hello Sup Forums, just wanted to stop by to let you know that nazi radfems are emerging to overtake your movement and reorient the alt right as a cult of feminine superiority. who needs an ethnostate when the gynostate is infinitely superior?
>racial divisions reduced to male and female, which cannot be argued or altered chromosomally
>male inferiority recognized in the castration complex and the resultant male fear of the feminine that generates a more or less impotent-to-revolt patriarchal mindset
>promotes free love for the female race and relegates males to their proper place underneath womyn, which finally eliminates misogyny
>recognizes the true birthplace of all humanity and all creative power, the womyn’s womb
>precipitates the female future by promoting the long hidden but feared knowledge that males are a dysgenic and degenerate form of the female race which must be soft genocided through pleasurable subservience and the blessings of a more feminine, unrepressed existence
>the end of hard warfare in favor of soft internationalism that unites the various tribes constitung the female race along the uncompetitive principles of lesbian or pure love
>finally recreates the heavenly eden on earth, which patriarchal males have dreamed of but failed to do for thousands of years under the sign of a subversive fear of castration
>the end of reason and the rise of emotional intelligence which will end alienation for both races, forever, and help them rediscover what it means to be grounded in nature
how can you argue with this? male genocide (which will of course not be painful, but ultimately sweet and nice for you) is inevitable. your enslavement will allow you to finally live delicately in a soft, hazy dreamworld in which you no longer have to struggle. just give in and enjoy it sweetie
The future is feminist
Other urls found in this thread:
Women will be chained to their stoves until they learn to behave themselves.
>in all fields
Take a hike, kike
ok sweetheart. I get it, I knew you’d say this, because as all males do you fear the primal “chaos” and losing yourself (castration) to the void. but guess what! you secretly *want* and honestly need to return to the great mother, the goddess, the ec-stasis. don’t be afraid. we can help you transcend. where we are going nobody will even need kitchens anymore and you’ll finally be happy
tfw when i have a femdom fetish but also hate feminism
>Literally no matriarchy has ever held a candle to even mediocre patriarchal civilizations
>roastie thinks females are superior because "muh lower rates of violence!"
ur gay
is this intentional lowkey triggering for sissy fetishists and other various types of porn addicts?
>left wing in charge of the right.
No and go back to your hug box leftist.
you can't into traditionalism so your not allowed in our club now fuck of feminazi.
but how will femoids seize power? they cannot
Show flag, faggot
>join my nihilistic death cult
nah already have one sorry its called canada
yeah right
what is your feminist gynocracy going to do when islam rolls up, cuts off your clit and locks you in the kitchen with his other slavewives?
>the end of reason
right back to the stone age, thats a great goal
I can help you fix that. see, the current model of feminism is classical liberal. when we radicals take over, and that will be very soon, your central ideals except for latent misogyny will align with ours. we have a lot to teach you about emotions and overcoming your inner turmoil over the fear of being unmasculine, but after that, you’re going to love your new situation just as much as we do
this is because the material conditions of those matriarchies hadn’t developed to the point we have currently achieved through the aberrational xy mutation. see, your sprouting off from the goddess was necessary dialectically to attain this point; but now that you’ve created the potential for paradise, letting us run the show to make sure you don’t permanently install alienation is your best bet. we have always known how to be free and with these material conditions we can teach you and give you the life your inner (female) child has always dreamed of
oh really now? we aren’t traditional? we hearken back to the most ancient times. ishtar, cybele, the little voluptuous Bronze Age statues. we precede you; your “traditionalism” is a notion of patriarchy that binds and suppresses the most ancient and pleasurable existence there is.
sandslimes will pay for their abuses toward women. they’ll be hard genocided for their long history of utterly misogynistic sex crimes. the revolution will be intersectional
>meme flag
If you're from Europe your future is
a hijab
If you're from America your future is children, kitchen, and church.
