>tfw you realize communism is the answer
Tfw you realize communism is the answer
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw you realize that hanging the OP is the answer
Welcome to the club, comrade
TFW the left still can't meme
Because Communism always works.
Past 100 years is proof enough.
the question being what other bullshit the jews have unleashed on the world.
The question: which political ideology is responsible for the deaths of 60 million+ people
OP will brig the dawn and spread Communism to the entire world. Effectively destroying America; beginning a era of world peace for generations to come.
Communism is only the answer to "what is the most retarded political ideology every conceived?"
They weren't doing it right.
Why can faggots like OP upload images but not me? I get upload failed every time
Communism is the answer to some...
Namely ppl with no self-determination
the answer to what?
is it the answer that gets you shot from the RW death squad?
can i join the club? i've heard everything is free and everything is shared, sounds good to me.
“Real communism” or the communism that’s been practiced up to now?
Same lol
saged and reported
because jews.
hear hear.
While I believe a semi ethno cultural state with fixed immigration quotas allowing only for the best of other country to come over.
Everytime you have this idea with socialism, your wealth becomes everyone elses, Nazi, fuckery economics, and sheer stupid comments like, "we know better, (this time)". That I am actually exasperated enough to humor the idea of libertarian anarchy. Afterall, who says there can't be gated communities while outside goes to shit.
Actually now that I looked harder no one is uploading photos
If the Question is "What do I kill to save a country from destruction?" then yes
This. Finally someone from UK I can agree with
Answer to overpopulation
20 million people die in capitalist countries every year because they are systematically denied basic utilities.
Wrong. Tell me one reason for communism being bad other than
>Muh 200 gorillion victims of communism
What is the best way to enslave a nation of people for 1000 pat. sage.
tfw you realize you're a vapid selfimportant 'communist' nigger
>tfw your hungry
Am I the only one impressed by the feats Soviet Russia and China managed to do? Soviet was a superpower until the very end and China today is rising to superpower status. Yet democracies like India and Brazil cant accomplish shit.
It takes from productive people in the goal of keeping useless leaches alive, and it even fails at this.
the answer to what question?
Yah fuck this shit system where a small portion of people hold 80% of wealth.
tfw you're an idiot teenager
shill thread. sage
To why we should genocide humans.
You’re saying that like it’s a bad thing
more like 99%
It doesnt matter because (((they))) control all the political forms of government and forms that defy (((them))) are destroyed aka. Fascism, Authoritarian, Monarchy.
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Nobody who is an adult believes in communism after how many failures it has had. Grow up, son.
>you realize OP is a kike
Unironically thinking communism was made by Russians and not the Kikes
answer to what? "what is the worst form of government?"
Wrong. It takes from productive people and gives to people who have almost nothing so that they can have a chance to become productive. Everyone would be obligated to work in a communist society. Welfare state ≠ Communism.
>the answer to rich leftist jews in power is more rich leftist jews in power.
lol leftypol
Communism shares the same fundamental problem as democracy.
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>tfw. There’s some sort of hard metallic object pressing against the side of my head
>Communism is always jewish
> "capitalist countries"
> Reducing poverty by 90% isn't an accomplishment because the other 10% means this poverty reducing system actually causes poverty actually, systemic.
Nandaiyo jeste li tako usporeni! Koriwa.
Not real communism, Juche is pretty much a fascist monarchy with Soviet aesthetics.
>satellite nations of the USSR
>not communist
It doesn't work like that, dumb pirate poster.
Drumpfkins, your time is up, because Captain Communism is here.
nice bait op, checked. We all know there is noone with an IQ high enough to log on to a computer that unironically believes that taking all the money away from the rich, successful people and giving it to the retarded, failure people, so that they dont feel bad about being incapable, is anything other than a cruel prank played on faggot students that can't think for themselves.
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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fucking retard.
Imagine you are a brain surgeon. You are the best in your field. Everyone wants to use you for their operations, and you charge a higher fee because the demand fo your services is greater, because you provide a superior service.
