Should women be on the front-line with men?
What happens if a woman is captured by Taliban? Are they higher priority to save than men? (Rape)
Should women be on the front-line with men?
What happens if a woman is captured by Taliban? Are they higher priority to save than men? (Rape)
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There shouldn't be any women in the military in any position.
just dumb
What about a super sexy james bond spy? Or a woman to deal with other women prisoners to try to get them cooperate?
no you idiot.
women arent built for fighting. if anything they should be nurses as per tradition, and theres a reason thats traditional.
life isn't a james bond movie
If they are feminist,yes.They should be on the frontline,we are not sexist user.
If real women-hell no,they should be protected.
They should be readily available back at a barracks to be fucked, that's all they're good for anyway.
this is a trick question
Well, they've kept both male and female goats for centuries, so I'm not seeing how this is a new threat?
I think there was a case back in 03 or 04 when we first went into iraq. A female marine got captured somehow and shot a couple sandniggers before running out of ammo.
They broke her legs and raped her for a while before special forces went in and rescued.
Women in the military is jewish. The process of letting women in the military was for the purpose of making us fully ZOG, as it is a policy of the IDF.
i mean it probably would keep people sane
Equal rights=equal responsibility.
Is that a FAMAS?
I think there was a case back in 03 or 04 when we first went into iraq. A female marine got captured somehow and shot a couple sandniggers before running out of ammo.
That was a LIE. It was about Jessica Lynch and all made up 2 support the Iraq War.
Don't fall 4 the BS, they want UR mind, money and blood, dont let them have it.
Yes. Let them suffer their own medicine and be truely equal.
The whole premise of female warriors is absurdly ridiculous
The only place women should have in the military is as interpreters to get Muslim women to cooperate. Even in an office environment, women drive down productivity.
Except on all fours.
yes they could but only in administrative position no real combat experience
Do you honestly believe the tradcucks and leftist manginas will ever allow that to happen.
Wahmen need to be protected after all and given special rights.
Don't know what actually happened, i was like 9 at the time. Wouldn't surprise me if it was a hoax tho
>tfw they only ever made a few dozen semi-auto FAMASes and they're impossible to get
goddamnit I don't care that they actually suck I want one.
Fake and gay, that was soldier Jessica Lynch and she didn't fire a shot because she's a dumb ass boot and couldn't keep her m16 clean. Iraqi's actually took pretty good care of her and let the US know where she was
that or desk positions
Well if a roastie wants to kill herself playing G.I.Jane who am I to stop it?
Men were traditionally nurses. Women don't deal with work stress nearly as well as men do. They also can't lift for shit.
Most of the time they don't die, they just get injured and get money for the rest of their lives. There were these 2 female 2nd lt's who got 100% disbility for PTSD from the pig trainer...for those of you who don't gun, that's where medics shoot/stab pigs and it's your job to keep them alive for as long as possible. Fuckin 3500 every month for the rest of their lives without even leaving the US
have any of you actually served your country? don't fucking think so.
most of the women i worked with during my time in the army, were great persons; shot well, emotionally stable, could carry a man including all of his gear, didn't whine etc.
sure, there are always cunts who wine, but the same is with men. there's little difference.
i'm proud of anyone who is serving or has served their country.
Except that her presence in a combat unit is to the detriment of other squad members
Nope, but have you ever thought about how posting a thread on Sup Forums leads to mere hypothetical questions and answers at best?
God how do you people make it through the day ...
>Should women be on the front-line with men?
Women shouldn't and virtually can not function in front line
What happens if a woman is captured by Taliban? Are they higher priority to save than men? (Rape)
>Yes they would be priority, that's another reason not to have them as soldiers
More important, this qt is from a very stupid unit, Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre = light aviation of land forces... wtf
some bitchass army dudes in a supply truck driven by a women made a wrong turn, and drove fifty miles into a hostile city. wasn't a marine. she got what she had coming.
Fuck off faggot, where did you serve Kabul? I was in Helmand and we got lionesses (female Marines used for searching women hajis) and they were meme tier shit. It went exactly like common sense would tell you it did, and no (kek)
Gas all 2LTs
Top companies wouldn't be hiring more women if women are less productive.
