. 20' cathedral ceiling in great room with gas fireplace. Huge windows bring the outside indoors. Updated kitchen includes new stainless steel appliances, counter tops, and backsplash. Large dining room with doors to deck. Master suite has large walk in and new updated bathroom. All three bathrooms updated. Huge office/family room w/built in shelving. Basement has large unfinished area for extra storage.
Please go post in one of the many pornography threads if this one discomforts you Mr Ping.
£200,000 for that piece of shit
2nd homes, buy to let, and mass immigration are the causes of this crisis
I think you are a lame LARPer. kys
Just fucking move to Bromley, Crawley or Tonbridge
meanwhile in Haiti
>Own the land
>Own all the people
>Become King
>Two boys stabbed at The Mall in Luton arrested
The walls between the houses are shared property. Meaning you may hammer a picture frame (for example) into your part of the wall but you must tell your neighbour first and make sure your nail or tac does not hit any piping or wiring that your neighbour may have installed. The walls you absolutely to own as part of the property ownerships are the front and back walls of the houses's exterior and also any walls separating rooms inside the house itself.
and even more of an idiot if you rent
the only winning move is to stay with your family and inherit their property
>3 beds 2 baths 2,281 sqft
I'd be willing to move to Haiti to establish a paramilitary and use my commandos to overthrow the government.
Encouraging young white British men to perceive themselves as victims is a heinous crime and very unbecoming. They should accept that hard work is part of being an adult, and that home ownership is a luxury and not a right. Your grandfather worked his fingers to the bone for a tiny slice of the pie, and your father probably did too. Now it's your turn to step up to the plate, tighten your belt, knuckle down, man up and work every hour you can to make do with whatever you can and be grateful for whatever is granted to you.
As Professor Jordan Peterson said:
>"It's time to grow up kiddo"
If you replace Polish and Inter-European immigrants with replacement from your ex-colonies, well, what will you get? WASPs? I don't think so. And rapefugees you'd gotten 50-100k TOPS and one time. How many legal immigrants from Gangrapistan do you have every year? 200k? 300k? And whatever the case may be: UKIP is a civic nat party which even disavowed fucking PEGIDA as raycis! Let that sink in.
>It's the boomers, women and Jews
I don't think so, sweetie. If you are Gen X or a Millennial your generation is just as cucked.
remember to NOT breed with the locals
Sounds like a plan! Count me in! But what would be even better: found a paramilitary in your own country to overthrow the government and go Paki hunting.
t. not-5eyes
Jesus Christ, this houses are so tiny.
that's a lot of shitskins. its basically money down the toilet since you'll never be able to borrow against it. its value is only going to plummet and the property taxes are going to skyrocket to pay for shitskin ineptitude
le 44% face
tfw you could take over Haiti within 24 hours and rule as God emperor. Kick out the native population and only have the best of the best on the Island. Your small navy consists of 4 SBS. Your army consists of a group ex-SAS and you could still put up a good fight against most nations.
I don't like ukip or farageco, I'm just saying that when yuros on here say "brits love pakis more than yuros" is bullshitting,
also just becomes the immigrants are white they still aren't british and still hurt british workers,
also remember that half the EU migrants we are getting are Romanian gypsies and wog with French and portugesse passports
No other generation had to deal with the effects of a bank bailout.
This reduces the purchasing power, which is why prices are so high. It mathematically demonstrable and not just opinion.
Only an idiot would be shamed into getting involved in this system.
Encouraging millennials to drop out and burden the state is absolutely the right thing to do. Feeding the system is the morally reprehensible thing to do. We are socialist (which I am against) so you can swim against the current or go with it
It is true that you can hear your neighbours watching television, having conversations, cooking, defecating / urinating, engaging in sexual intercourse, hoovering, snoring and so forth, but beyond being a minor and rather comical annoyance at times such intimacy actually allows British people to become closer to one another and get to know one another without having to actually engage in conversation and so forth, and also allows a homeowner or renter to be sure that their neighbour isn't up to anything strange and that he or she has a healthy relationship with his or her family. Good luck getting away with being an abusive husband if both your neighbours can hear every word you speak! It is in many ways an ideal set up which fosters intimacy, empathy and communal values. Only naughty, naughty people who have something to hide don't enjoy this kind of living arrangement, which I should remind you is familiar to the vast majority of British citizens.
Can I be in on this?
I will be the Governor of Tortuga. I have the uniforms and some equipment. I lack the weapons and funding to get there. kek
Every day until you post a signed contract proving you have become a man and bought your first home.
>Here's a money-making investment with character, perfect for the owner-occupant or investor! This grand 2.5 story can be kept as an 8-plex letting the tenants pay the mortgage, or de-convert the whole house! Either way, this solid home is perfect for those who love history & charm! This sits on a big corner lot and has off street parking for 6-8 cars, or build a large garage for even more cashflow! Priced well below market, so with paint and flooring, these are easily rented and making you money! Seller is also offering $5,000 construction allowance with acceptable offer. And will also look at a package deal with 919 S. 17th for even more savings! Don't miss this great opportunity, set up your showing today!
Maybe, but they are still better than the fucking Pakis. Even the worst gypsies. At least they don't form rape gangs and pour gasoline over your daughters and threaten to kill their mothers, if they tell. I mean gypsies are shittier, but not THAT shittier.
>As Professor Jordan Peterson said:
>>"It's time to grow up kiddo"
Right, boomers need to accept responsibility for their debts and not pawn them off to the next generation
in the US i can literally get a brick house (not wood/vinyl) twice that size with over an acre for under $50K outside of major urban areas
>white population: 44%
Is this your selling point?
I thought harlem was in New York not UK.
I doubt we would encounter any resistance by boat. I am sure we could hire a boat to get down there.
also that shit is fucking tiny, look how fucking narrow that house is.