Why do some european countries allow assisted suicide

Basically I saw this domentary with this SJW thot who lived in Belgium and was thinking about getting legal assisted suicide due to depression but decided not to

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Because if you are sad all the time and don't want to live you are a burden to everyone around you and you should just kill yourself. How is that hard to understand?

Libshit countries who think its virtuous to kill depressed edgy young adults that “are experiencing mental suffering”
That girl just wanted attention I wouldn’t care if she died ether way

Depression is curable and most times is a temporary problem. So why would you solve a temporary problem with a permanent solution? Fuck that if they want to die they can do it themselves

>Basically I saw this domentary with this SJW thot who lived in Belgium and was thinking about getting legal assisted suicide due to depression but decided not to
Is one less SJW really a problem? Also if people are willing to go so far as to request assistance, I think its fair to say that they'd kill themselves if they couldn't get the help they need, so no point in making it illegal I guess. "Your body your choice" seems fair in this situation
>So why would you solve a temporary problem with a permanent solution?
Because some people have nothing to live for and would rather put an end to their suffering

there's a really good Frontline documentary called The Suicide Tourist (2007)

the cultural queers are trying to legalise suicide in my country, fucking satanists are in charge.

Honestly, I’m a Darwinian and I think if someone is as impulsive, weak minded, and stupid enough to get assisted suicide, they are better off dead than reproducing

>assisted suicide
when you are so useless that you cant even jump from a bridge o take a lot of pills
>the virgin assisted suicide vs the chad seppuku

she looks completely like a dude

so how about getting legal assisted suicide while having your signatures falsified?

that's one comfy method to remove your opponents

you dont think """medical professionals""" wont be making that decision for you?

>assisted suicide when you aren't in irrevocable, horrendous pain/trapped in a useless paraplegic shell
Why the fuck would anyone allow this?

Its mostly old people who everyone they knew are dead, its a reminder of making children and be good to them

Because whites have to die.

Dont your species die?

Personal freedom and liberties. I can't believe I have to explain this to a fucking seppo.



Take away their guns. Their means to fight back and make the world a better place. And offer them assisted suicide instead. What a wonderful world.

post the real one

Assisted suicide should be a thing because people should be allowed to do whatever they want with their bodies. Going to their doctor and receiving the pills or shot for such thing would be common sense in a free market society.

Prove me wrong, pro tip; you can't.

Tfw the only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because I know you go to hell if you an hero

No surprise the fucking tranny changed its mind. I wonder why that is. Maybe because the government kisses tranny ass now? Who really uses assisted suicide? The ones the government neglects. People shouldnt kill themselves. They should kill others. You know the world is a shithole. Thats why you wanna die. Dont kill yourself and keave others to deal with the same bullshit. Kill people.

The EU's entire goal is assisted suicide of all European peoples -- by complete replacement.

So, this isn't surprising.

Because it is humane.
You euthanize an animal if it is terminally ill with reduced life quality or severely injured due to an accident.

Just look at all the old bedridden people who become a nuisance to everyone around them, some of them do not even want to live anymore themselves. They want their suffering to end, it's no use for their heirs to wait years and years until they can inherit what is theirs, and having to care for your elderly privately because old age homes are ridiculously expensive (up to 4000€ in my area(not always paid by public healthcare!)) is ruining familys financially aswell as mentally.
I won't talk about medical side effects like depression, decubitus ect. ect.

tips foil hat

Women "attempt suicide" three times as often as men, but men actually commit suicide 5 time more often than women. Why is this?

Because when a women wants attention, she creates drama so she can get pity. Pretending like you want to die is like threatening to push the nuclear button so people will take you seriously, but they don't press the button. Instead they make sure their roommate is going to be back within 15 minutes and then they rig some bullshit they can escape from easily. Meanwhile, when men want to die they just fucking die without making a massive fuss.

This is some harsh shit to say, but I knew a girl who committed suicide with pills. It's a big shame too; too this day I'm 90% positive she was just trying to fake it but her roommate didn't get home fast enough. This bullshit makes me want to slam my face into a wall, I both feel deep anger and deep pity, as well as deep shock stemming from what I can only consider to be fathomless depths of selfishness and idiocy.

How fucking insane is it that women actually need a reminder that you can die from suicide attempts so they shouldn't be attempted? I seriously don't think they're making the connection in their heads that they're actually risking anything, they're like little kids pretending to shoot themselves with an "empty" gun and then causing a tragedy when there's a bullet in the chamber. Sad for them, and sad for everyone around them.

Chances are if someone is making a big gay spectacle out of their suicidal thoughts they're just faking.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that the woman in the video is a massive cunt, there's no way in fuck she was legit for even a second.

people who want to kill themselves do it. they don't tell people about it.