>makes a video making fun of pajeets on the day he reaches 60 million subs
Whats his endgame Sup Forums? Does he want SJWS to have a reason to force YouTube to shut down his account for good?
>makes a video making fun of pajeets on the day he reaches 60 million subs
Whats his endgame Sup Forums? Does he want SJWS to have a reason to force YouTube to shut down his account for good?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pewdiepie is a middle finger to the pearl clutching progressive moralists
Never thought pewdiepie would be the kind growing on me as the years went by.
I love this timeline.
Even normies know pewdiepie is just fucking around. Sup Forums knows he's redpilled.
holy shit 2000 dislikes poodiepie is completely done for
>Sup Forums
who's that?
i unironically started watching this lad
dunno how i feel about that tbqh
Its like watching your son grow up.
Do you pathetic shills really think you are acheaving something for this cuck Swede by constantly posting about his endgame?
No. One. Cares.
And especially not me. I have never nor will ever watch a single video of his.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have some cartoon horses to watch.
i remember hating his guts for being a retarded twat though
Tbf making fun of Indian creeps is a facebook meme at this stage.
Before pewdiepie got shoahed his videos were fun as he kept pushing further with the red pills cumulating in the 'death to all jews' scandal.
Now he only makes small references or shows Sup Forums threads in his ylyl bids which are honestly mostly drawn out garbage.
post a good one with a redpill then lad
I like you, don't go to brazil tomorrow
One of his recent videos had an screen from Sup Forums. You think he isn't on here??
shutting him down would bring about a shitstorm that would end youtube
too fucking dumb to post the vid
jump off the nearest building
even pajeets acknowledge that this meme is accurate
Same here. I started watching him and enjoying his videos a year or so ago
I kinda think he's just tired of it all and wants to be done with it but doesn't want to quit. I think he wants youtube to delete his channel but isn't willing to go hard enough in the paint to make that happen because he's actually a decent guy and doesn't want to completely destroy his legacy.
I mean fuck, the dude has plenty of money. Would you be willing to continually put up with the bs he puts up with just for a bit more?
Children are retarded and impressionable. He is growing up to be a force for awakening. I am proud of his growth as a father would be proud of his shitty teenage son growing up into a good man.
he got redpilled when the media went after him m8
Pewdiepies's is 100% /ourguy/
His waifu.
worst b8 ive ever seen
I heard he goes on YLYL threads to find funnies.
Sup Forums isn't strictly a 1488 site, we have /lgbt/ after all.
>Wear British officer uniform
>Get called a Nazi
Why am I getting a "connection error" when trying to post on some boards. Am I banned but it just doesn't tell me?
What the fuck? 60million? Two years ago he was at 20 wasn't he or has time become fucked up for me? Has youtube expanded to indie and china? lol captcha says nuger.
Could be a system administrator...
Half his videos are him watching YLYL webms from /wsg/
>isn't willing to go hard enough in the paint to make that happen
This, but not because he's decent. But because he might go to jail if he goes too hard.
He’s a really good video editor. His vids aren’t unbearable but not really my thing. I can watch some of them for 2-3 minutes maybe
Felix has stated several times he hates SJWs and likes to push the envelope.
> End career
>Just made 60 million subs and has 210K likes on video
Hello pewds
why do you think he left sweden? he's redpilled as shit and uses pol
Kek, based /ourpewds/ does it again
I unironically love Pewdiepie now. Ever since the (((WSJ))) started fucking with him, I began watching his videos and they were actually entertaining (Not that fake gaming bullshit he was doing before)
Anyway if he gets attacked for this video then I'm sure he will gain even more followers. He literally did nothing wrong and is laughing at memes that already exists like he has been doing
Was it the national song of Sweden he played in the video?
>who's that?
the hackers on steriods
He literally held paid a pigme people to hold up a sign that read "DEATH TO ALL JEWS" and his subscribers went up. He lives off pissing people off. This will probably gain him another million subs.
pewdiepie is a verified Sup Forumstard
gen z lives purely on making fun of minorities
they will also kill all of them in a decade or two
its /gif/ retard
>200l likes and 2k dislikes
Woah his career is done
I love that he finally addressed skidaddle skidoodle posters
>posts a video showing him browsing Sup Forums
>posts another video where karl marx and the frankfurt school is explained in a meme
>people still say he isn't /ourguy/
>OK sign shirts
wew lads
He has a bigger Audience than cable T.V News
He moved the statues in the back again. Ppl in the last thread he was in asked him to do it
>thinking anyone cares about racism towards Indians
I honestly feel somewhat bad for him, especially since he's a "normal" swede who just likes games and manga or whatever. there's something painful about having all your beliefs about equality and fairness being squashed and I can see that pain in the eyes of swedes around me, even pewdiepie. it might be me projecting but I don't think so.
If you aren’t baiting, Your waifu is shit, Celestia is superior
If you are, go fuck yourself, larping as a horsefucker for (you)s after 2011 is just pathetic
>60 million
Truly a Hitler
>tfw its #46 on trending
The hacker known as Sup Forums
The intro for this one always makes me lose my shit.
>posts another video where karl marx and the frankfurt school is explained in a meme
Holy shit, pajeets are the next on (((their))) list to be cucked out of existence.
Dont have the link right now but it is one of his ylyl vids I think