I'm Gay...Conservative...So What?


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We don't want you

nice jewtoob recommendations

Okay, so why even bring it up?


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>hey look at me I'm a sodomite AND a Christian! Now that's what I call progress

Absolutely degenerate. This dude has no self-awareness

most ''gay'' men are attracted to women as well but are extremely sexually driven and usually quite perverted.

Amerifag... classic


We appreciate your support, now stop being a sodimite, find a woman, take some viagra and go make kids, like you are meant to.

>it's a Sup Forums is either too stupid or too underage to realize gays are a self solving problem episode

We are still not certain if homosexuality is heritary or not, but we are certain it spreads through child abuse.

In either case, its best for homosexuals to remove themselves from the gene pool by avoiding procreation.

Cucks will bow to liberals on every single issue. I can't wait until Ben Shapiro is parading his tranny kids around in 10 years.

Gays are not the problem. Self-sterilizing and effeminate men are. [self sterilizing=wasting your seed=not putting it where it belongs=a womans vagina (that isnt being sterilized with hormones or other infertility treatments)]

>We appreciate your support, now stop being a sodimite, find a woman, take some viagra and go make kids, like you are meant to.
- I'm also black...

If a gay man finds a good wife, I would think he would be less likely to be an abuser. One reason, even as a traddy Catholic that I am all for married men becoming priests.

Why do you need acceptance?

I'm gay but I don't wake up everyday thinking of ways to play victim and I sure as Hell don't go prancing around like a fruit. Barely any conservatives give me flack about this and if a future generation harms me for being gay, I'll honestly just be happy the future is more conservative.

DESU, I dont have much of a problem with black folks

(tried to post the meme about clarence thomas going to mass files wont upload for some reason.
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I still believe that homosexual deviancy is a disorder, and with genetic rewriting being declared haram in our society, non-scientific methods of population control should be exercised, like making gays stick to their own abused kin, and stay in their reservations while the human race moves beyond them.

Don't care
> Take care of yourself

I would rather see them at least attempt to fix the wreck that they (and the media and academic elite) have made of their lives.

>Barely any conservatives give me flack about this and if a future generation harms me for being gay, I'll honestly just be happy the future is more conservative.

That's not a very healthy mindset friend

>find a good wife
for every good wife there are 10 degenerate females, the trending (at least here) is that females are going more promiscuos and gays are going more monogamous, stats show that for the first time in the records straight relationship last less than gay ones.

Kys traitor

I think we can spare the cut-off of removing them fully. I´d rather have the most likely problem group self-select themselves out of the gene pool, rather than have to deal with this same problem over and over and over again every generation. But that is mostly because as a non-christian, i lack your moral fortitude.

Since christianity has been hollowed out and ridiculed by modernity, we default to our nature a lot more than we should. While a chistian society might have kept the gay in check, in post-modernism, we can no longer rely on people surpressing their inate desires, so a more active selection is necessary.

While you would rather see them procreate, i would rather see them culled, since i have little faith in the next generation being any better at resisting subversion than i view the current one.


Does anyone here actually take them seriously?

dude i value personal liberties and individual freedom but at the same time I think letting in people who have no concept of these things will blindly accept it and become just like me lmao

Gay is the final redpill

>im an oxymoron...so what
GRIDS has always been a core conservative value. We have always been at war with homophobes.

The artificial womb draws near, then we will no longer be held back by (((women)))

if they were, there wouldn't be any gay people now.
fags reproduce through child molestation

It means that you don't want immigrants stealing the job of fucking you in the ass

So as a gay do you ensure that your entire life revolves around sex like every other homo seems to?

lol you can't ba a fag and a conservative you dumb larping faggot
even though larping faggots like milo who are trying to look conservative are in fact not

you are just extra level hungy for attention whores who only ride the hype of being edgy
a fag is first and most of all is a fucking psycho, because thinking that butt-fucking is anything less then a psychopathy is very fucking progressive reality bending shit

no offense faggot but if it was up to me.. i'd pass a law REQUIRING all fags to keep it down and never say that they actually fuck each other.. i mean by a fact that you admit to being a fag makes you a leftist progressive by default
i can accept butt-fucking as an art-form or some explorative event but AS A LIFE CHOICE.. fuck no

this is insanity in it's purest form you might as well start eating shit and demand it at a restaurant where normal people go to eat. all in all.. fags are a nuisance.. something that may be accepted as a diviation or some form of eccentricity but not as a group or whatever the fuck else you faggots larp as

blatantly most of you are better to be put down like rabbid dogs since most of you are clinically insane and are a danger to healthy society, so.. you go figure you insane fairy who has been set off the leash and now sees no boundaries or common sense.

and just to not sound homophobic or anything.. i can accept some levels of buttfucking as long as it's done somewhere in private in small occasional amounts, such shit must not be promoted. since the only reason the faggots are in such numbers is that such insanity is promoted, if other insane shit was promoted then it would go rampant as well

human mind is very suggestive and would actually take a form which is suggested to it, for instance, if people were told that hearing voices in your hear is OK, then A LOT of people will actually hear voices

the same with fags. this behavior is suggested - thus happens

compreder? now fuck off

(((Prayger U))) that alone should be giving you red flags

Kek, this to be fair.


Why? It's self solving problem why would I want them to pass down their genes

They would be if they didn't elect pedophile satanists to convert children

>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!

>red flags

>So what?

