This is it. 3,500,000 illegals are going to be SENT THE FUCK BACK because the Democrats have lost all leverage. Trump knew they would cave, and they did. The Democrats just proved how weak they are, and the media could do nothing to cover for them.

This is it. 2018 is the year of Nationalism. BUCKLE UP!

Other urls found in this thread:

God bless that Orange Adonis


They have to go BACK!

End DACA. No handouts or subsidize that incentivize illegal behavior. Immigrate legally and pay your way like everyone else in this country. Stop demanding special treatment just because you came here illegally.

Isn’t this great for these countries? All these American college educated workers going back to help build their home countries?

Just as Trump planned since October. I stopped believing in 4D Chess long ago, but you barely even need 2D Chess to defeat the Democrats in their current form. I don't know what made them think they'd come out of this on top.

[Dirt bike rev limiter in approval]

Very good point! America trains these people and sends them back educated and ALMOST COMMUNIST so they can destroy their own countries. It's so beautiful it's like it was planned all along.

psst...if they Dems don't get a DACA deal in three weeks, they can shut the gov't down until they get one...

The Dems won....again....just as they always do in the end


I'm so happy I could cry. You don't know how infuriating it is knowing that the strongest nation on Earth decided to shutdown over illegal immigrants. Hopefully this is a sign of good things to come.
I just hope we can make sure we stay true to the Founders from here on out, God willing

Good. Get fucking out. These countries should be thrilled they're getting all those doctors and lawyers back!

I have not followed the American politics ever since last year. Is Trump actually sending back immigrants? Is it official?

What more has he done?

> educated
> Illegal immigrant
Choose one

The United States had a government shutdown over whether we should give illegal immigrants citizenship. (Absolutely ridiculous) Democrats said they would fight tooth and nail for a deal for citizenship but gave up after 48 hours at most. The illegals, adult and children, are going the fuck back.
And there isn't a damn thing the Kikes can do about it

What's worse is taxpayers literally paying the entire bill for whatever education they've received here just because dems want votes

Now end H1-poo visas

we're gonna see a lot of these subhumanoids trying to cross into here fellow leaf. There's no way they're going back to cartel ridden mexico when theres white people up north to leech off of.

Smarmy little queer

Dems are going for the long-term to try to limit Trump to 4 years and gain congressional seats. They underestimated the impact that political grandstanding for immigrants would have when it would directly inconvenience Americans.

The long term gambit is that they could do this again, but in reality they've already shown that they'll cave and the optics of prioritizing immigrants over citizens to the extent of hindering Americans is bad.

It's bad because a lot of illegal immigrants send tons of bacon home.

You must be fucking retarded

Stop pretending corporations don’t get more welfare than illegals.

You WHITE MEN are going to be really mad when these DREAMERS go back to their CULTURALLY RICH COUNTRIES. Our weak WHITE GENES will wither and DIE while these NOT RACIST countries thrive. This was our last shot and YOU BLEW IT.

trump should work out some way to keep paying the military and important services if there's another shutdown in the next few weeks and just wait it out until the deadline



Not sure how useful Mexico is going to find having several million entitled brats with 'Latino Studies' degrees suddenly show up. It'd be more useful to them if the construction workers who actually can build things were the ones repatriated.

Kys faggot

Well that’s not true but whatever you say Cochise.


I remember all the shilling in December about Trump protecting the dreamers

Shills must be absolutely flustered right now.

>trump declares USA a state of emergency because one side of the house is shutting down government and therefore committing treason
>has them all take a helicopter ride
I can only dream

The only reason Dems seemingly caved is because their Jewish leadership realized just how exposed they are to the public. They shut down the entire government because they wanted to flood the nation with brown people. Full stop. And their reason?

>"Fuck you whitey, you're going extinct."

They didn't even try to hide it behind some obscure fluffy bill designed to give cold kittens new fur coats, or pay a tax credit for crippled people to buy rollerblades, or whatever. There was no pork. It was, we want brown people, because fuck you.