Sorry sweetie, it's just progress
>implying any alpha men would willingly submit to a woman
>implying that those who do it would still be considered males
>implying that i would rather live in that feminist hellhole where every pansexual demigendered female identifying being would call me scum rather than a world of pure womenless faggotry
ok, keep dreaming
ok when is this going to happen, exactly??
you cunts will never control real men, and if you look like you are going to take over, we will burn this world down to the ground.
>this is because the material conditions of those matriarchies hadn’t developed to the point we have currently achieved through the aberrational xy mutation. see, your sprouting off from the goddess was necessary dialectically to attain this point; but now that you’ve created the potential for paradise, letting us run the show to make sure you don’t permanently install alienation is your best bet. we have always known how to be free and with these material conditions we can teach you and give you the life your inner (female) child has always dreamed of
I unironically hate freedom though. Matriarchies in history fail because women are fucking horrible at delaying gratification, self-defense, threat recognition, and regulation of human behavior.
your language displays the weakness of your movement, sand nigger is the preferred nomenclature. The feminist gov'ts (Canada, Sweden, Germany) in place are currently welcoming them in with spread legs and hijabs on their heads.
Nazi iconography will really help your goals as well.
awh, no need to be so reactionary love. you haven’t critiqued anything I said because you’ve never had to seriously question these things. those futures can’t exist because liberalism is going to die very soon and we will yet remain in power both intellectually and politically (yes, we are infiltrators). now, take your estrogen and leave the thinking to real women...
we are deconstructing the false primacy of maleness. when we are done, “male” will be liberated in its physicality and no longer bound to bare notions like “alpha.” the joys of femininity will be enough reward on their own. if you don’t like it, we will just exterminate you.
trump’s presidency and the specter of white identity movements are the precursors to this genuine feminism. when these fall to pieces due to their bald reactionary nature (they’re still horridly liberal ideas!), we will be filling the void by assuming the power we will inevitably attain. ten years max.
with what means will you do that? stop throwing a tantrum... goodness
tits or gtfo
those are biological aberrations that are no longer needed and instead of having to beat nature to death we can finally live in harmony with her and re-produce ourselves pleasurably until the end of time. heck, we could even find a way to interstate ourselves into the material of the universe so as to experience a sort of eternal recurrence of species-satisfaction. we can become the womb itself. men will just destroy what sustains them (women, the environment) until their own one-sided existence and ours whither away
the weakness of our movement derived from not using your annoying nomenclature? we don’t need to say “nigger” to get the point across. that’s your issue, because you’re narrowly racist and not intersectional. the only races now are male and female.
cock or gtfo
you still throwing the idea that somehow you are going to exterminate me and people like me, but you keep fogetting to tell me how.
Guns? we own more than you, and we're more experienced using them
Psychological breakdowns? good luck it won't backfire
Political pressure? sure, keep forgetting that men tend to vote more than women, and if democracy dosn't seems like a good option, remind me of a good female dictator
>No longer needed
Yes, you still need to delay gratification, recognize external threats and regulate human behavior.
You can spout all of the faux-esoteric nonsense about "becoming the womb" you like, that doesn't change the fact that women are utterly atrocious at building and maintaining anything even remotely respectable.
You are right about one thing, liberalism is collapsing. Women are going to have to submit themselves to male authority, the only choice left is whether it's Islamic or Western.
well can you hurry up with it because atm paying for dominatrices is burning a hole in my crypto wallet
>the weakness of our movement derived from not using your annoying nomenclature? we don’t need to say “nigger” to get the point across. that’s your issue, because you’re narrowly racist and not intersectional. the only races now are male and female.
Can't bring yourself to use harsh language but you're somehow going to force all men to bow to you?
