Undocumented Irish Caught In Trump's Immigration Dragnet

>enters US as tourist under visa waiver
>visa is waived if alien waives right to deportation hearing
>drops out of school
>has bastard child
>commits crimes
>surprised to get deported

>"Dylan O'Riordan ... overstayed the terms of his admission by more than seven years. ICE deportation officers encountered him in Sept 2017 after he was arrested on local criminal charges. ICE served him with an administrative final order of removal." He is scheduled to be put on a plane to Dublin later this week.


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And? He should go too. We don't discriminate.

proof irish arent white


Gotta make more room for all those based LEGAL immigrants, no matter what color.




> illegal immigrant
> law breaker
> Irish

And nothing of value was lost. :)

who cares? he has to go. we arent racist, we dont give a fuck what color your skin is. LEAVE!

This. I'll call a LEGAL brown immigrant my brother any day but if you;re white and ILLEGAL SCUM you've got to go. The law is all that matters.

You can tell by his face he's a gypsy.

can a lawfag inform my dumb ass as to why ICE can say a 12 year old waived his rights? he played the game and lost, which is fair enough, but auto-waiving any rights to a hearing... at 12?

well, he'll be your problem soon.
good riddance

fucking Irish. Sometimes they piss me off almost as much a Jews do

Good fuck this kid.

Same way parents waive rights on a school field trip permission slip.

Send the mick on his way.

oh fuck, never would of thought of that. thanks bro.

The law is the law, paddy. You have to go back.

good. the Irish aren't white.

He can get right the fuck out along with all the beaners and hajiis.

>has to return to his family after 7 years without a single potato to show for it

Is this story supposed to make the racist, white Trump supporters go
>Oh no! The poor whites! I hate Trump now!
Why doesn't the left understand that they're the racists for thinking all illegals are Mexican?

> 90% trump voters agree

oh no

guarantee he likes 50 cent.

Hes going back home mick


Begorrah! 'Tis anoddah Famine!

Irish are NOT white. Good riddance, fucking Yuromutts

looks like a low class irishman to me. Looks similar to some faces around my parts.

He might just be lost, you don't know the Irish. I'll bet the last thing he remembers is leaving a pub.

you should

Send that ugly potato nigger back, we only want Germanic immigrants.

On a plane?
Why not a helicopter?


what's the point of this thread? are you trying to expose Sup Forums as hypocrites who would want some illegal potato nigger in their country? sorry, we're full and don't need criminals on top of it, too. fuck off...

America are self hating cucks who want to turn their country into a Mexican shithole

Enjoy it losers

Remove potato

It's funny, look at all the Yurocucks REEEEing at you. America is for all good people, we don't give a shit about color here. We are not skin worshippers who suck Muhamad's BBC like Yuros

Your problem now O'Shaughnessy


Well played, user

Ironically the whole South is Scots-Irish. If that doesn't prove goidelics are niggers idk what does.

kys O'Reilly

Read the story, you stupid fuck.
Eh, he got arrested on some bullshit, he's a fine kid, he'll be okay. Who cares.

150 years too late for the rest of them I guess

>a potato nigger gets deported

and nothing of value was lost

>"a-a-a-a-at least i have muh constitution" cries cletus as he gets beaten to death by niggers

Stupid cumguzzler. Deporting one illegal doesn't mean making room for more.

I'm whiter than you, Yurocuck with a proxy

The media trying to phrase this and the Polish Doctor like Trump doesn't mean to deport white people, and this is somehow an accident. It must be a mistake or Trump isn't a racist

If one white guy has to go to get 20 million shits out, it's not a bad sacrifice. ART OF THE DEAL MAGA

He'll miss his mother funeral


>"It's really indiscriminate. ICE, in their aggressive tactics of detention, are going after the Irish as much as they're going after any other nationality," says Ronnie Millar, director of the Irish International Immigrant Center in Boston.
Fucking micks. Always got a chip on their shoulder.

Dumb yuroshit ape jealous of our constitution. Kill yourself Mohamed

Pretty sure I'm an American citizen celtus.


They are illegal, faggot. Deport them all back here every last fucking one of them.

Prove it, yuroshit

If you don't even want him back, why the fuck should we want him to stay?

I'm Irish and I think they should be sent back if caught. It's an absolute no brainer if they commit crimes although our justice system is a farce so it's sickens me thatll they'd get away lighter here than in the states.

Why do you hate Europeans so much injun boy? They founded America.

Then what's you social security number?

good. fucking potato nigger

Why would I tell you?

Gotta laugh at the Mutthommad 56%ers reacting with glee. At least with the Irish you could pretend your country was paler than it is, even if they aren't whatever you retards consider "white".

America is getting browner every year and it is beautiful to watch.

Yuros are subhuman cucks that deserve to get blacked

y you so mad? the south was settled with inferior white stock. admit it. Now that yanks have been going south things are better.

I knew you weren't a citizen.
You have to go back.

Says the subhuman southern mutt.

I thought ICE was racist and targeting Latinos.

came to post this

Good, throw the potatonigger on the van with the beaners and the boogas.

you have already been blacked. To Euro posters. Your future in 2050 looks like the american south. Think about that.

We should make every single visitor waive deportation hearings and birthright citizenship for any children born in US.

Send the spic loving retard back. Fuck them they're closer to Mexicans than they are to us, in the mexican american war they turned on us and fought for the Mexican pieces of shit.

He looks sad. Did they take his luck charms?


Ellis Island was a mistake

Illegal is illegal, black, white, yellow, whatever.

Get the fuck out, ya useless Mick.

>Ellis Island was a mistake
This guy gets it

This describes ~50% of the Irish in Queens

checked. well guess it's the Fuck of the Irish lads!


Fucking island apes are even too stupid to live in the jewnited states kek

He is a travelling gypsy fuck.

>"ICE is apprehending all those in violation of immigration laws regardless of national origin."

and that is how it should be --- this shit needs to be posted on leftypol, reddit, etc. for all the spic lovers to debate

Gas the papists, religious war now

Based Kekastani knows whats up.
Shadilay magapedes top kek lol
*tips hat*

>Ellis Island
>not slave ships

Enjoy the nigger utopia

Serious question Sup Forums let's say only one person get to stay in America. Vote here is an illegal alien who overstayed her visa, your other choice is guy from El Salvador who came her legally. Who gets to stay?

One white guy does it and it's news worthy. How does it help your stance?

potatonigger go home

That filthy traveller faggot deserves it.


Carpetbaggers a shit
they bring their horrid driving styles, egotism, and overall unpleasantness to an area that didn't want it
You steal jobs from locals and act like you're making things better when you're just as bad as Californians moving east
tl;dr you faggot scumbags are just like the faggots causing the californication of the west

Does the legal one also get a vote?

To be honest, at this stage I'd be happy getting deported from Muttmerica. The place is turning to shite as it stands. Getting browner and more Muslim by the day.

This was my favorite part. The subtext is "we expected them to just deport the brown people, not to apply the law equally!! Fucking not racists!"
What worries me is its part of the ongoing criminalization of any stance of white people. White flight going, gentrification coming. See skin color, or have a colorblind view equally racist.

>i-i didn't wanna o-overstay my Visa a-anyways
Yeah ok Seamus

10 years in the isocubes, or 2 years serving building the Wall. After that he can go.

We need to bring the Spanish back to Mexico reimplement the Casta System