>could carry a man including all of his gear, didn't whine etc.
Good one m8. I weigh 190 pounds + 80 pounds of gear. Carry me.
>Marine, réserviste chef de groupe section Vigipirate
>light aviation of land forces
>Should women be on the front-line with men?
When willing and capable, yes.
>What happens if a woman is captured by Taliban?
Best case scenario: hostage for ransom and a little bit of rape.
Worst case scenario: extreme humiliation (more rape) and a gruesome death.
>Are they higher priority to save than men? (Rape)
No, she should be treated as any other.
no they hire them because if they don't they get outed by huffington post and salon as being horrible sexist bigots for hiring too many males.
She gets pregnant with Taliban baby. That's what happens.
Yes, just not in mixed units. It ruins camaraderie between the men.
can't help that yanks are weak as fuck. nibbas can't even ruck march properly for 10kms.
i've seen women carry men the same weight as you are, you fucking lightweight.
>It ruins camaraderie between the men.
Fuck me, my unit has a few female medics and guys you thought had your back turn into fucking snakes because they are desperate for the pussy, you can't even speak to the medics without one of them running over demanding to know why you're speaking to her, its infuriating
kek, Marine is her name, but I must admit it adds to the wtf
Wern't you the ones who came out with that study of mixed infantry units where the end result was the men would sacrifice the mission to protect the women? Also I fucked this chick who was ex IDF, told me she was in Iraq wearing a US Air Force uniform. Is this how you guys do foreign exchange, or did I fuck a Mossad spy?
>they are desperate for the pussy
therefore, we men are weak. the women don't go crazy for dick within the army, it's the men who can't control themselves when they see a 4/10 woman after a 6 month deployment.
only women are allowed to join the military because they are the strong gender.
Forget women being in actual units. I was in infantry. And every time we were deployed somewhere for a few months everything was perfect with everyone. Then when we went to training in a base that had female secretaries for a few months, everything went to shit because the guys were all flirting with them and competing with each other.
If you want a real answer, read this
>TLDR obviously not you window licking autist
Absolutely not, that would be completely fucking insane.
> Women should only be on the front-line with men when women actually pass with the same level of fitness required for men in training
> Honestly against Terrorist Scum like any other purely evil force you should just fight to the death, hostage/prisoner rescue priority should be based purely on rank and you should never make a comprimise or a hostage exchange with the enemy unless you have a really good deal and are in position to protect yourself if they do not hold up their end of the bargin
(Surrender is fine when fighting good guys or in a grey conflict but when it's fucking black and white try and fight to the death as you already signed up for it and thus should be prepared...)
>Slap a woman, lose your right to bear arms for life (((Lautenberg amendment)))
>Women should be allowed to fight on the front lines
Thats because theres alot of men and no women in the military
Go into any female dominated fields (eg. ballet) as a straight man and you'll be swamped with thirsty pussy.
Women belong in the fucking kitchen or in the street. Whoever thinks otherwise is a cuck.
Why are women nowadays so unhappy while pursueing a carrer and riding cock till 35?
>you should always fight to the death and never surrender
Said every military ever
But people arent robots and it never works out that way.
I agree with pasta de dente, i was conscript in the amy from 2015 to 2017, seem alot of women there too.
>they are the strong gender.
neck yourself
>Should the people with the most motivation to shoot Taliban fighters be allowed to shoot Taliban fighters?
Self-evidently yes.
>Higher priority
Dunno, depends on whether the Taliban treat female POWs worse than male ones - however, in practice you save whoever you CAN save, whenever you can. How many POWs has the Taliban actually TAKEN?
The only woman that should join guys onthe front line is one that can piss over a humvee without splashing the canvas
Are you a roastie or something? Women in the military are HUGE sluts. They are worse than sorrority girls, they are actually proud of the fact that they will trade sex for gear or food in the field. You're a moron or a larp
Yes they are built, everyone was, you can't survive in 50.000 BC without being designed for fighting by evolution.