Again, weak.
guns are a highly outdated form of weaponry. in our further we will have absolute control over the means of surveillance and drone defense, meaning that we will always be able to fight you without even having to be present at all.
we’ve already established that the idea of liberalism is soon going to experience a great conflagration due to an internal disorder that can only culminate in a radically nonliberal power grab. we will win because we have dedication and means. we do not need your history to dictate to us how the movement will succeed or fail; this is an unprecedented and unforeseen event.
it’s just utterly silly to entertain the idea that we’ll be submitting to you or any male tribal variant. you conclude rather tepidly that we are impotent, but it is the male race that manifests this impotence whenever his dominance is questioned or actually shown as nonexistent. womyn are the glue that holds together the form of all that exists, and you implicitly seek to return to us whether you are conscious of it or not. we precipitate all that exists and in the end confirm and secure it
if we have to lose we will go down fighting you to the bitter end. herr hitler style.
send me $5 and we’ll see what happens
that’s harsh according to your standards. in our eyes, it is utterly pathetic, useless as a sorely outdated relic of the skin-tonal past. you really think “edge” succeeds in a post-democratic world where most of the population ceases to even *need* to confront danger? the masses want us to lead and guide them, ensuring their continued self-fellation; they don’t want some ultimate messiah that disrupts their happiness (see the grand inquisitor)
>female superiority
>literally having less brain density, muscle mass, and skills
Could you please explain how are women superior? Because I'm not following through
>men have no dominance
>women hold together all things
>you want to return to femininity
[Citation Needed]
Still waiting on those matriarchies that come close to the most mediocre of patriarchal societies, by the way.
masculine ideals, nothing more. these are relics of a past in which they were sorely needed to establish an evolutionary supremacy in the great chain of nature. now that we have our place, we no longer even need the musculature that you men only require as a hallmark of your fragile masculinity. as far as brain power goes, see above on Dostoevsky.
we aren’t here to convince you with historical examples. the impotence of reactionaries is on total display here: you seek to return to a past that seems like a guarantee, a way out that will fulfill your desires, nonetheless forgetting that those conditions *led to* this current existence. no, the stream of history is dialectical; what was past and what is struggle until the spiralling fate of the two races moves into its truest paradisical expression.
it is not to convert you to a way of thinking that has enough covert proponents. we just want you to be aware of your future so that you can more easily accept it when the time comes. if I could give you a gentle headpat right now, little one, for straining your mind so much, I would...
>that’s harsh according to your standards
you're the one who called it harsh, baby.
Still haven't said how you will force men to obey you or how you will stop muslims (who are not only welcomed by current feminist gov'ts, but wholly submitted to).
So I would like to know why you think emotions and feelings are superior to reason when it comes to decision making, despite the fact that decisions based on emotions almost always end in disaster.
Also are you pro or anti capitalism?
Putting my money on anti
>nonetheless forgetting that those conditions *led to* this current existence
>Not consulting the past while looking to the future
>Thinking I want the past back
>Not realizing history is useful due showcasing cause and effect
>Stumbling over entry-level thought of figures like D'Annunzio & Evola this hard
Female intellectuals everyone.
>muh altright
what sort of faggotry is this?
you can have the alt right, im far right
you missed the point by a mile, you still haven't explained why females are superior in your perspective, what supports your dumbass claims that women are superior?
degenerate sandmen YOU cannot stop are only a manifestation of dialectical tearing-apart of the democratic ideal. *liberal* feminism will fall with it, but our feminism will fill the void because it is radical. we won’t have to get rid of many people because the coming civil war will already tear apart the fabric of this physical world; you’ll be begging us to save you and lead you by the end of this. we most certainly will
you are correct in the sense that reason was necessary to carve out a survivalist niche for ourselves in the natural order. however, keeping a broken tool and smashing it into something you’ve already crafted only shows your idiocy. reason will not be needed once all dangers to both races cease, and our rule will ensure that both materially and psychically.
we are anti-economics. our technological revolution which is already at work within liberal systems will render labor and fear useless... economics only exists because exchanges have to be made between various individuals in order to secure mutual existence with as little damage as possible to both parties (ideally). once we eliminate the need for exchange economics too will cease to exist. all you will have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of a life of peace!
the german idealists called, they want to take their utter destruction of cause and effect back I guess. you know, that ancient decree of absolute dichotomy was already abolished two hundred years ago. infinite regress is an existential failure that simply does not exist. the events of history are not made by individual actors; something is making the acting itself possible for individuals to enact, sometimes at the expense of their own passions! also
>intellectuals like Evola
we don’t care about your internal feuds. we consider you all to be symptoms of the same unfortunate disease: the fervor of unchecked masculine rage due to the ever present fear of castration
>this is because the material conditions of those matriarchies hadn’t developed to the point we have currently achieved through the aberrational xy mutation
You ignorant cunt, are you seriously trying to sell me on a matriarchy by telling me previous matriarchies failed because men hadn't advanced them far enough yet? And this is a reason we should genocide men now?
