Why do we need such a massive military and budget exactly? Did i miss something here? Are we at war...

Why do we need such a massive military and budget exactly? Did i miss something here? Are we at war? If so please explain to me who exactly is attacking us that we need this huge defense force? It's not like grounds troops can prevent a nuclear war anyway. If the nukes start flying we are all fucked no matter what.

seems to me it's just another form of welfare.

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>chart not per capita or per landmass
That wouldn't explain all the variability (the US likes to meddle in others' affairs since the cold war) but some.

>Arabia has 80 Billion budget and their military is still shit

we're always at war.

Perhaps we have more in common than you think young shill

We're an empire, and as such, we need a powerful military to dominate the rest of the world. It's not "defense" spending

I wonder if it wouldn't make more sense to spend a tiny bit of that money on the border wall and better defense of your own border. I really don't understand the appeal of empires. They always fall and never benefit the population that has them much.

Saudis spend as much as Russians yet have literally zero force projection across the world, even a bunch of retarded Arab peasants in Yemen are beating them.

it would be more beneficial to kill the enemy within. but those who control the spending don't share our interests.

Freedom isn't free. Its better to have it and not need it then it is to need it and not have it. Speak softly and carry a big stick.

War Economy, son

Expensive doesn't mean powerful.
Let's be honest, your military budget is bloated and ineffective. You have a bunch of lobbyists sitting in your congress that pass astronomically high military budgets so you can pay astronomically excessive amounts of money to shitty overpaid contractors. Everything you do could have been made with the same quality but with 10x less money.

>abdulistan spends 80 billions on military budget
>doesn't have an army

We need to spend so much to defend shitholes like canada who will just get invaded the second we no longer want to protect them.

it costs a lot to prop up women and nonwhites

>debending israel isn'd free :DDD

What's the point of having a colossal empire if it can be hijacked by literally anybody willing to bribe a few media outlets?

1. Industrial war complex
2. Most powerful democratic country on earth has to stay ahead of other goverments to stay dominant

Its not about how much you spend but how you spend it. We currently do not spend it very well. We can have the same military at half the cost if a lot of retardation was removed.

>The more land mass a country has the higher its military budget.
>The more gdp per capita a country has the more its military budget.
>If a country has nuclear weapons, the higher its military budget.


Because we’re in like 3 wars on a never ending basis and our military is basically defending countries on every continent. Thank your corporate Jewish Zionist and Saudi overlords

Freedom aint free :-DDD

you can bet most of it doesnt go to the military

Most of that goes to training kurds.

Buying top notch military hardware don't give you the capability to use them properly. They do buy western's protection, though, but I bet you already know that. The only countries who actually knows how to handle them properly are those who develop them for themselves, I.e. the top five of OP's chart.

It is for Canada.

>Expensive doesn't mean powerful.
Except the part where America really is unquestionably the most powerful country in the world, in terms of military power.

>We're a Jewish colony, and as such, we need a powerful military to dominate the enemies of Israel. It's not "defense" spending


this, though I agree wih OP that there is room for improvement

It lets us control the oil. It keeps everyone on the petrodollar.

Having said that the sandniggers are managing to spend 80 billion!? And they're still getting butt fucked by the Yemeni's.

to fund the beyond top secret breakoff space civilization.

>protect many around the world, unlike other armies
>helps with catastrophic natural disasters, unlike other armies
>gotta stay on top to keep the peace
Hurrrrr, why do we spend so much?
>seems to me... welfare
Well, that's because you're an idiot.

middleman cut

I wish we were free in the US. The federal government watches our every move by breaking our 4th Amendment rights, and I'm not allowed to smoke some relatively harmless weed every now and then because it's against the law for whatever reason.

This is unfortunately true of many nations. Spend a lot of military and have it deployed overseas or sitting around while their own borders go unprotected because big corporations wants cheap illegal labor and the banks profit off the flow of drugs through money laundering.

It would be more cost effective to deploy the military in Mexico than to rob their budget for a wall Mexico is going to be paying for.

All Arab militaries are shit though.