Men couldn't protec them 24/7 they had to get the food also.
If a woman lifts the same as a man and runs the same as a man, and shoots the same as a man. She can be there.
That will eliminate 99.999% of women.
Otherwise, there are other ways to use them. pilots, engineers, techies, military police, guard duty, intelligence, etc.
There are plenty of jobs women can have in the military or in support roles. They don't need to be on the front lines of a conflict.
If there is a rare woman that can prove she is equal in the training. And I mean actually equal, than I don't see why not. I doubt it would happen as much as femanists would hope. It would be very rare, if at all.
People keep looking at the extremes;
>omg what if they're captured!!!
>in a foxhole men are going to sacrifice themselves for women!!!
But the reality is you dont even need to go that far, its the most mundane stuff that shows you why women shouldnt serve.
For example in Afghanistan we would operate out these tiny fucking patrol bases, and we'd be lucky if they even had permanent structures. Every now and then they'd have "showers" which was just a bucket on top of ur head and you'd pull the string to dump the water. Water was limited so we'd cram like 15 naked dudes under these things (no homo). Now if you had 1 or 2 females in your company, I highly doubt they would stick them in there with the guys. Nope, they'd get to go by themselves and enjoy a nice shower while the guys have to literally get gay for a shower. Do you not think this would build animosity within the platoon? It would for me. Is be thinking, "if they're equal to use why the fuck do they get their own showers?".
Its the same situation when we sleep in squadbays or a hooch. 48 dudes would be cramped into a small space, but the females would most likely get their own area. That shit bothers people.
Also even trivial thinga like during patrol we couldn't stop the movement of 100 marines just so u can go take a piss; you'd literally Wil your dick out and piss while walking. Or in a mounted patrol same thing, youd have to shit in an MRE bag in front of 4 other guys in the humvee. A woman will not be comfortable with that, and will open the door to so many sexual harrasment cases. "Wahhh the guys were looking at me while I peed!!!"
Its not a glorious life, its fucking miserable. These are only few examples. People never think about logistical stuff like this because theve never served, how could they possibly know? Its always, "but a womyn is just as stronk and can shoot just like a man!!11!!" But that's not the hardest part of being an infantryman, that's just all they see in the movies
Women should only serve in positions like Finnish Lotta Svärd and what ever system Third Reich had where even the highest ranking woman was below lowest ranking soldier.
There's a reason why Foreign Legion won't even consider to accept women.
Then there's the USMC study of all-male, all-female and mixed unit performance.
Why are you tip toeing around the fact that women don't belong in the military.
Is it so hatd to comprehend that women need to be mothers in their 20s?
>Now if you had 1 or 2 females in your company
The guys must be diamonds
That reason alone is enough for women to fuck right off
You are a moron. Men did ALL the fighting and protecting and hunting, women did everything else. If the mennof the 'tribe' died, they all died. Your ancestors are from the sucessful ones where no woman ever had to fight
Peeing in your pants while walking and shitting in a bag while in the car sounds fun
Infantry is probably one of the worst jobs in the world. And I've worked in quite a few jobs. It's the only place where I saw people fall asleep while walking/running (after days of ruck marches). After so much exhaustion, peeing and shitting in cramped places is the least that bothers you.
>the unit equal opportunity (EO) representative
>Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) annual training
My fucking sides! The absolute state of modern armies.
Housing women is fucking bothersome.
We had 3 girls in our company, 1 nco and 2 privates.
Our company building was two floors tall and both floors had two toilet/shower areas on both ends of corridor, designated showers/toilets for platoon/squad leaders.
Two platoons per floor
All the rooms were same size, Officer trainees(4 or 6) had 1 room, NCOs had 1 room on both floors and the privates were stuffed 12 or more per room.
Basic rank and privilege system.
Then the fucking girls.
3 girls living comfy in one room, 2 privates basically received NCO privileges.
One of the toilet/shower areas had to be designated for girls taking huge amount of shower and shitting time from the rest of the company.
