East Asians have a higher IQ than whites
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china is shit
The women are prettier, too.
Yeah... we know. And Jews have a higher iq then East Asians... what’s your point.
So? We're not blacks, we're not going to chimp out over it. lol.
good, let nature take its course, just send the robot deathsquads already whites dropped the ball
Why can't they stop?
it's funny how they never hand out the IQ tests to rural chinks
that doesnt mean an advantage.
they're also tiny and less sexually appealing. (curved bodies are supposedly more sexually appealing because it has an advantage at childbirth)
I don't care. They also did not figure out primes. The first race to figure out primes wins.
AFWM is the true master race Mix.
Even if it's true I don't really care. Whites have achieved things of comparable or better value than east Asian societies. We have a leg to stand on and so do they. The problem are the non intelligent groups
The average Asian is ugly as fucking sin, only a step above a nigress.
And yet, Asians flock to white countries and Asian women choose white men over Asian bois when given the choice. Really makes you think.
East Asian females only. No Filipino Thai or any Southern Asians.
Salty Hapa detected
They also don't count retards in the calculation the way we do
Yep! Science says so. But say anything about the blacks...
>And Jews have a higher iq then East Asians
How do you know this other than by hearing it from Jew-owned sources?
Jews just have a high verbal IQ but a low technical IQ.
But are east asians raging over Jordan Peterson's daughters social media account?
Check mate.
That’s why a lot of Jews are in jobs that have to do a lot with language instead of engineering
They have a higher average IQ, but few geniuses. Whites have wider Bell Curve, so more idiots, but more geniuses. Hence why whites created 95% of the modern world.
>An Asian distribution with a standard deviation 39 % of the white brings the two smart fractions into coincidence. An even narrower distribution would be required to explain the Lynn-Vanhanen data. Either way, there is no evidence to support such a difference in spread. I'm afraid we will have to look elsewhere for an explanation.
yet they always steal our designs, blueprints, technology etc. instead of developing their own.
>Lynn-Vanhanen data
AKA horseshit from two dolts who used samples like one high school class for some South American countries, 50's data for Croatia, and ''extrapolated'' Serbia, Albania and Montenegro from PISA scores
maybe they are right in their conclusion, but we won't know soon because they used the most unscientific methods ever to gather their data
flawed data=shitty conclusions
Jews are the smartest people in the world
If Jews were so smart, they should have seen the Holocaust coming,
Now I got you guys in a trap
>East asians cheat on intelligence exams, inflating their numbers compared to whites
The average iq of a white Minnesotan is 113.
Okay? Never said otherwise. Niggers are still low IQ retards. Whites are average IQ, highest strength.
citation needed
And they're super cute and lovely. I used to hate Asians bc hapa memes, but Jesus Christ white women don't want me but Asian girls do!! I'm going all in lads
Hello hwite roastie
better than the faggot EU
>No Filipino Thai or any Southern Asians.
I love Jungle Asians. They can fuck unlike Koreans, they fuck like fish flopping in dry air
but the jews started the holocaust because they know what benefits they would gain
They transformed a typhus outbreak into a "tragedy" that got the world weeping FIFTEEN years after the "fact".
>assuming that regional data is accurate
>assuming that regional data is comprehensive
>assuming china isn't a shithole because it's people are shitbrains
whatever you say.
I don't fear the truth.
Race and IQ averages are related to each other.
It's the leftists and communists who denies OP's claim.
>cheating on iq tests
Even when its a hard science field Jews make great mathematicians and theoreticians but are terrible experimentalists outside of social science which is really rigorous experimenting. Its just human manipulation which is what they;re best at frankly.
Including North Korea?
>Weeabo Detected!!!
please, go to fuck you 2D dark skinned elf girlfriend.
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Have you ever seen a chinese woman in your life? They are really fucking ugly. Same with Koreans, that's why they pass around plastic surgery as birthday presents.
This shit. Asia as a whole has over 4 billion population and only the top tier Asian ever get these tests. Chinks cheat on a massive scale too.
Fuck niggers and spicks
sounds like fake news
notice they're even more xenophobic than us
you stupid Sup Forumstard.
LIke the typical poltard you repeat this false meme from a fake graph you saw here. Asians have both a higher mean IQ, and also have higher numbers of individuals PER CAPITA 5,6,7,8 standard deviations out. This idea of yours that the asian iq bellcurve is narrower than the whites' (as females IQ curve is narrower than mens') is FALSE - it was from a CONJECTURE, not from any data you idiot. East Asians have tremendously higher numbers of geniuses per capita than any white nation.
>Its just human manipulation which is what they;re best at frankly.
*And tasks involving mathematical intelligence.
Either the ghost of elliot rodgers or the ghost of the bygone glory days of a roastie