Hello, I’m Jared Taylor with the American Renaissance.
Hello, I’m Jared Taylor with the American Renaissance
Other urls found in this thread:
>jew wife
She literally isn't Jewish, are you a shill or just gullible?
Hwats up
卐oy vey remember the six million Hebrews that were gassed in fake shower chambers卐
>user's asshole.
Paved With Good Intentions should be mandatory reading.
>Jared "jews are hwhite and good hwestern men" Taylor
why does Sup Forums like this guy again?
>Jared "they look huwite to me" Taylor.
Fuck this controlled opposition shill
Say the Jew one more time and see what happens. Do it motherfucker.
Hi Jared. I enjoy how you say huwhite. It’s how my dad and grama pronounce a “wh” and I believe it’s probably correct, otherwise audibly how would you distinguish between where and wear. I’ve started making an effort to pronounce things properly because of this man. For example, everybody says “feb-you-airy” where I live, nobody says “feb-rue-airy” feels good desu
"Jews look huwhite to me."
t. Jared Taylorstein.
Alt right shills BTFO.
Nignog nigger.
Show us your japanese-talking huwaito piggu skills
Windmill of friendship
please dont bully him, he's my only hope
Jared is a Jewish name
t. Jared
As in appearance, doesn't say anything about their deranged, inbred, nature. Shill better next time.
literally who
M-Mike Peinovich, i-is that you?
Robots are among us
huWhat are you going to huwatch on tv tonight, Jared; huWheel of Fortune?
No, just a man tired of seeing you kikes be subversive rats. It's encoded in your DNA, though, so you're not entirely to blame.
This is why you guys are not going to get rid of the jews ever. You're dumb enough to believe in whatever a political figure tells you instead of doing your own research and thinking for yourself.
>inb4 kikes.
Why do you retards believe anyone who gos against the mainstream alt-right figureheads is a jew or shill?
>get rid of
It's about distance, beaner.
Jews really are white though
Hell Natalie Portman looks way whiter than Tara McCarthy
You're attributing intention to his words, can you deny that Jake Gyllenhaal looks "white"?
Yeah, whatever rocks your boat, Schlomo.
The fact that nu/pol/ shills against the greatest huwhite advocate in the world, who has been standing up for white interests longer than many of them have been alive is proof that we are now 25% subversive elements who don't actually share our goals.
sure, if all you mean by "white" is "fair skin tone and complexion" (which to be fair is most of Sup Forums and the alt right)
>calls me a beaner
t. Jamal Schlomo Goldbergstein Sanchez.
She has all the dainty narrow features of whites too
Face it she's white
Tell me a bedtime story about huwhiteness Jared.
Sup Forums is a trump board.
we don't give a shit about identity politics
Okie dokie, pal.
No it's just the younger edgy generation has taken over and believes anyone who doesn't want to stuff Jews into an oven is a secret white hater
people outside of the US dont care about "le huwhite race" because they have these things called nations and ethnicities, since they arent rootless mongrels who originate from all over the world
He looks white, but he is not white. You guys think just because someone has light skin and light-colored eyes he's white. Race is way more than skin color. It's about personality traits, ethnocentrism, etc. Jews can't never be white because a) they don't see themselves as white unless is convenient and b) they're genociding the white race by mass immigration, the destruction of the nuclear family, etc. Why would the white race want to destroy themselves?
hello fellow hwhite
What a legend
White isn't a state of mind or political opinion retard it's a genetic haplogroup. This is the dumbest thing ive read all day
I swear by the definition of you idiots there's only like 500 white people alive today
Just like I said, you fucking retard:
>Jared Taylor
Retard do-gooder leftist woman I know named her kid after Jared Leto. I only told her about Jared Taylor after it was all registered, exaggerating a little that this would be the Jared that would first come to mind when her son met native English speakers....
Name one non-mongrel European country retard.
barely anyone not already converted knows about le huwhite man
The Croats? They look white to me.
>white isn't a state of mind or political religion.
>500 white people alive today.
When did I ever said it was a state of mind or political religion? Go back and find where did I say white is a state of mind or political opinion.
the republic of ireland
We must save the hu-wite race!
>no you.
It's about time I posted this in here. The amount of JIDF shills is too much.
We're scandie, saxon, norman and gael. Like New England, just with different percentages. Tactically pretending whiteness doesn't exist just makes you seem like a Sargon tier retard.
this may be a stupid question but is he taylor swifts dad? same last name
That's the tactic you are using though. Fuck off, you have nothing of value to add here. A kike deflecting? No way!
She doesn't know that though, hoho!
>tactic you're using though.
>you have nothing of value to add here.
That's what I thought, Schlomo Mordecai Bergblattstein.
I would like to shake this hwhite man's hand.
no he's her son
but you identify as irish. not any of those things that make up being irish, and not "huwhite"
whiteness exists, its just vague and meaningless compared to ethnicity and national belonging and culture
i have nothing against american nationalists, irish nationalists, german nationalists etc etc
i have plenty against internationalist pan-european retards like dicky spencer and jared taylor who think race is the be all end all of identity
>I'm going to attack a guy that writes about the realities of race
>I'm going to call the people defending him kikes
You sure did make your point.
Hey moron, you said Jews can't we white because they believed two left wing opinions. What Jews see themselves is irrelevant and as for why would whites support mass immigration? People commit suicide every fucking day, not everyone is mentally healthy, however it has nothing to do with genetics
>Hey moron, you said Jews can't we white because they believed two left wing opinions. What Jews see themselves is irrelevant and as for why would whites support mass immigration? People commit suicide every fucking day, not everyone is mentally healthy, however it has nothing to do with genetics.