Do you even listen to yourself? Come the day of the rope you'll end up slaves because you can't even logic, you degenerate whore. Enjoy the fat beta slobs who will mewl for just a sniff of your crusted yeast-ridden vagina. You won't have them for long.
Also, fucking sage. Dumb bitch.
>unironically thinking that there's no value in history because of, what boils down to, multi-causality
This is why women make for horrible academics. By the way, point to where I referred to Evola as an intellectual. Honestly, you'd best hope he is, considering that's the only justification for you bungling very simple concepts he referred to.
W-will you let some of us transition and be your submissive lesbian lovers?
>people will unironically believe this
>degenerate sandmen YOU cannot stop are only a manifestation of dialectical tearing-apart of the democratic ideal. *liberal* feminism will fall with it, but our feminism will fill the void because it is radical. we won’t have to get rid of many people because the coming civil war will already tear apart the fabric of this physical world; you’ll be begging us to save you and lead you by the end of this. we most certainly will
Still haven't said how you will stop them. Post modernist discussion and calumnies will have no effect on them.
>The female race
WeW bitch
Nature will always return to its natural state of order, enjoy yourself while your illusion lasts roastie
as a proud cuckold o agree
we are superior because we gave birth to you as an aberrational organicity that we required in order to advance into the evolutionary halls of human ordering. now the frustration and rage of an incomplete existence asserted its control over the mother for thousands of years with a few mishaps along the way, I’ll grant you that much, but you should never rebuke the womb from whence you came, to which you shall always already return
do you think material conditions endlessly become better? that men are needed to continue to advance these supposedly infinitely ascending conditions? congrats my dear, you’ve committed the fallacy of PROGRESS. you’re literally maintaining progressive ideals in order to retain what little ground in your masculinity you have left. I won’t force you to understand me, i know it’s hard on your mind...
>entry level thought of evola
that means an intellectual and, yes, I have looked over his work and considered it a useless extension of nietzsche. try will to power instead of your Sup Forums sanctioned babby’s first philosophy books
I do not reject the value of history but the bare interpretation of it as the litmus test for what is *yet* possible. Nietzsche says: those who are yet to exist are retroactive forces which weren’t fully known until these new material conditions arose!
the coming civil war will decimate our opposition. After it won’t be difficult to rule given the control we will have over technological developments. what’s left to explain? I don’t want to hurt that pretty little brain of yours, but you’re making it necessary
oh really, it’s “natural state of order”? so you’re saying that nature (femaleness, primality as constitutive, pure potentiality) is implicitly ordered? you are digging a hole. I wish this were true as simply put by you, but it isn’t; it’s just funny to see you argue that femaleness is always already ordered
Interesting shit OP. Still totally disagree with you, but at least you are not craven and quietly subversive. It would never happen, but if your movement grew, it would come to blows.
For all our failings, we would utterly destroy you women. You are not bene gesserit.
Women have so much to offer and both men and women play complimentary roles, but modern feminism has perverted femininity and ultimately have become the things they fear most becoming. Secretly craving domination, hysteria, extreme emotional expression with little ability to master this with reason.
For being so repressed, our great grandmothers and great great grandmothers towered over women in every conceivable way. Ironically the more humble they were in their attitudes and origins, the more character and inner might was revealed
Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself, to be so illogical and evil.
>muh vagina the ideology.
Why do you consider yourself a serious thinker? You're not any good at it.