Then, a bunch of retarded schoolchildren with no experience of real life waddle in and decide that they are forcing a new system on you, where every surgeon gets paid the same. By law. So now you get paid the same as all the other retarded surgeons, including your colleague Pedro who never even sat any exams let alone passed them, he just joined the surgeon's union and so qualified for "equal pay". Pedro doesnt even come into work. Ever. But he still gets paid the same, because the retarded schoolchildren didnt want him to feel bad that he wasnt as good as you.
So now where is your motivation to work hard? You actually earn more money per effort i you just down tools and go on holiday, so why would anyone ever strive to do anything ever, when instead of being rewarded for trying hard, the new system rewards you for working as little as possible.
welcome to communism.
"We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us."
Well done, you've also just given the government enough power to arbitrarily decide your value, and whether you live or die, or have the right to own possessions, at the stroke of a pen.
And that's why everyone always gets murdered fuckwit.
Here endeth the lesson
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
I mean if the question is socially acceptable genocide, then yes.
>Here endeth the lesson
>reference to christian liturgy
Good, lad.
>Tell me one reason for communism being bad
Go look in the mirror.
That's what followers of communism look like.
Here endeth the lesson.
>>tfw you realize communism is the answer
Because you won't make it on your own, so want Big Brother to hold your hand and mind, cradle to grave?
Or is it because you need help, and have too much pride to ask for it?
Fundamentally, Capitalism is the empowerment of the individual to be self-actualized, while Communism is a group of parasites waiting for some to produce something...anything...regardless; to dole out to the privileged few.
Whenever an American makes any sort of political commentary or analysis I immediately disregard it. Why?
Because the average American "thinker" is the ultimate armchair philosopher. They will proudly give their uneducated opinion on anything. They have no context, no real skin in the game because they haven't had war or conflict even close to their own soil since the 1800s. Their 'culture' is a fabrication made by Hollywood Jews to entice their youth with cowboy and soldier genres to serve their military industrial complex to work and die for Israel. 'Tradition' for them is stuffing themselves to the gullet with high-fat high-sugar foods and securing some shitty office 9-5 office or manual labor job enough to afford healthcare for their heart surgeries and medication.
American 'Alt-Righters' and 'traditionalists' are the worst among these. These half-breed mouth-breathing apes are the loudest advocates for an ethnostate, for the "day of the rope". Their genetic self-confusion is so dire that the word 'cuck' immediately resonates with them in any given discourse. Their understanding of the history of ideas has come from Wikipedia articles and state propaganda. They have no sense of nuance: anything even remotely resembling optimal collective activity is deemed "GOMMUNISM" as their own society institutions continues to become more bureaucratic, overrun by nonwhites, stagnant, and impoverished.
This would be all fine in dandy if these mutants were self contained, but since they outsource all their industry to street shitting cultures like China and India which expel the fetid masses of plastic and waste into our environment, the Amerimonkey's uncontrollable lust for consumption is destroy God's green Earth. We cannot tolerate it any longer.
What is to be done concerning the AQ (American Question)?
Only if the question is "what's the quickest and surest way to fuck a society up other than importing niggers?"
>where is your motivation to work hard
>communism doesn't work because i decided that nobody works
You know how theists try to push "Where do your morals come from then?" as an argument? You are doing the exact same thing.
You are ignoring incentives, that is why your analogy makes no sense.
australia you're a NOBODY, a NOBODY country
such blatant jealousy. americans go to australian universities to study and it is considered a joke/party semester.
The incentive is always your own well-being.
The issue is that retards are too short-sighted and equate well-being with either God's love or money.
What a bloody bush oyster, this one
>capitalist countries
Do they even own money?
Communism under a benevolent, incorruptible Aritifical Intelligence is superior.
sadly, we're ways too far from that reality.
>TFW like 10 years ago you thought Communism was just another, but different practice from someone across the sea and should be respected
>TFW you realized Communists need to be forcefully eradicated
> When you thought they really did have good motivations that just didn't align with your values
> Turns out they're mentally unstable and their politics is a projection of a great many negative environmental and parental factors combined with their own choices in life
> Then you hear about how they subverted the greatest era of human existence
Good. Make the red men fly.
>tfw you realize communism is the answer
Sure, if the question is:
"What form of government can I use to kill the most of our own citizens."
Burgerland education, everyone.