Where did UK's gold go?

Where did UK's gold go?

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To the US

Gordon Brown is a dumb subversive cunt.

(((Gordon))) sold about 400 tonnes. We would be number 9 if it wasn't for that cunt. Watch this; 02:10 onwards is where he mentions gold.


at least it wasn't 3/4 of the reserve (510 tonnes) stolen by communists pre Civil War

And before that? 50-60's?

At least they still have gold

Haha suck it UK


The Russians should have given that back after the war desu. But whatever, gold is a meme anyway.


>Alexander Mikhailovich Orlov (born Leiba Lazarevich Feldbin; 21 August 1895 – 25 March 1973), was a General in the Soviet secret police and NKVD Rezident in the Second Spanish Republic.
>He is known mostly for secretly transporting the entire gold reserve of the Spanish Republic to the USSR
>He was born Lev Lazarevich Feldbin in the Belarusian town of Babruysk on August 21, 1895 to an Orthodox Jewish family.
And I like how they always change their names. So many soviets with supposedly russian/ukrainian names are actually kikes.


What does hoarding gold actually get you?

Well, at least having some real assets, not just meme bonds, backing your currency is certainly not bad.

Then why is the GBP worth more than USD and EUROFail?

>gold is a meme anyway.
t. butthurt britbong soyboy with no gold

>The Republican government had agreed to use this hoard of bullion as an advance payment for Soviet military supplies
ah, the classic soviet market dynamics of supply and demand
oh, wait

>What does hoarding gold actually get you?

It's a scarse resource with value. Hoarding it buys trading power.

where did the empire go....

wait a second m8....

where the fuck are all the white people ?
where the fuck am i ?
why are these people here ?
im scared.

..... I thought we won the war.
.........I thought we were the good guys.

To the US during WWII in exchange for weapons.

It isnt.

Euro is worth more than the dollar is worth more than the pound.

>muh gold reserves that totally exist.

Most of those countries including mine stored their gold in the US.
But the US government has spend it all a long time ago.

If they spent it, than /someone/ has it.

Nice poem, Kipling.

And we know (((who))).

But gold in private hands is of no use when you want to stabilize your government in times of disasters, which is what these reserves are supposedly for.

>Dollar is worth more than the pound

How many gallons of processed cheese to I have to ingest to shrink my brain that tiny?

What's a real asset? And why is it "real" while other things are not "real"?

I think you ask them to ship back to your country if you ask US nicely I think.

Germany asked that a couple of years ago.

They only got a tiny portion back, and the serial numbers are all wrong.

It is all savz and zoundz in ze Deutsche Bankz cellar!


>Germany asked that a couple of years ago.
But only half will be in Frankfurt.

In January 2013, the German central bank (Deutsche Bundesbank) announced plans to repatriate 300 tonnes of its 1,500 tons of gold from the US and 374 tonnes from France by 2020, in order to have half (1,700 tonnes) of its 'official' gold reserves stored in Frankfurt. The gold in the U.S. was earned by Germany through trade surpluses in the 1950s and 1960s and was never moved out of the United States due to fear of invasion by the Soviet Union. In 2013, a mere 5 tonnes were shipped due to logistical difficulties. However, Germany repatriated 120 t in 2014 (35 tonnes from Paris, 85 t from New York), 210 t in 2015 (110.5 t from Paris and 99.5 t from New York) and 200 t in 2016. For 2017, the estimate is at 250 t.

Where did Canada's gold go to? Oh wait it got sold by Trudeau for (((paper money)))

I am impressed, our dumbass politicians in all their incompetence somehow managed to not sell all the gold already.

you tell me

retard that doesn't understand that the unit price of a currency is meaningless

Because it's a scarce commodity, which is easy to store and it doesn't change its qualities with time, unlike most of other commodities.
What else central banks hold? Mostly government bonds, which is basically a piece of paper that guarantees you'll get repaid with currency, which central bank issues itself. And unlike currency and bonds, gold retains its value. When gold standard was completely abandoned one ounce was at $42.22, today it is $1333.

It just ties up wealth in a commodity that doesn't produce anything of value.

Gave it to the jews after ruining europe

America literally shit itself when France asked to be paid in gold. This was because of distrust in the dollar after other countries found America was in debt after financing wars like Vietnam. They quickly dropped the gold standard and ran to the Arabs to create the petro-dollar. There is no way that America owns that much gold. There is a (((reason))) (((they))) won't let the Fed be audited.