Check this shit out commies.
What the fuck leftists?
I thought the wall was a waste of time and even a wheelchair bound soiboy like you could get past it no problem?
What the fuck?
Check this shit out commies.
What the fuck leftists?
I thought the wall was a waste of time and even a wheelchair bound soiboy like you could get past it no problem?
What the fuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
Can someone explain to me why you can't throw a rope with a small weigh over the top, grab it through the bars, then affix it to the ground to have a rope that goes up one side and down the other?
t. someone who doesn't climb ropes
>see through
>natural barriers
>implying Communists care
Who you're looking for are SJW's lad.
Why can't he use the army for building the wall? Can't he tell Mattis to divert 20b from the huge budget?
is trump a faggot? why doesn't he govern correctly? what good is his presidency if he doesn't use all powers available to him. complete 70 year old faggot
We could get prisoners to patrol the wall in return for a shorter sentence.
Was wondering that myself, figured there's supposed to be razor wire
LOL the mexicans can just walk in between
>have prisoners patrol border
>they flee to mexico
>mexico builds a border wall to keep out criminals
genius idea desu, great way to get all the taxleeches in prison to give some benefit back
i like this idea
1 year into trumps 4 year presidency
no wall just some prototypes
delusional 14 year olds here think that the wall will be built ever lmao
Something with us contractors, same thing why the army does do road work in the usa
That's the first thing I thought but I think that one design was made so migrating animals can pass through. They probably won't use that design.
>1 year into trumps 4 year presidency
>no wall just some prototypes
>delusional 14 year olds here think that the wall will be built ever lmao
Dude, the GOP and Trump proposal is to half ALL of the existing 650 miles of fence replaced or fortified and build another 400 miles of fence. And then the other 1100 miles of border are protected by rivers and mountain ridges.
So WTF are you even saying? Do you want a border wall to Canada too?
Amazon has a 32ft ladder listed at $400
>Amazon has a 32ft ladder listed at $400
Ahmmm, dude, no. There will be freaking sensors on it and electrical current and barbed wire. Your 32ft ladder will be doing shit nothing. Also, how are you going to transport your Amazon ladder to the fence?
good luck transporting it and climbing a 30 ft wall with a 32 ft ladder
trump is a useless banker puppet he said what he needed to say to get elected .
just being president was more important to him then ever keeping his promises . you were played by a narcissistic ny billionaire
>place feet of ladder into tires
Great so even if the supposed wall that Mexico isn't paying for gets built its just going to force people to cross the rivers and mountain ridges.
what do you mean good luck. is that hard? is there proof of sensors? does it really matter? we need wars on drugs and moat crocodiles
The wall still doesn't address the MUCH larger problem (as in 10-20x as big a problem), of people getting standard tourist visas and over-staying indefinitely.
No wall to jump when you land at an airport 500 miles from the border and drive into the distance to live your life in middle america.
a 32 ft ladder would have to be almost perfectly vertical in order to scale a 30 ft wall, and then once you're at the top, what then? just hop down and hope you don't break all your bones?
what are ropes with rubberised grabbers on the end. speaking of grabbing things. grabbem. theyre rapists
Hi, Obama Leaf. Suck off your dog recently?
i have no idea, i didn't mention anything like that
I think instead of TSA we need HSA, homeland security that goes to residencies if expired visa holders and either give them a chance to renew or deport.
Makes sense, since ICE is clearly preoccupied by the 3.6 million illegals Barack “I suck” Obama let in.
>force people to cross the rivers and mountain ridges.
>death toll in the thousands
just as planed
yeah thats how conversations tend to work. you had one job herschel
That only works if they use the same name and tell people where they're going.
If they move to some tiny ass town in the middle of nowhere and work shitty dead end jobs for pay under the table, no one will ever find them.
are you a bot? you're posts aren't making sense
>tfw open borders for animals
I have a better idea to stop mexicans crossing the border
get your military out of the middle east and put them on your border
How high are those walls? Do you have any idea how dangerous that'd be even if they're only 20ft.
fuck off you serpentine fuck nobody cares you fay stupid fuck
>just hop down and hope you don't break all your bones?
I think he was thinking about a roped ladder for the other side.
But wall builders and fence builders aren't stupid. They use razor wire up on the wall and sensors and electrocution devices to make people stop scaling the fences with ladders.
>armed patrol
Well they'll have to buy 2 of them and beaners can afford $800 ladders. Also how will they get the ladder over the other side? A 32 foot ladder is pretty heavy. It'd be difficult for Pedro to carry a heavy ladder up another ladder and successfully drop it down the otherwise while balancing himself atop the wall.
Calm down Fag.
The majority of them don't jump the border. They just overstay their work visas.
Seriously, even if the wall is 100% effective, you've barely even dented the total number of illegals getting into the country. The wall is literally just a symbolic waste of money to help the uneducated feel like their party is doing something amazing and great and substantive.
about 30 ft. It was planned to be 20, but then Vincente Fox said he won't pay for it
You apparently don't have much experience with prisoners.
