>We've passed the Weimer Line
I've heard this several times recently. Is whoever uttering this allusion:
>Coming out as far-right
>Openly accuse the current state to be at the "literally hitler" far-right stage
or both?
We've passed the Weimer Line
Why can you post pictures and no one else can?
Just tried to post. Upload fail. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it.
what the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums?
I was about to try to make this thread again because I kept getting errors.
Hitler's far-right stage was a response, not the impetus. By saying we have "passed the Weimar Line" you are saying the situation in the states is comparable, or has exceeded what happened in the Weimar Republic.
Its not about saying the US is far-right, its about saying we SHOULD be far-right, and are at a point where you really can't look at it and say we shouldn't embrace it. Only a fool would look at the US with its tranny acceptance, preteen gays and rampant pedophilia apologists and think something shouldn't be done about it.
Next market crash, which I think will be soon will cause all the pieces to fall in the correct places.
it all depends on who catches the blame. Not who is to blame, but who catches heat for it.
i'm guessing the uploading is fine when making a thread but broken when making replies
The way an individual answers this question hinges on whether they think the social values of the Weimar Republic, or those of today, are positive or negative. Do you look at trannies marching in the streets with dildos and think "how great that they can do that!" or do you see that and want to protect your child from seeing it? Do you think the rate of alcohol consumption and drug use in society is nothing that needs to be changed, or do you see it as a problem?
America was always past the Weimar line. It was past it before the actual Weimar Republic existed
>trannies marching in the streets with dildos
utterly disgusting
How much more degenerate was 1919 than today now that we've become a super-power since then?
Germany was pretty pozzed in the 1920s socially. I mean, if you read Mein Kampf Hitler talks about how degenerate the people in Vienna and Berlin are. Nazism was the final solution to that, and hopefully it will be to this
Actually true when you consider central banking, we're just under the illusion that we still have economic freedom. We've actually been living under communism for 100 years.
We have reached degeneracy levels previously unseen before in human history.
Nah, Wiemar is still worse imo.
>We've actually been living under communism for 100 years.
>Wiemar is still worse imo
this user gets it
you cant upload because the #memo was leaked and the deep state is shutting it down.
Interesting observation. I mean, there aren't cities in the US where you can just go and get "every debaucherous desire fulfilled" including beasts/children, but our media sure as fuck is disgusting. There was a thread earlier today about the Sundance films, and how one depicted a teacher/student (white teacher, 56% student) relationship, and another about a woman remembering her age 13 affair with a man. Allegedly, there are scenes in that one that are "simulated child rape".
This doesn't need to be put on a screen. It's not "freedom of speech/expression". It's a perversion of art/cinema. These people should be rounded up and deported into outer space.
Crossing the Weimar Line means that culturally the US is as depraved as Germany was in the Weimar Republic, and this type of depravity necessitates a response. That's what crossing that line means.
When things are as bad as Weimer, something needs to be done about it.
No I haven't been able to make a thread all day. I've had good ideas too.
Nigga, we passed the weimar line 50 years ago. We don’t even have a society intact enough to produce as little as a nsdap.
At some point, the media in the US said, you know, what we'd like would be if WE, the media were able to be as depraved as we like, but we'd like to be repressive of people, and what they can do. We've got a handful of specific depravities that middle aged fat jewish women like, and gays and trannies, but less acceptable behavior for normal straight men.
Back in the day, people could say what they wanted and the TV couldn't show a married couple in bed together. Now, there's non stop faggotry on TV, but you have to watch what you say, or else you'll get fired or something.
A far right traditionalist political movement is merely an autoimmune response to the degenerate society that post modernism and critical theory creates. Dont hate the player