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nice cherrypicking

>Catholics are cucks who spread their legs for immigrants and refugees

Protestantism is modest and in touch with nature

Doesn't matter. Christianity is false anyway:

Fuck, I didn’t mean to make a greentext

>Bottles of Trappist ale.


Substance > style.

Slavs would also soup up a shitty car, giving it custom body work etc. yet inside it's still shit. It's what gypsies and all people with some neurotic desire to be perceived a certain way care about: appearances and appearances only.

Catholics are extravagants?
Outside the Catholic church, there is no salvation, Protestant heretics

all of the stuff in the catholic side is prereformation

>Arficans make mud huts for shelter


>Protestants make shacks for their worship

Protestantism is about shedding mankind's technological advancement and being modest so that we can be one with mother nature.

Looking at current Europe it seems like pretty much the opposite.
Sup Forums should really shitpost less about le liberal pope kissing nignogs and focus on what's actually relevant when it comes to religion, i.e. how it influences a society.
I can name several Catholic countries free of rapefugees (not just mine), but I can't name one Protestant country that wouldn't have a growing minority of brownies and potential terrorists.
Maybe the correlation is accidental, maybe not.

I like this meme when jesus christ was born in a barn and hated temples

You’re proving the exact reason for Protestantism. Catholics favor objects more than faith

Who are you quoting

>Catholicism is a Slavic thing now
All Med cunts and Ireland confirmed Slavic. Half of Slavic countries confirmed for not Slavic.
Bravo Pekka, thank you for your insightful post.

show at least one Protestant who did for the world as much as John Paul II

>Protestants worship Christ, our Lord and Savior
>Catholics worship the pope, and child molesters

When will you catholics stop worshipping man, and start worshiping God?

This is something I've always noticed too. What's up with protestant church architecture? All the protestant churches I see over here in the states always look like very plain boxes or abstract shapes, like a giant triangle or something

Like pic-related: (error upload failed)

No ornateness. No decorations. No stained glass. Nothing.
I'm not even trying to shit on protestants out there. I just don't get why they build churches that look like tool sheds, boxes, and other simple shapes with no ornamentation.

I hope you are not talking about the Polish Pope

Church is for worship. You go there for sermon and prayer. A plain church represents the lifestyle lived by Jesus Christ.


What does it matter what your place of worship looks like? If you care more about aesthetics than theology you're a bad Christian

Why? Having a church look like a tool shed doesn't inspire any sort of awe at all. Tradition and ceremony matter.

Seems like a bullshit reason to me.

The video is of a rabbi BTFO'ing the Gospel of Matthew. Basically, he proves Matthew had the mentality of a Talmudist when (allegedly) writing his Gospel.

They didn t have the money to build the vatican, so what?
Christianity was not intended to be about money

Hey, what's goin on, big guy?

Then stick with Catholicism. Protestantism is specifically against too strong of reliance on tradition because it formed the wicked ways.

Oliver Cromwell


>Pissing the third world's tithe money away on rubies and gold so you can dress up like a sultan and molest young boys in style


Why the fuck would I focus on the sermon and my community and the bible when I can look at the pretty pictures and drink wine?

tips fedora

Irish people have the lowest IQs of all white nations. They're as dumb as Slavs, but twice as violent. Meds are Arab rape babies, so stupidity is an innate trait for them as well.

Didn't imply Catholicism is only practised by Slavs either, retard. Learn to read.

Watch the video. Its position isn't atheist, but Jewish.

They're dumber than Slavs.

worry about the house you worship in and you are not focused on the right things, idolater.

Making sure to make the house of worship look as bland and post-modern as possible is going to prevent corruption and wickedness?


>Matthew had the mentality of a Talmudist
The Gospel of Matthew was written specifically to convert Jews...

Yeah the churches are nice, but believe me it has nothing to do with christianity, is more like despotism for subhumans.

Trust me i live it every day.

Aesthethics inspire divinty also catholicism is more than being than Jesus

Actually yes. There is no opulence, there’s no incentives, you’re not living a lavish life with tons of luxuries. A simple church has nothin to get in the way of the sermon and the Bible. Stupid brainlet

I want every single Protestant itt to go to literally ANY search engine and type "who founded the catholic church". Then I want you to contact the parish office of your nearest cathedral and tell them you want to convert. I'm only trying to help you silly guys

A church is for the holiest sacrament of the Eucharist. A Church is to glorify god in the most sublime beauty. Not some toolshed where a guy wears a suit and tie

>aesthetics inspire divinity
Now that’s some heretic speak

So what's the reason for making the church look like a very simple polygon like a triangle or box?

Constantine is the answer. There is no direct link between Jesus or Peter and the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church. The indirect link is less indirect and more non-existent.

Reminds me, subhuman SEA monkeys and spics also heavily practice Catholicism. Goes without saying they're hardly the brightest of the bunch.

Tell me, what churches did Jesus worship in? What churches did his disciple worship in? Anyone who thinks that you need to make a pretty building to have more favor for god and the sacrament is committing idol worship

We believe in humility, ok? having fancy ass churches when you could be spending that money on charity is very un-Christian.

Because then there are no distractions from the purpose of being there: worship of God.

Does his homeland legitimize a political position in a church?

Why have a church at all? Why not just stay home on sunday and read a few bible passages with your family instead?

Because tradition matters. Because optics matter. Cathedrals are beautiful and inspire awe. Imagine if the ancient greeks and romans didn't bother building anything other than very simple box houses, with no temples or coliseums or amphitheaters or statues. These things are art, and art is important. By trying to say "lmao we're like totally above having any sort of artistic merit intertwined with religion!" this is effectively what protestants are doing.


