Well done, morons

well done, morons

In 2018 everything is racist and problematic

Why not just make them less delicious looking. I mean I have to admit they tempted me on a few occasions. Clean mouth and a tasty treat? Not sure how I resisted.

>Wasting money on tide pods
>Not just buying a big-ass box of detergent and using in-wash scent boosters

Something easily changed is killing children; do producer of said something changes it
> muh raysissm

Tl;dr ONLY black lives matter to the mentally underdeveloped

>19 cents a load vs. 25 cents a load

this, or better yet, get rid of them and make some god damn candy that looks & feels exactly like them
you'd be rich as fuck

T. Lives on his own woth no kids or anything
I spend a hundred bucks a month if not more on detergent.

You're fucking with me

>6 cents per load
>17-20 loads a week for a house of 7
>$63 saved per year versus pods
Though it's more like 14 cents a load vs 30 cents a load.

Fake news

It's more than that homie. Not only are powdered detergents cheaper than liquid ones (in any packaging), powder detergents clean far better.

Wait what?! Are you telling me memes got a million/billion dollar company to remove their product from shelves?

Those costs an insane amount. They were about as effective.

Who cares?

these just lose to off-brand, fucking dumb on their part to even care what retards do

Why the fuck do you losers censor out the names in images like this? Fucking faggot show the name. People that deserve to be bullied till they off themselves

This isn't real you cow eyed niggers


It is weird. They do kind of make you want to eat them. The way they look, the texture.

Too funny... only black people use tide

>17-20 loads a week for a house of 7

What the fuck is wrong with you? Americans are so fucking retarded

fucking ungrateful niggers. always bitching about something. high IQ must be a privilege too. its a cryin' shame we can't just give them better genes as well

>a load of colors per day
>a lot of whites per day
that's 14. easily required with so many shitskins in a house

>three loads of laundry to fit bed sheets and blankets
because I hope to god you people actually wash your sheets weekly. disgusting mongrels otherwise

>one miscellaneous load for whatever

boom, you're at 18.


>shame we can't give them better genes

We literally did that for 400 years

>I have to wash my clothes with the liquid now because of some stupid fucking meme

>a load of colors and whites per day
nigger WHAT

>Linen and comforter for 4+ beds (once a week)
>5+ towels a day
>Weekly clothing for 7 people
>Pillows and cases twice a month at least
I hope you're not one of those nasty fucks that doesn't shower and change his clothes every day.


>incoming people selling Tide pods for exorbitant prices on eBay or on Craigslist

It's more like over 50 cents per load with the pods. And you can't tailor the amount of detergent to the amount of laundry or soil level. Pure waste because they can't bother to do anything the right way.

But what will niggers steal now to sell for drug money?

Pretty much this. Tide is one of the most stolen items at stores. It's crazy.

Obesity plus stupidity is a helluva drug. Mutts need rehab.

>5+ towels a day
>>Weekly clothing for 7 people
You don't double up loads?

>I hope you're not one of those nasty fucks that doesn't shower and change his clothes every day.

You aren't even supposed to wash jeans unless you spill something on them, and besides that, unless you have failed to toilet train your children, they should be able to re-wear pants at least once a week.

Underwear for boys can be reworn two days in a row if you teach them to not shit themselves and how to clean up in the bathroom properly. Socks should be daily and so should shirts.

I bet most people here do not wash their own clothes and don't know shit. Powder is always better and cheaper. Same with dishwashers. Pods, tablets etc. are just for lazy people who love to waste money.

Why? Is it easier to steal somehow than other stuff?

He's right you know. The majority of household products you spend hundreds, of not thousands on a year are mostly over priced gimmicks housewives fall for solely due to the way its advertised.
Extensive watered down detergents and cleaners are seldom better and in most cases a inferior product than the same discount, no name brands you find for a fraction of the price.
>But how embarrassing is it to have doll hair general brand product in your home rather than name brand products.