I have a feeling you don't know that you're the retarded one. Kek

DACA is a law that has deferred action against illegal immigrants who arrived as minors. Basically it's allowed young illegals to thrive in the US without fear of reprisals, and in liberal delusion many of them have waved their illegal status in the faces of the world.

It's set to blow up in March, at which point they're free game for our Immigration Control. Dems tried to force an extension as part of our budget, then backpedaled on a loose verbal agreement to "consider it" Republicans have hard committed to nothing, but dems lacked a choice because the shutdown was successfully spun as dems prioritizing illegals over citizens.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because the other asshole is stealing doesn't mean we gotta let these people do it too.
Shitty argument

How did a libtard find his way in here? GET THE ROPE!

Well, the US and GOP has showed once more they have no morals. How racist you have to be to deport young teen kids for being Brown?

Post office will still be available along with the DMV so who cares?

Lol nah they'll apply for asylum in Canada

All I’m saying is don’t pretend kicking educated workers out is a godsend when the tax reforms designed to fuck us to bits in a decade while giving corporations pennies from heaven.

they should send all DACA parents back. They knew they were breaking the law and they shouldn't be rewarded for it.

It would be so great to see all the tears as the scum 3rd world parents are forced to leave and their little greedy children decide to stay

our immigration is finally going to be reformed soon and that's GREAT. but DACA recipients will not be sent back, it is delusional to think they will. they will be legalized (not citizens ,just legalized) and so will their parents.

I didn't see anything in the law which mentioned deporting people because they are brown. I think you just made that part up. Why do you leftists lie about everything?

Someone have that smug ilegal cunt that was braging about been illegal?

I have been telling them all to cross Canada's border at an irregular point and ask for amnesty and they can get free medical and permission to work while they wait for their court date which is looking like it will take a super long time. Also all the Canadian liberals will fight for DIVERSITY !!

>trudeau splooging jpg

Something like 5% of DACA recipients have college degrees.

They are just gonna let them die bro, they avoid ilegals like the fucking plage and get treated worst than niggers. Serves them right for abandoning their shithole in the first place.

that sounds horrible!

wouldn't it be better for the shithole countries if we sent them all these "educated hard working" illegals back?

Maybe they could fix their countries so their scum citizens will stop coming here

Nice, we will receive them with open arms, also i hope they will vote to kick out pri from los pinos and put amlo.

Which one, the Texan one who said she had nice legs?

How is this even an argument. They are trespassing. You don't get to stay just because you made it over the fence. They can fuck right off.

Speak English ya fucking taco-eater

This guy gets it. The government shutting down is absolutely nothing. I was living in the southern US at the time the last one happened and I didn't notice any change. The only thing that was a minor inconvenience was that the local pharmacy was out of that years flu vaccine. So I just waited a week until it was over and they got restocked. Fucking nothing.

Whites only, faggot.

>"I've been found out!"

>open arms
and a machete in each hand

>for being brown
lmao wouldn't i be nice?
imagine, when this is over there will be literally no tan people in the united states.
fucking gold.

>because it worked out so well for them this time
can into retardness

you have to go back, Pedro

The very same.


Pol is boring it’s like a fantasy make up your own reality essay prompt. DACA people can have most who had arrived as a child are now going to be graduating soon. Know 3 PHD students in Cali, 2 chem engineer, 1 is a psychology major.

They work a Lot harder than you neckbeards. Also they make great money. we need a meritocracy 90% or POL would be exterminated :)!

only if they cause meade or anaya winning

No DACA. No dreamers. End Chain Migration. End the VIsa Lottery. Lock up Mayor's Governors who participate in Sanctuary cities!


wouldn't happen in a hundred years, now that Trump and a republican congress has skyrocketed our economy we are seeing even more of a surge of illegal immigration.

It's not about corporations it's about illegal behavior. By all means tax the corporations and use that money to subsidize education for legal citizens. But don't fucking give full ride scholarships for Pedro's Latinos Studies degree just because his parents came here legally. Also corporations actually bring in a lot of fucking $ regardless of what you've been told. Yes they try and dodge taxes, yes much of it is hoarded at the top - this is a problem. But these are two completely different issues - why the fuck does Pedro get a full ride scholarship just because his parents came here illegally and made risky decisions when Paul from Ohio has to take on massive debt for the same education when his parents have done everything right and paid taxes their entire life?