The wall helps stop the drug trafficking, people smugglers, and cartels?
That's some good wall design right there.
Drugs are already being flown over the current walled areas with drones and catapults. Why would a slightly taller wall change anything?
Also, human trafficking happens all the time across the world, the wall isn't gonna do shit.
Yea. Most of you have probably never been that high up before. I did roofing when I was younger and if you fall from 30 ft you're either dead immediately or you wish you were dead because you're now a veg. It's way higher up than most people realize.
It will probably make more money on its tourism than it costed from the beginning though. People will want to see the great american wall.
>. It was planned to be 20, but then Vincente Fox said he won't pay for it
Vicente fox was president from 2000-2006. He left the office a decade before trump was elected.
The wall is part of the process. It is necessary, but not sufficient. We have to address the issue from all angles. Having a wall in place will funnel at least some of them into area where BP can intercept.
Tell that to Hungary and Israel.
Oh good, we can waste money while we waste more money to keep wasting money.
The cheapest thing would be just to let them fucking become citizens and tax them.
Trueeee!! We have no idea what we are talking about!
Would be funny to see Mexicans try something like this though:
>Assuming they have a high enough income to be taxable
The best thing would be for you to kys
A lot of them a bit too fat for that. I picture one getting stuck.
You have to do it before border patrol shows up, and there will be cameras
he was speaking as a citizen of Mexico, not as it's president
Pretty sure you can’t mobilize the military on American soil
Yeah just let them become citizens and then we can become a socialist banana republic full of spics. Brilliant fucking idea.
>so migrating animals can pass through
So what's the point if they're still going to let mexicans in?
What are cameras and sensors? What are electronics?
I'm guessing you mean inbetween the prototype walls. That actually pissed me off, sure it's not a crazy amount of distance, but the prototype walls should've been built on the border, and touching. Then they all could have just stayed, and that would be a bit less wall that needed building.
sounds like it works
Border patrol: just some donkeys crossing nothing to see here
Border patrol 2: what's that in the donkeys ass FREEZE DONKEY SCUM
The wall is a waste of time, because it is combating an imaginary narrative more than an actual one. Trump thinks throwing up a wall will work because all the illegal immigrants and drugs are literally just coming across the border, like just passing over it, which isn't true.
A ton of illegal immigrants over-stay visas, and most of the drugs are smuggled in on planes, boats, etc. It isn't walked over the border by some shady looking criminal.
And speaking of criminals, instead of the wall hurting them, it will probably help them, because for the people that ARE just sneaking across the border, the cartels will just tunnel under the wall (or use the tunnels they already have, because you know, they do already have them), and then they'll make money everything they charge someone to traffic them through their tunnels.
Alright, let's see you throw a rope over a 30 foot wall and then climb it.
>so migrating animals can pass through
you mean like jose and his wife and 8 kids? sounds like a bad wall design.
I don't give a flying fuck how much it costs. This is not about money, Schlomo. It is about preserving the American nation. Not how many dollars we can keep in your pocket you rootless fuck.
Sweet child.
Until you crack the top 50% of income earners you aren't paying federal income tax. Until you reach the top 25% you are a net taker rather than a maker.
These are facts. If you want have a progressive society with progressive taxation then only the best qualified immigrants can help us. If you want to be charitable then your money is better spent improving those other countries and hiring people in their homes.
How do you preserve the American nation when it keeps changing? The American nation before the Civil War was vastly different than after. The American nation before WW2 was vastly different than after. The American nation during the Cold War was very different than after. The American nation before the civil rights movement was very different than after. Which American nation are you trying to preserve? The idea of being able to preserve something that has never stayed the same doesn't even make sense.
There have been years where we have had over 1 million crossings of the southern border. We will fix the other issues, but you are not going to convince anyone here that the wall does not matter.
yeah, just make them all citizens, wait another 30 years, then let the next 40 million illegals become citizens too. and repeat until everyone's speaking spanish and eating tacos. great solution faggot.
As much as I hate spics I honestly do not care if the wall stops even so much as one taco nigger, I honestly don't. The reason I want the wall is twofold: first, it's a symbol, the wall says to all the world's detritus the simple truth that they are not wanted. That alone has the potential to dissuade hundreds of thousands of the world's assorted nig nogs who, up until now, have been told by Democrats that nothing makes the American people happier than paying for them to live a comfortable life unburdened by work, responsibility, or the rule of law. Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, I believe as a national socialist that government spending can actually be good. When the government is using its money to provide well paying jobs to actual Americans (preferably white but certainly legal), as opposed to fighting wars for Israel, bailing out Jewish banks, and handing Shanequa with her 7 fatherless kids gibs every month so she can continue not working.