Bretton Woods

Divide military budget by number of countries protected who supply negligible or no resources to their own protection

Hard to say. USA does have the budget and the hardware, but it's more and more vulnerable to leveling technologies, aka "our 4 million mbt got owned by a goatfucker with a smartphone and some potent explosives". It's the main problem of western armies: war is not cost efficient with our best shiny shit.

its the Jews


I agree, all modern armies struggle with "guerilla warfare". Its a very hard thing to fight.

But in terms out outright might, America really is unquestionably the leader. No one else has anything like their force projection.

Maybe the reason there is such a gap is because the other countries don't spend enough. Thanks to that the USA have to spend more to babysit the entire world instead of every country pitching in.

UK and France have the industry to do so (we both can outfit a full naval battlegroup, you more so than us since you do have two air carriers) but not the economy to do so, except in a full wartime budget, and with time. USA can buttfuck any conventionnal army, hence why Russia and China are trying so hard in cyber warfare: to fuck up the logistic of such an army, in case nukes stop working as a deterrence.

I think it's a bit of both.

It is the only thing holding up the US dollar. Also:
> Are we at war?
Yes user, we have been at war since 1776. You haven't heard of half of them.

Why do we need such a powerful military? Everything has been so peaceful for us for so long!

>Are we at war? If so please explain to me who exactly is attacking us that we need this huge defense force? It's not like grounds troops can prevent a nuclear war anyway. If the nukes start flying we are all fucked no matter what.

Keeping the technological edge over other countries is the source of American supremacy.

The fact that we spend so much on the military is what allows us to make bank selling military weapons to other countries in the first place. THEY'RE paying most of our military budget. It makes sense from an economic standpoint, and from a geopolitical standpoint.

We spend so much on defense because that's what makes us the most powerful country in the world. We are the enforcers. We are what the UN wishes it was. That's why we can honestly just tell the UN and anybody else to fuck off, because they know we pay for their protection and can fuck anyone up beyond recognition. What happens when someone is stupid enough to attack American soil? Maybe the most destructive weapon ever conceived gets dropped twice on the dumb motherfuckers. Maybe just to send a message we destabilize an entire fucking region of the world for decades, regardless of whether they had anything to do with that attack. Economic powerhouses like Germany and Japan pretty much rely solely on us for military protection. Without our muscle, they would be completely helpless.

To allow Black Military Programs. The USA is probably contacting ayy lmao's for years, trading knowledge and shit.

I hate it when peace breaks out. Trying to find excuses to start wars is hard work, especially now after Iraq and Libya.

In fairness, peacetime USA is almost old enough to drink a beer.

No one is attacking you, you are attacking the world and defending Israel.

>Are we at war?
We have been in perpetual for for a long time.

have to make up for all the small dicks in the US

Conquer and wipe out the inferior down to Panama. Integrate Canucks and cull the muttiest ones.
The southern border is now more manageable.

What a stupid view of the world.

To ensure we never need such a massive military budget.

Because obongo turned a dieing out war into a sand based Vietnam with 5 different factions and then armed half of them with US military assets and had the US military train them.

Because "muh freedums"

R&D followed by stationing troops literally everywhere.

Because your a fag

we were tricked into becoming the world police by the (((bankers))) and now we pay for everyones security while they spend surpluses on social programs and feel good campaigns and make fun of our first world third world.

That's because they have A-Rabs for sojers.

> No one is attacking you
sure thing bro! There's totally not an attempt to convert USA into a commie shithole by the KGB

That isn't entirely true. The citizens of the US are under attack from drugs and illegals flowing into the country. Conventional no but this kind of warfare might have longer lasting implications than any conventional attack possibly could... well besides nuclear.

>a country funds a quarter of the UN's military despite being one of almost 200 countries in the UN
>that country's military spending ends up being much higher than anyone else's
Wow, really gets the old gears grinding huh?

You have to protect dominance of kike banking cartel that owns you, or else goyim around the world will throw them out.


The truth is that it's a jobs program. A huge amount of the American civilian population is employed by the defense industry.