Good on you, the faster you approach a breaking point the faster you will redeem yourselves

They're not educated in any way that will benefit the economy, and even if they could perform useful work then that's a job taken from a legal citizen.

what happened?

That is because we both Know you would not have any problems with dreamers if let say all of them came from Ireland or Germany.

You also want to deport them because they are all voting democrats.

Y...You stole our land though! Give it back!

... We're taking it back anyway, you can't deport us all.

>DACA recipients
>educated workers
*breathes in*

Nice legs undocumented valedictorian is probably enough to find her.

Unless your well-being is tied to one of those organizations. For example, a lot of the gibs programs pointed out they wouldn't make it through the expiration of DACA.

>educated workers out is a godsend
uh. Who the fuck do you think paid for their education. Do you think we can't recruit more through legal means? I don't even fucking care about H1B visas I care about subsidizing and rewarding illegal behavior when taxpaying, legal citizens that have done everything right get fucked.
This, terrible terrible argument.

im an immigrant but if you came illegally/havent learned the language/havent went throught the proper seriously have to go back. you are pathetic mooches. go.

The difference is that at least with those companies getting breaks they pass those savings onto me. Illegals getting all this money does nothing but take it out of my pocket and I get nothing back

>. but DACA recipients will not be sent back, it is delusional to think they will.
They're already being mailed back, sillypants.

the Spanish sold the land to the US it was not stole. Your going back. Bye Bye

He couldn't produce proof of his status. Once DACA expires, "proof of status" won't matter.

nothing, reps and dem still have to finally hammer out some immigration reform sometime soon, and the way its looking its going to end with money for a Wall and other immigration changes( visa lottery is going to get scrapped for one) and DACA recipients and their parents will gain legal residence. thats the climate so far.

Everything is going too well that I'm starting to get worried.
>Trumps tax plan passes
>6 months to pass all the pre-requisites for government job
>pass interview for that government job
>union passes a 5 year contract which is unheard of so starting pay is 30% higher
>finally start job
>DACA gets fucked

Dear god please let this ride never end.

Wtf I'm a daca supporter now.

>sending back all the ilegal entitled leftards back to tacoland
>the left wins the elections because of THE GIBS
I almost feel sorry for Tacoland

I love when Mexicans cry about "stolen land" when they themselves stole land. They're not 'Native Americans', they're mutts. 30% European, 20% black, 50% whatever else.

Imagine being the government that doesn't extend the sunset. You are raising taxes on Republicans and simultaneously proving to all the commies that you love corporate cock. It's going to be extended. Don't be a sperg.

lmfao @ anyone in this thread
hoping your (((gvmnt))) will take care of you
if you havent made millions investing in crypto by now, you're a loser anyway

>but dems lacked a choice because the shutdown was successfully spun as dems prioritizing illegals over citizens.

Everything I've seen has been this whole shut down is Trump's fault. It wasn't until today I learned the whole thing was over DACA. Nothing I've seen on FB would indicate that the mainstream narrative is even related to DACA. It's all "Trump lol".

fair enough mexibro

lol dumb worthless spic.

Listen here... My great great grand father was born and lived in LA when it was still Mexico, and when he died? He still believed that he died in Mexico

Fuck off with your shitty strawman brainlet

You need to come back

Debes regresar

It doesn't matter already. DACA is, was, and will forever be illegal. If Trump wanted to, per Obama's precedent, he could simply mandate by EO that America has to take in 200,000 white Europeans per year. Of course Jews would shriek in horror, because doing so would be technically illegal.

>psychology major
lmaooo wow they will definitely contribute a lot.

Hey ask them how they paid for their education and if they go to UC / CSU schools. Guess who funded that shit and paid for their scholarships. It wasn't their illegal parents. Guess who doesn't get preferred access to said scholarships and state funded school systems because it now rewards those whose parents engaged in risky illegal behavior?

The Irish would probably vote Democrat, and deporting them would be reasonable if they snuck in. Can't let sovereignty slip.