>wash blankets twice a year
>sheets, pillowcases once a month
>reuse towel for shower all week, it's only water off your clean body & dries hung up
>a man doesn't need more than 2 pairs of pants. work pants that get washed once a week, non-work pants 2-3 weeks

1 load a week max

if you're an inactive basement neet sure
go outside

Yeah, really. That shit pissed me off. You needed to rethink the way you do laundry because these little faggot baggies, which don't even dissolve in warm or cold water forcing me to ruin clothes by washing them in hot only, couldn't wash my clothes when I needed to wash them and only when it was appropriate for the baggy.

Fuck tide pods, I wish they finished with that shit before a bunch of people had to die simply because they fucking sucked.

It has a fairly high value for size and it's easily sold as everyone does laundry.

Tide is saying on their Twitter now that no they're not getting rid of tide pods. Fake news

It's easy to sell on the street because it's so fucking expensive. It's one of the items bought by food stamp niggers and sold so can they buy alcohol.

Tide pod gummies filled with juice

At least 5 people shower every day.
If you want to be generous we can assume that they'll re-use towels and cut that down to 20 towels a week as opposed to 35.
>You don't double up loads?
Of course you do, that doesn't decrease the amount of clothing that needs to be washed though.
>You aren't even supposed to wash jeans unless you spill something on them, and besides that, unless you have failed to toilet train your children, they should be able to re-wear pants at least once a week.
>>wash blankets twice a year
Jesus fucking christ dude.
I wish I could upload images so I could properly display my disgust.


You're not supposed to drink it Mohammud.

ive been wearing the same shirt for several years i like your points

100 swedebucks, right...?

White people just steal golf balls because they're so small and easy to flip.

The pods make my washer build up mildew faster anyway. Powder or gtfo

>people are too lazy to fill that little cup in the washer, and opt for some pod you just throw in

truly the west will continue to do great thing

this is pr speak for "they arent selling that well but we want to look like a socially responsible company" fyi

Tide should be adding more capacity to make even more of these pods. All the right people get injured from this shit.

He cumstein, pods are really bad for plumbing too. This probably gave them a good excuse to kill them off.


ha, i was being somewhat facitious. you are correct, but i guess the takeaway is that no good deed goes unpunished


and you guys need a real police force

I knew this was coming. I wish they had bleach in those pods to kill these retards for ruining a good thing.

>washing 5 5 towels a day

What the actual fuck? The towel is used to dry your recently cleaned body. You don't need to wash it every goddamn day.

It certainly is nice to do so, but if you are the kind of dumbass that pumps out 5 kids and has no money to pay for it then that is a luxury you can't afford.

I hate it when these companies cuck and prevent natural selection

>using expensive tide pods when regular detergent works just fine
Keep feeding them money, goys.

good for you for not being filthy nigger, but you're still retarded, you don't have to get new towels after every shower and all you should change every day is your underwear and socks and even that can be used the next day if you're not sweating too much

"how can i find a way to make this racist"
i am praying for an asteroid to eradicate humans

>muh NEET red herring

nigger in highschool I worked out daily and was on a competitive sports team and dressed well on the weekends and at most I would have a single load of whites and a single load of coloreds for the week (and I could easily have fit another 6x whites into my loads, mostly sox and workout shirts). since I showered before bed I only washed linens once every two weeks when I'd wash them with my whites.

if you wash your jeans you probably eat like a mentally ill person, you probably eat at your computer and spill mustard and other gross hot dog condiments all over your pants and wash them to fuck so that they turn this awful light blue colour that shows stains even worse. real denim jeans arent supposed to be washed, it ruins the denim. that you dont know this is fucking proof that america has been pussified, men dont even know how to take care of jeans and act like chicks

To clean Jamal's sperm from your wife's clothes?