This. Catholics seem to care more about their culture than scripture.

>Creating beauty in the name of God

Beauty reminds people of the greatness of God. Buildings and art that are made in His name deserve to be of the best quality.

Yes he went to the temple at the time and preached.

>Anyone who thinks that you need to make a pretty building to have more favor for god

they dont its to show beauty to glorify god, the supreme creator

>the sacrament is committing idol worship


Do you literally admit that half of Catholicism is worship of belongings. Gotcha

Slavs They created the largest empire in the history of the world which was feared by the Romans and the Chinese. The unstudent chronicles were faked by the Germans and are not taught about it in history.

Being a giant tiangular prism is a way to prevent "distractions" from worship? What's the matter, someone might look at walls and see the stations of the cross or something? People might see a crucifix and be reminded of Jesus' suffering?


Is this the power of protestant autism?

Papists really are stupid. Why should I even make a response when you’ll ignore it and see what you want anyways?

Well catholism wasn't always like this, it's the current antichrist pope who is pro refugee pro muslims. The previous popes haven't been like this, so no wonder why eastern european countries are like they are.

T. Man who admitted that he needs pretty things to worship god

It seems more like using the glorification of God as an excuse as a glorification of mankind. I don't think God approves of bishops and popes living like kings in lavishness.

The RCC is one of the biggest charitable organizations in the world

1/4 of top ranked hospitals are Catholic and funded by the RCC, with tons of orphages in africa, hospitals, missons, schools

annually donating 4billion dollars

modern catholicism is a joke
>living in mexico
>every prostitute, gay and delincuent is catholic
>girls who are "catholics" dress like whores
>doesnt respect the church(except the olders)
>doesnt respect the 10 commandments
>dont follow the norms
>dont read the bible
>dont even go to the church
>drink, bet and have vices
>pedophile priests are protected by the vatican
>let women who are even pregnants have a wedding
modern catholicism in mexico is more like a bussines that take advantage over the catholic mexican tradition

We're reaching levels of autism that shouldn't even be possible. If not for those damn stained glass windows and crucifixes hampering my powers, I too would reach a higher plain of autism and be on your level.

How much more could they donate if they didn’t spend billions on jewels and gigantic structures that supposedly “help them worship god”. Vanity is a sin.

STOLEN masonic knowledge made that shit for the cuntlicks, you stupid jew fostering poolander

T. Man who does not deny needing fancy buildings to be able to worship

Prots were always modest. Catholic are chads

I don't know where you people live, where churches are shacks, there's plenty of simple yet artistic protestant churches out there.
This one is still around in my childhood town for example,

I'm stuck here. As someone who believes in no free will, I think that God has his chosen ones: if the ministers have it good, then that was God who decided on it.

Catholicism is LITERALLY the nigger of religions. Since the dawn of time their officials are busy raping and stealing.

Slavs are criminally underrated. Don't mind protestaniggers and their arrogance, soon they are gonna be begging you to let them in in your country when arabs eventually conquer their lands. I suggest shooting on sight.

This is the equivalent of a man talking about how security in his manliness and sexuality he is by letting Tyrone fuck his wife.

Well, free will is real.

The main problem with Catholicism was that it was more of a political origination than a church. It lost authority all around the world because no one wants to have some Italian mafia pope tell them what to do. That's combined with the fact that none of the original Christian teachings said to create a mafia pope.

they dont spend billions on jewells and the art and structures have been comissioned by rich aristocrats over the years for use, the Catholic Church also protects art

I agree with the latter part. Men should live sober but men should create beauty. God is great and we should create art in an attempt to honour this greatness. It is also beauty that remind people of God, for how can something so beautiful and almost perfection exist without a perfect creator?

Hence why it was written Midrash-style. Again, watch the video, preferably at the 17-minute mark.

The pope kisses migrant feet

No this is just Latin-America. Get your shit together, you are the black sheep of the Church.

Protestantism tried not to look fancy. The idea was to go back to humble origins like Jesus was. Jesus never slept in great palaces or ate in the finest places. He was a carpenter who stayed with “the rabble”.

m8 its just protty delusion. Literally guy goes to billy bobs church of non denominational snake speak down the road that was formed 50 years ago. He will just purple prose you and say muh humility meanwhile there is no Eucharist etc

>Catholocism - paid for with indulgence money
>Romans 6:1,2 - "What then shall we say? Shall we continue in sin so that grace may increase? By no means! How can we who died to sin live in it any longer?…"

Protestants are too busy giving all the money they earn to feed and dress the poor in need like Jesus asked us to. meanwhile you Catholics put it all back into your church. Jesus would whip the shit out of all of you, including your pope.

Well, both now worship “Jews” more than Jesus, so it’s kind of over.

You do realize Antipope John Paul II outright DENIED this dogma!

He literally prayed to false Gods (i.e. devils). He facilitated their worship! Ever heard of the Assisi prayer meetings?

You should check these out

What Francis Really Believes:

St Malachy's Prophecy:

The Third Secret of Fatima:

We're living in the great apostasy.

meanwhile RCC is one of the biggest charitable organizations on earth

1/4 of all top 100 hospitals are catholic funded, numerous hospitals, schools in africa, asia, orphanages in africa etc.

>looks like fucking tool sheds
Is this what your "Catholicism" has taught you, to covet opulence and worship idols?

Protties BTFO.

*kisses foot*

you know they were christians from egypt?

Good to know other anons have found them

thank you for fighting the good fight brother.

Matthew 16:18
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

I tend to put my trust in Jesus rather than some conspiracy nuts on the internet.