You've never even been deployed, you're from the Netherlands. Your standards are a joke.
that sounds horrifying lol. I'm a shy pooper and it would absolutely SUCK pooping in front of your mates. I don't even like peeing next to people.
So long as they aren't conscripted, yes. That goes for both sexes. If a country has to force its citizens to fight for their causes, then something is very, very wrong.
I'd rather white women were killing jihadists rather than enabling them by voting for leftist politicians.
Yes but there should be a special program involving additional training for women that covers all of the combat-related skills and proficiency that the Navy Seals are expected to learn... just without focusing on the extensive physical conditioning.
> Make them at least halfway like SpecOps.
If they dont make the grade then they stay in support role.
Also since I cant post an image I will make a public advisory and point out the reason for it since this is being brought up in a number of other threads.
(failed damage control to prevent an image from getting out to the public)
Is there an uglier gun?
It's iconic, Africans learned to fear it.
This man speaks the truth. I'm glad I got out before that was really a big thing. We lost more women during deployment due to pregnancies than we did actual soldiers to casualties. I've shat in an MRE box, pissed into countless bottles while mounted, and also whipped it out while dismounted. We did not have women on patrol with us. But I can imagine the fucking horror of it. There were no bushes for privacy, there were no "potty breaks". I don't even want to get started on the housing shit or monthly period shit.
only if they come to my house and say nice things to me and kiss me
They belong in a fucking kitchen. This isn't military related but today when i was at the grocery story i was paying for something that was around 15 dollars. It was a 10 dollar bill and 5 dollars in quarters, 1 dollar, and a few times. This roastie cunt goes "you really expect me to count all that?" I say "It's around the price you're asking for, and yes it's your job to confirm what i'm giving you". She then recoils back and says "excuse me?!!? If you're going to talk to me like that then you can leave"!
I tell her "You can either count the money and get this line moving or you can go get your boss". She then smacks her lips at me and finally counts it.
Women were meant for the kitchen.
Less than 10% of modern military personnel are combat trades/occupations. Why do we need women to have access to combat trades, when there is +90% of jobs in the military that are already accessible to women.
In times of high casualty armed conflicts societies recover faster with only male military personnel. Why? Bcuz women can share male partners to replenish the pop. loss. In a society where massive military casualties include women, the pop will recover much slower.
Think of the soviet union after WWII.
Men are probably more likely to be raped by the taliban, or arabs, or persians. Ask Bowe Berghdahl.
Gender pay gap, rape culture, micro aggression? We can start with adding women to selective service registration and front line combat duty. Feminists want all the advantages but none of the disadvantages.
You want total equality? Lets address the family law & divorce court bias, funding for gender specific diseases and cancers, incarceration rates/terms of confinement, the media misandry portraying men as clueless dolts while their women treat them like children.
Disgusting fucking culture. What happened in the last few decades?
Political Correctness became a reality and we let it happen.
/k/ pls go
Viking women would often fight along side there male counter parts, more recently Yazidi women are fighting ISIS. ISIS soldiers are shit scared of them.
And sure, societies that don't have modern western hangups over gender issue handle that fine. Or, in the case of the Yazidis, when they are fighting for their very survival. But for an actual organized western style military, with all the good and bad that comes with it, it doesn't work out so well.
>Should women be on the front-line with men?
feminists should be in the cannon fodder line while men take a break and rest before the real battle begins
>could carry a man including all of his gear
this is some real bullshit right here
>Viking women would often fight along side there male counter parts
Stop watching tv shows, it never happened.
actually pretty well-documented historically, I believe
Yes,let them die with all the useless welfare squaddies around the world
No women should not fight on the front line in wars, Their role is to give birth to make up for the loss of men and replenish the nation with new life.
That process is slow and having a lot of woman is essential for that.
One Man can impregnate hundreds of woman in a year.
One woman could date hundreds of man but only give one birth a year.
So women are simply less expendable when there is a need for rapid repopulation.
Military training for women is still good though.
No. Women often followed troops back in the days, as servanst, prostitutes, sometimes wives, but in the case of Viking raiders it was a rarity due to their small units and their marine nature. Provide me a single example of actual Viking women troops...