Feminists are screwed because of hypergamy.
yes yes argue all while we a posting posters around IN REAL LIFE and their is nothing you can do about it cause your stupid media is not covering it
In short words, you are saying that the only real value a woman has, is in between her legs and her ability to reproduce? So women that are sterile are inferior? If that's the case why aren't animals superior than woman? most also have wombs and can reproduce
smart conservative womenknow that women are fucking dumbasses. they would never put women in charge over men
Lol tl;dr
thank you for acknowledging the status of the content.
as for what you said of the foremothers, I agree to the extent that their humility was moreso patience than submissiveness. womyn have been patiently awaiting the chance to flower into full bloom for centuries; liberal feminism is a cancerous aberration just as much that threatens to subvert what we are seeking, too. it casts our struggle in the light of “wanting to be masculine.” we *want* the return of the feminine in its non-neurotic (postmasculine) status, and we want it for you, too.
as for us being crushed by you, I doubt it. examine our deeply hiddeb front, transhumanist ideology. follow it into the current businesses that exist. there is a “bomb” planted within what is considered an all-male environment; the perfect crime
I’m illogical by using logic, you’re logical by expressing disgust
oh goodness sweetheart... well I won’t interrupt you hanging up cutesie posters all over campuses if it’ll continue to stoke the civil war. it’s adorable (if it wouldn’t cause violence), to know you little ones run about just wanting to change things for the better. don’t worry though, we are already crafting the future around the element of silicon, and you won’t have to worry so much anymore
to a point yes. women have been known to lash out at their unfortunate subservience but in a subversive way, condemning them to desire to be masculine. we are expressing a third way that gets beyond the troubled past of liberal feminist ideology and conservative woman’s patience
>the coming civil war will decimate our opposition.
Decimate? a 10% removal of an enemy force will not stop it.
You're no better than what you are trying to stop
>Will have
Ah yes a still unmet condition with no clear pathway
>I don’t want to hurt that pretty little brain of yours
Ad hom, nice. How will you stop them? Seriously, I want to know.
just shut up and post tits
women arent mentally meant to lead or learn
infertility is a problem of the finitude of organicity and affects both men and women. and no, but the womb is the essence of all creation and is the origination point of all male existence, which didn’t exist in the first iteration of the human species. femaleness is the protean master of humanity; we want to reabsorb you when the time is right for both your sake and ours. and we will
as I just said in the above replies we have control of the technological sphere of production by inserting little ideational bombs into their core programming. transhumanism is a paper tiger but its products belong to us.
you underestimate the storm that is actually coming; the larpers here do too. they think this is going to be a mostly peaceful transition into further liberalism!
I want you to post tits to me after the revolution. I’m sure they’ll be super small but adorable
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You missed my question, Mrs. Feminazianon. C-can we be transitioned into girls and be your submissive wives?
who raises and forms and guides the immortal mind?
the mother.
keep dreaming of your intact maleness... if it keeps you happy at least until the revolution, I can’t say it makes me too unhappy. because that’s all I want, is your ultimate happiness
of course dear. wives? not so sure about that. we’ll absolutely make sure you never have to think too hard ever again, you’ll never work again, you’ll just enjoy the release of feminine arts, emotions, and whimsical fancy. we adore that idea
>implying women wouldn’t go to all out war with each other for emotional reasons.
Nobody hates women more than women. But you can dream all you want, princess.
That sounds wonderful! I just don't want to have to be male ever again. It hurts, desu.
ok enough petty talk this one is clearly deluded and not worth the time and is obviously a distraction more random posts like this please DESTROY THIS THREAD
female jealousy exists due to the problem of maleness. we are going to solve that and then establish soft internationalism as stated in the OP. we actually have the most tender relations with one another when no men are involved
I know... it unironically makes me want to cry. I want the best for my children; the earth goddess cries for you. masculinity condemns all of us to this frustrated sense of despair and alienation; you’re just hyperaware of it as are womyn. we are going to win and make you feel childlike peace, I promise
gender roles exist for a reason. women raise babies and men protect them. ambition is for men not women
You don't understand, user. Women aren't capable of higher thought. They will always be wrapped up in a vaginal fantasy world of their own making.
