Whats his fucking problem?????????

whats his fucking problem?????????

"Thank you. Come again!"

Stop making this kike puppet likeable you fucking leftists!

Trump did nothing wrong

Maybe he wanted a slurpie

>sources say
>someone familiar with the president said
>an anonymous tipster spake

>Trump breathes
Omfg that’s so racist! He’s raping people!! How can he get away with this? Did you hear that Trump just condoned public rape!!!????

I heard it from my wife's son's hairdresser who heard it from a client that has an unnamed source near someone at the white house.

truly /our guy/

If it's not on video than I won't believe it about Trump. Hell, even if it is on video I'd have to see the full tape to believe something.

>Stephan Colbert does Trump accent every night
>Trump impersonates someones accent
Literally Hitler

>someone familiar with the way the president talks

Is it racist to imitate the accent of an American from the south?

kek shitposter in chief
dog bless

did he poo in the loo though?

Someone familiar with the way Trump's fingers work told me that he likes to be called Drumpf

Fuck Sup Forums

oh shit i can post now

Surely I'm not the only one that finds themselves sometimes adjusting their speech pattern in response to extended conversations with people with distinctive accents, right?

Absolutely nothing wrong with trying out accents.

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.






It doesn't count when you reply to yourself magapede faggot.

omg sweetie when will you get the memo that IT IS NOT OK TO MAKE FUN OF MINORITIES even though there are 1 billion Indians compared to the MAJORITY WHITES who are like 700 million?

when do we start the impeachment process

>even if it is on video
When it's on video it's always evident they edited the footage or completely took his words/actions out of context. The problem isn't that they do it, it's that normies never get beyond the headline to realize it's a lie.

Fuck off, butthurt shitnigger. Begone with you; go poo in loo.

captcha: best road

Who are these leakers, they remind me of bitches in school who rat.


Codeswitching, its a thing retards.

And I guarantee you Modi laughed his ass off

Ralph Nader used a funny voice intended to mock whenever he quoted Nixon. the left has no room to talk on this one.

Everyone uses and Indian accent when quoting Indians or talking about them.


How dare you say that Indians have an accent!!

Although, if they don't have an accent, then how do you know when Trump is impersonating them...? Makes you think.

>whats his fucking problem?????????

Did Trump give him a special street to shit it?