Glad someone else gets it. I think the only time i ever go out of my way to do laundry is when i need clean socks and underwear. I'll wear a pair of work pants for 2 weeks straight. My sister was at my house the other week and said something about how that was gross. I told her she would have never known if i didn't say anything. Meanwhile she's washing clothes she wore for 2 hours to go out to eat and wonders why she's constantly replacing worn out shirts and shit.
> always wash your clothes on cold unless absolutely necessary to wash on hot.

Pods are better than liquid or powder because you can use a fixed water level washing machine and guarantee your cloths are getting the same detergent:water ratio every time. I don't want to go back to the OCD days of double washing or double rinsing if I detected something was off upon removing articles from the washing machine.


Eradicate the real problem!

Succes, that product was a scam anyway.
Basically they were taking control of how much detergent you put in your laundry.

Doesn't matter how much laundry you have to clean.

Use the pod. The pod knows how much you need, Trust the pod maker.... fuck this shit

>family of 7
let me guess. you wear your shit until it stinks instead of throwing it in the hamper at the end of the day. enjoy your acne riddled skin.

>20 loads a week
What, in your ass?

>Buy all tide pods from shelves
>Hold while product is discontinued
>Resell as novelty at a massively inflated price

you could always use 2 pods if you wished to do so

you're replying to a mentally ill person or a roastie who has to exaggerate the scale of her job to validate her existence in a male-dominated community like Sup Forums

this is a person who believes that jeans go in the washing machine. at best they should be scrubbed with a damp brush, they should NEVER be put in a machine, levi strauss is spinning in his grave right now

What if Tide started this pod eating challenge covertly as some sort of guirrella marketing strategy?

Are you retarded? You want the white race eradicated because niggers are stupid?

Fucking faggots interfering with natural selection

all that McDonald's grease that flows through their veins makes their sharts soak through the underwear, so they have to wash their pants every day

But can you squeeze half a pod in?

Your sisters pants succumb to crotch rot due to her petri dish of a vagina


So who the hell is buying tide pods from some random nigger on the street corner instead of buying them from the store?

>be american
>get the lastest on cleaning tech
>has to be removed from shelves because people eat soap
>american intellectuals

>men not knowing how to do laundry means pussified
Raised by stronk single female amirite?

Or you could just buy powder/liquid and it'd be much more efficient than bringing home bags full of air.

Nfw your legit blm
Niggers eat detergent, they can't even wash their hair

Satanic plan.

I put my jeans in the washing machine all the time turned inside out. Literally never had a problem with them


fake bait

Somehow they turned it into racism! Oh man I am actually starting to love this timeline.

that's the question on everybody's mind

I used to buy detergents for about 1/10 of their price from this one gypsy that was selling them right on the street. He was stealing them from local factory but had no idea what they actually cost, he probably though he was scamming me. I was actually kinda afraid he's gonna find out eventually and stabs me or something, but one day he just dissapeared, so they probably caught him.

if you don't know how to be a self-sufficient young man then how are you going to teach your partner to take care of you? women dont know how to wash jeans, they bleed out their cunts for a week every month and it makes them think men's pants must be equally unclean.

if your woman is about to throw your jeans in the wash tell her to fuck off.

the one acceptable way to "clean" jeans is to put them in the deep freezer or if you live up north then you can put them in the shed for 24h. then take them out and beat them a few times to stretch them out again and you're ready to go.

if you let a woman put your jeans in a clothes washing machine you might as well let her take your balls and feed them to jamal while he plunges his BBC into her loins. you have no control over your life.

Actually whats better than that is the biggest bulk of dawn dish soap you can find and baking soda. dry laundry detergent is basically baking soda and other shit like dried out soaps anyways. Use one tbsp of dawn and 1/4 cup baking soda per large load. And I swear to god it cleans better.

t. Degenerate ontariopoorfag that is too cheap to buy some laundry detergent and even wash his underwear

You're probably one of those people who smell like a disgusting mix of sweat and shit when it's hot outside.