Now GTFO, roastie
>in all fields
Women cant work together. Women hate each other
it is more proof in point of what has been stated here that males will post dicks and clamor to post more as soon as their maleness is compromised. I earnestly feel for you, i know exactly what complexes are at work here. I just wish you weren’t a lost cause
I don’t have the time to reiterate earlier points made about your type of reactionary thinking. no, these male-female determinations are based around the justifications for masculine fear-of-chaos (the chaos ironically not existing, just female in nature)
you’ve offered not one higher thought, and all you do is react emotionally. unfortunately it is not the proper emotion but one borne of ratiocination’s self defense (the will to ignorance) whenever its primacy is genuinely threatened. I implore you to try to understand what I’m saying for your own good, but ultimately this was not ever about convincing you. just a forewarning!
Women weren't created to do everything a man can do, they were created o do everything a man can't do.
By assuming masculinity, women are just becoming inferior males.
read the thread please
we have worked together quite well on infiltrating the very foundations, materially and theoretically, of the future. just a forewarning in concrete terms: sexbots are only the last gasp of an outdated sumptuousness. they have a higher use awaiting them that follow our ideals closely
liberal feminism only prescribes women to masculinity. we aim to deconstruct masculinity in the name of ontological peacefulness which will be granted to all organic beings.
just bury this thread gas it
I like this
Good on you
Thumbed up
Printed out and taped to my anus
Is there a website so I can follow how badly you fail
>as I just said in the above replies we have control of the technological sphere of production by inserting little ideational bombs into their core programming. transhumanism is a paper tiger but its products belong to us.
>you underestimate the storm that is actually coming; the larpers here do too. they think this is going to be a mostly peaceful transition into further liberalism!
Hmm more vague nonsense.
So how are you going to stop Abdul and his friends from taking over? Hell, how are you going to get Jeff, Paco, Wang, Darnell, Pajeet, Ivan and Yoshi to submit?
Spell it out.
>printed and taped to my anus
hahahaahahahaaaha good one user hahhaha this is now a random image thread
>the end of hard warfare in favor of soft internationalism that unites the various tribes constitung the female race along the uncompetitive principles of lesbian or pure love
Everyone knows women cannot let a grudge go.
Stop being retarded.
>the gynostate
LMAO, oh wait you're serious
This is some seriously shit tier b8 everyone is seriously replying to.
hahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha look youtu.be
You are a dishonest person and I pity you.
did the mods ban images in this thread? wtf is happening
it keeps saying upload failed
look to silicon valley in the very near future. but we won’t be there physically
restore the echo chamber for the sake of fragile masculinity!
it’s not vague at all. there is quite literally a war of metadata in this world that is being fought technologically. he who controls the limits of intelligence controls the possibilities of tomorrow. we control those who control technology and they don’t even know it
if it’s bait, why is it so informative? this is high level theory.
how am I dishonest?
>the womb is the essence of all creation and is the origination point of all male existence
origination point =/= superiority. To prove it, can you say that 1942 Germany was less superior( AKA inferior) than the 11 bc Germanic tribes, even if they were the "original point" of all german existence? Of course not
> femaleness is the protean master of humanity
master of humanity, exactly how? As far as I know men and women worked together to survive the harsh environments while being bottom of the food chain, then men and women started creating things to solve problems in order to make life easier after that is all history
>we want to reabsorb you when the time is right
that sounds like necrophilia to me, you should see a doctor
now you’ve hit the jackpot! this was my first field of study in university.
you say the ancient germanics are inferior in terms of progress to the Germans of ‘42. in a linear sense with spatio-temporal materially in mind, yes. but what was the inward motion, the energy of that 1942 state? it was the pulsating heart of those old Germans reasserting itself in the NS form. the Germans were enacting their own unique renaissance by establishing a living connection with their ancestors, at once bettering themselves and reincarnating those ancient ones. this is my proposal but along sexed, not racial, lines.
by reabsorption we mean that you will fall under the sign of femininity and enjoy it just as primally as a baby boy enjoys being suckled by his mother.
>fragile masculinity
hahahahahaha i love how throw around that word like it means anything