This all begs a question. Tell me Democrats: why does your party, a party that insists the wall will accomplish absolutely nothing but still claims to be made up Keynesians, oppose a government works program worth tens of billions of dollars? Either you know it will work and wetbacks will be drastically reduced, or you no longer support government infrastructure programs that give the working class people of this country (almost certainly all union workers) well paying, shovel ready jobs with excellent benefits that can support a family for years. Pick one you lying demokikes, there is no fucking third choice.
The American nation is white. That is what it was intended to be as explicitly stated by the founders and what it was until 1965.
>They just overstay their work visas.
If only it were somehow possible to stop issuing so many visas.
Yeah, there's no such thing as illegals actually crossing the border on foot, it's all a repukelican delusion! All illegals are dropped in by drone now, or, brought by submarine. TAKE THAT BLOMPF!!!!! THE WALL WILL STOP NOTHING BECAUSE I SAY SO!!!!
>stopping 40% of the illegals, and the shittiest 40% who can't even afford plane tickets isn't worth it.
You know the wall will work because democrats and Mexicans are SO against it. If it wasn't going to stop anything they wouldn't care.
Just get a bigger ladder jaun, don't be a pussy. California needs those democratic votes.
Screwing over the fans in favor of chasing a new audience consistently works. Even if you the franchise (star wars) you will make back your investment, and most of the time the fans will still buy a ticket.
Just look at blizzard entertainment. Just about everything after Activision bought them out has been one shit show after another. The fanboys but day one, qq on the forum and never learn their lesson.
In the same way the unions still vote blue. They vote for the same people flooding their professions with incompetent labor that drives wages down. They will cry about it, but at the end of the day they will still cast their blue collar blue party vote.
It's pretty cheap to stop eating, too.
Someone should tell all those faggy, tree hugging, lefties that have been leaving trails of food, water, and shelter through the desert for 30 fucking years while certainly not acting as accessories and enablers of countless crimes.
Even if you kill the franchise.
uh...just look at it dipshit, you can walk around the side of it, look at that gap. fucking commandos are retarded or something.
>Trump thinks throwing up a wall will work because all the illegal immigrants and drugs are literally just coming across the border, like just passing over it, which isn't true.
Get out of here with these fucking obvious lies.
Anyone that's ever lived in any border state knows you are full of shit.
Link related sued for 77 grand by illegals for protecting his property against mass illegal and smuggler traffic. They probably got the money for lawyers from drug money.
>Can someone explain to me why you can't throw a rope with a small weigh over the top
those metal bars are at an angle, and they look a bit slipper (footing grip wise)
plus thats a fairly high climb
>In the same way the unions still vote blue
Not true anymore. If you had the extra flag extension you would see I'm from Michigan. The blue collar union guys of the region have been deserting the democratic party in droves ever since Trump, and that's only going to become more pronounced as everyone's W2s roll in. The dems have destroyed their own blue wall, and the union guys aren't going to build another one (not up here anyway) for a party that wants them replaced by Mexicans and living hand to mouth on welfare.
>Just look at blizzard entertainment. Just about everything after Activision bought them out has been one shit show after another. The fanboys but day one, qq on the forum and never learn their lesson.
Blizzard is smarter about pushing the SJW shit directly down the throat of their customers. Overwatch rode that line pretty well.
EA on the other
>Dragon Age: Cisquisition
>Healthy at any Mass Effect
>Fully in bed with Star Wars: The Last White Man
>Only once did a tester manage to land a hook on top of the wall without help, the official said. Tubes atop some models repelled climbing devices but wouldn't work in more mountainous areas because the terrain is too jagged.
See the rounded top in Ops pic? Hooks bounce away. I don't see what jagged terrains change though.
>have been told by Democrats that nothing makes the American people happier than paying for them to live a comfortable life unburdened by work, responsibility, or the rule of law.
Underrated, this really is the message being sold by the Commucrats and I can't believe taxpayers think so little of themselves as to fall for it.
Take your idiot, manchild, kike controlled hobby somewhere else faggot. I'll accept the other anons shitty, child like, analogy as an analogy but we are certainly not here to discuss your favorite Jew peddled children's toys as if they are of any societal importance, and certainly not when compared to the wall.
The wall will also have active monitoring. Sensors can easily detect such things.
>That way the border patrol agents won't have to wander around in the dark and risk hurting themselves when they go to pick up the drugs for their cartel handlers.
and you were played by a narcissistic bullprepping flamboyant faggot
so there's that
lol wut
I was wondering about this. This could potentially disrupt local ecosystems in the southwest.
This is why the best system would be drones that open fire on humanoid figures attempting to enter illegally. Unfortunately normies are bothered by this solution, so we are going to have to destroy some of these precious eco systems.
>see through so you can see the hungry mexicans on the other side while you take selfies with your MAGA hat on
this is even better than i thought
>I don't see what jagged terrains change though.
Probably meaning there's an elevated rock nearby they could launch off of.
This requires more time, effort, expense, and risk on the part of criminals though which of course is the point of any lock or barrier.
Were not worried about the world, were worried about our southern border
how are the innocent little orphans and women going to cross a rugged mountain range on foot user