Schlomo, I think you need to take a chill pill before they have to dragged you off of the computer to the hospital. Also, you need to slow down when typing since I can't understand what the fuck you're saying.
what about that jewess you married? is she at least good in the sack?
>writes about the realities of race
>invites jews to speak to his show.
Woah, you sure got me.
I'll break it down very simply for your tiny skinhead mind
>a) they don't see themselves as white unless is convenient and
>b) they're genociding the white race by mass immigration, the destruction of the nuclear family, etc. Why would the white race want to destroy themselves?
Neither of these things have anything to do with genetics which is the ONLY measurement of whiteness. Dumbass
That's a strawman, neither of them advocate for the destruction of ethnic identities, and I absolutely do understand myself as a combination of those things, I've embraced my inner anglo. Race is vital, Spengler (who I'm sure is popular in your circles so I'll use him) understood the recent and near future arc of history as a West-European-American capital 'C' Culture rather than a German culture for a reason.
If white countries aren't at least strong allies no single puny white (of any ethnicity or full on america all the way west to russia mutt) state could possibly survive against the non-white hordes. Think of it like this. Am I delighted that we had a shit tonne of Poles come to our country over the past two decades? Not particularly. Do I think my lucky fucking stars that they weren't niggers or muds instead? Absolutely. Maybe whiteness doesn't matter to me as much as my Irishness, but it certainly matters quite a lot.
>who think race is the be all end all of identity
What the fuck are you talking about dumbass?
No nazi thinks life is all about race
We just want humanity to thrive and see that our race is most fit for that
How fucking stupid can you be oh right you’re flying a commie flag why the fuck am I responding I’d literally kill you if I had the chance
Where do you think she got those good looks?
when you blame everything on the jews i dont really understand
>Genetics is the only measurement of whiteness
>Personality traits and ethnocentrism don't count as being part of one's genetic makeup.
Woah, I sure got a tiny (((skinhead))) mind, lol.
The jews are behind everything though newfag
Higher IQ genetics influence those things, not the other way around. These people have been culturally brainwashed, it has nothing to with their genetic makeup.
His wife is not a Jew.
I have to disagree, the effects of homageny (inbreeding) and it's effects on the psyche of jews has not been studied, afaik, but it's most probable that there is an effect.
Our weakness is behind everything.
Jews hold significantly disproportionate power in most western countries and have a culture and interests that are very different from the average white whether they're religious or not. Whether they're technically white or not doesn't really matter, they're bad for whites as a whole.
Hello, I’m Jared Taylor a Zionist shill trying to control American White Nationalism.
>never been shot
>never been banned from twitter
Hey, Spencer. You stole his swag, you Bolshevik cunt
>These people have been (((culturally brainwashed))), it has nothing to do with their genetic makeup.
So Jews have been culturally brainwashed into genociding whites? Imugine moi shuck.
He is banned from twitter.
You're the type of faggot that would call Dr. Pierce controlled opp. Kill yourself.
>muh siege muhfugga
this is nonsense why would jews want to fuck over Jared taylor
They hate tay-tay's good looks.
Why would they want to fuck over Jared Taylor, you moron. He invites them to his conferences.
dude can you speak english
They're both jewish you retard
Or the "4th generation holocaust survivor" didn't tip you off?
yes his daughter is lovely
um that makes no sense
What would the result be if we merged his voice with Carl Sagan's?
did you know you get tax breaks for being a holofilm survivor?
dude blacks lmao
they both advocate for a white ethnostate, as opposed to the nation states of europe. how is that not advocating for the destruction of ethnic identities? spencer has on several times even admitted he'd like to see a single european state, which would inevitably be dominated by one or two of the major groups (anglos and germans) with the rest becoming subjugated or completely destroyed. race is but a component of national identity.
why not argue for an american ethnostate? why not look more seriously into revitalizing and reviving the idea of the american nation, rather than reverting to race?
and these hordes are only coming to europe because they've been invited, and are only able to enter and stay in europe because the politicians let them. i dont need a "white identity" or other retarded americanisms where i pretend im part of the same group as the russians or italians, in order to realize my politicans are fucking me.
>taking meme flags seriously
>while im sitting here arguing for nationalism
off yourself you monkey
Is there anyone you would recommend reading that would encapsulate the views you have presented?
I literally drank whiskey and smoked cigars with Jared and he sees no issue with jews.
>pretend I'm part of the same group as the russians or Italians
you are part of the same overarching group as russians and italians, and we're going to get out of this mess together or not at all, sorry bud.
>how is that not advocating for the destruction of ethnic identities
The various ethnic identities of the USSR didn't get destroyed existing under one umbrella.
>why not argue for an american ethnostate? why not look more seriously into revitalizing and reviving the idea of the american nation, rather than reverting to race?
America was a white (as we understand it) country from its foundation.
> which would inevitably be dominated by one or two of the major groups
That's going to happen anyway. I'd rather the countries that enable my tiny powerless country's existence be they Germany, Britain, France or America to be white. In fact, if they aren't Ireland is guaranteed fucked. I'd love if Irish people could just strike out entirely on their own, but we have to face reality. In trying to envision a world where Ireland is actually Irish in 100 years time I keep coming back to whiteness and nothing else, because there is nothing else.
timestamp pls