Makes whole video about it.

You have been deported son

>cuckservative lefty horseshit



is that fucking cornelius

Based cornholio

i like my gay niggas, they ride for life

Next up on PragerU:

>Gender is just a social construct, and this is why it's scientific
>Traditional age for marriage: Why we should lower the age of consent and marriage in the west

Tbh we need sassy gay conservatives

What is subversion? What is promiscuity? What is the sexual liberation?

Noone cares



So what? Why do you feel the need to post. I'll tell you why. You are gay and you need attention. This is the reason you're gay. You can get attention from other women so you head for the low hanging fruits. Literally.

Why can't gay people be conservatives?

You can't have just some degeneracy. It's either none of it or eventually it will be all of it.

Someone's dad

He's so cute! I'd like to eat his ass, and rub my dick on him. I bet he'd like the semen of an aryab stallion inside of his cute as hole !

Which traditions or values are you exactly "conserving" by basing your lifestyle and enshrining a sexual deviancy?

discord gg/8ckEBm

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Yeah and I'm atheist and conservative
We're not all the same. Big deal.

As long as we all stand for the cause


So what do you classify this man as?

You'll be shut down by neoliberals, they hate gays or something

Because they are larping.con or ghey,pick one. The one you dont pick is a larp.

A conservative larping as a gheywad is clever & funny. A gheywad larping as a conservative is just sad & dumb.

Keep your dick sucking and fudge packing habits to yourself, it's non my my god damned business. What kind of a self aggrandized narcissist do you have to be to throw yourself a parade celebrating the fact that you like to take dick in the ass?


Modern conservatives get off on esoteric bullshit so homo's naturally fit in with them.

I really want to hear how this chucklefuck rationalizes being an openly gay Christian. He must be a part of some really cucked (((church))) if they're going to tolerate that shit. I'm fine with letting gays join a Church so long as they remain celibate, but to let some openly gay faggot go around calling himself a Christian is disgusting.

I hate this boomer tier shit so much that's basically just sucking up to the left. Fuck niggers and fuck faggots.

What're they gonna do? Stone him? Christianity has no teeth.

"Cute as hoe?eeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
Silly faggot,dix r 4 chix!!!!!

Sho me bobs& vagene!!!!!

>Conserving traditional morals and sexuality.
Pick one.

One can be Conservative or homosexual. One cannot be both.

(((prageru))) is a (((progressive))) 'christian' publication goy.

Gay conservative is an oxymoron.
Do this:

This doesn't mean you can get married.

Conservative just means you're conserving the status quo, they'll always be 20 years behind liberals.

And that's the problem with the modern Church. There's a good quote on that by Fulton Sheen.

i.imgur.com/5hgQ38b .png

Gays can still make white babies
He's in our camp nigger

I know, it is improving my literate communication skilz having to text my venom instead of shitposting a mutt from my extensive mutt collection

>Conservative just means you're conserving the status quo, they'll always be 20 years behind liberals.
Which is why Conservatives are just as anti-White as Liberals are.

>Gays can still make white babies
Homosexuality is anti-White. Homosexuality cannot breed without outside influence.

>He's in our camp nigger
Homosexuals and Conservatives are not and never will be pro-White.

Kikeservatives now fully promoting the gay agenda. I hate this country with a perfect hatred.

Stop defining your existence and social value by the type of genitals you are attracted to. It is only a big deal because you make it one. 99.99% of the people on earth don't care. The rest are irrelevant and easily ignored

Ever since sola scriptura became an issue this was an inevitability, interpreting whatever you want from the bible.
>Which is why Conservatives are just as anti-White as Liberals are.

X-tian chrislingism& beta cut-dik-likery go together like poop & poopholes ,christer lion-food

Conservative is not status quo 20 years behind you moron. Its maintaining what works and using absolute planning to try something new to minimize damage. The left throws shit at the wall and breaks what wrongs.

I truly wonder how many people go on this from 4/pol/

Conservatism has failed just like the catholic church failed to contain the social revolution of liberals taking over the institutions.

You're thinking of traditionalism.

A National Socialist cares about his people. A Conservative only cares about his money. - George Lincoln Rockwell.

>conservatives are are socially progressive

No they cannot. Homosexuals IN PRINCIPLE cannot make babies. Technology does not change the principle of things.


you nigs making me post this to much

Fuck chrislings. Fucking niggers & fucking faggots can fucking fuck christers til' the fucking sun fucking burns out.

look at 2018 polls. protestants and catholics support gay marriage overwhelmingly in the 60-80%

only evangelicals are 20-30% but the jews are working hard to subvert them too. just like they made christians be zionists.

christianity through ought history has hated jews and has always seen them as sodom and gomorrah or the synagogue of satan.


Homos are an abomination whether you're secular or religious. They're born spies just like jews.

Based Magapedes

>christianity through ought history has hated jews and has always seen them as sodom and gomorrah or the synagogue of satan.
Lol no, the catholic church routinely gave jews whenever the townsfolk got out their pitchforks and torches to pogrom the local usurious kikes. The first people jews would turn to when things got uppity were the local bishops.

Christianity condemned usury but shielded the only people in society allowed to practice it with things like Sicut Judaeis Non.

Protestants are even worse because they practically invented modern philo-semitism to justify their sedition from the Catholic Church.

Makes me wonder what kind of conditioning you’ve gone through to type that much lmao, sad