Military budget keeps increasing because no Senator would accept having funding cut for their local programs. See the A-10 Warthog in Tucson for example. Ending the A-10 Warthog program would essentially mean many people in Tucson, AZ would lose their jobs. That's why McCain was so adamant to keep funding flowing; if he let the program die and people lost their jobs, McCain would lose his seat the next election.

Again, it's a jobs program and nothing else. Don't forget there are also civilian cooks, cleaners, and other support staff for many military bases and defense R&D companies. Any cuts in military funding will put all of these people out of a job.

replace "empire" with "puppet state" and "dominate the rest of the world" with "protect Israel and Saudi bank accounts"

You're not "world police", you do fight for your own interests, and it's perfectly fine. Afghanistan? Reaction to 9/11, not to please the UN. Irak? Saddam fucked overpower petroleum. Libya? You were tricked by Sarkozy because the fucker wanted to silence Kaddafi. Mate, don't let the left trick you about "muh world police because otherwise it's bad" because it's definitely not something a sane sovereing state would do. Though the jew still benefit from it, but they are fucking clever in doing so.

well murica has been spreading it's ((freedom)) quite long time. I really hope Trump is making end of it.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States

Weapon technology has become largely a business in the US, lobbyists of new weapon manufacturers push these budgets so the government would buy more toys from them. Ironically all their cool modern toys still get destroyed by your average IED or RPG-7 out in the field.

Not knowing that we can print as much money as we want because it is backed by military might

Wew lad

>Ironically all their cool modern toys still get destroyed by your average IED or RPG-7 out in the field.

Lol I wish I was stupid enough to make ignorant comments and feel good about myself, just like you do

Divide by 50 because there are 50 States, if you want to compare apples to apples.

you know sure as shit your allies aren't going to help you

I'm not sure if America is the only country with states. Will have to look this one up!

It's so that in the event of unrestricted, allout warfare you could obliterate any and all hostiles.

Using Sodexo for food service was fucking stupid. I never understood why they couldn't just get a bunch of pfcs to go grill chicken out in the grass. When i was in Cherry Point most people just ate at Mcdonalds, 5 guys, or sushi.

It enables Jewish rentseeking

You realize elites profit from 3rd world immigration right?


Yea. Keeping our bases running is pennies compared to R&D spending though, maintaining both air superiority and the only real navy is expensive.

We already did this. Gave it back because the land is too shitty.

Joggin's nogging aint it.

I second this

War is this country's biggest business. War = $$$$ so putting money into the military is like investing in and growing a company. Of course, only a select few actually benefit.

because he who controls the trade routes controls the world. Why do you think you spend so much on navy specifically and chimp out whenever some shithole puts up tariffs/trade barriers/embargoes?

Large parts of the US military have been privatised, taxpayer yanks are funding extremely inflated contracts for performance downgrades. Those same private companies lobbied for retarded projects like the Iraq war and it actually worked because the US government is completely infiltrated by shills.

Wonder what their arms sales are like

to aid shit hole countries

saudi and emirati commandos are world class. sun tzu: when strong, appear weak. keep underestimating them

>Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Mexico is really the United States of Mexico

When somebody posts a graph like this I instantly know they are an idiot. Why would you compare total spending? How about military spending per GDP?

It's disgusting how celebrates their military.

Fathers and husbands in their twenties leave their wife and kids and go to fight a war which is not theirs and die in countries like Afghanistan or whatever is on the other side of the world.

When they die they are 'heroes'.

No, they're fucking not. They did not serve their country, they did not serve their responsibility of looking after their wife and children. No, they went to die in a war which is not even theirs for nothing.
It doesn't help their kid who will grow up without a father and in poverty that their father was supposedly a hero.

>Be U.S.
>Waste billions of $ to send their fittest and strongest guys to a shitty desert country to die for nothing
>The only people staying back are fat bastards or blacks and women
>Wonder why their country is going to shit

SOF don't really matter if you can't take and hold land with regular troops.

SOF troops are excellent to have but they are force multipliers. I don't know if you heard but you can't multiply by 0....

>how the US celebrates

Murica did that in fallout 1/2 lore.

no one dies in wars anymore, more die in chimpcongo amd related hellholes. Plus you assume militarys white. Protip, its not