Prove to me how Jews like Soros, Rothschild, Zuckerberg, and others are working together in a coordinated attempt to subvert and ultimately destroy the west in a concise well-constructed paragraph.
What's the deal with Jews?
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P.S. I ask this because as someone who's been taking redpill left and right lately this has been the least cohesive thing anyone on this board has tried to convince me of.
if you and i are walking in the same direction down the same street does that mean we have the same destination in mind?
Jews hate white people and will do anything that will hurt whites.
Whites created a lot of stuff we enjoy in our civilization.
Connect the dots yourself.
When I say coordinated I'm referring to the fact that Soros alone doesn't have the ability to subvert the west.
parallel interests.
that's my answer to your question by the way. this is how it works with jews.
We will genocide all kikes
Jews are the anti-folk, they are against folkish unity because such unity would dissolve the Jewish identity. It's the same as any racist tribal group which refuses to assimilate, the only difference is Jews attempt to call others anti-semitic rather than honestly identifying as a tribe.
god fucking dammit I want to kill jews
They're not coordinating they're just nepotistic tribal assholes
Of course they are coordinating. Do you look at the media?
The idea that they're all coordinating and lying to the goyim is ludicrous. We would have hard evidence from defectors.
They just hate white people and promote their own interests.
The Western liberal Jews want to keep quiet and promote multiculturalism to prevent any unity that would dissolve tribal groups, the Zionists are far more overt about their program but they want to convert others to an ethnocentric way of thinking to shield their tribe from criticism, and because the Jews know they can beat any other tribal group since they've been at it for so long.
for example all those (fellow whites) on twitter. If they actually understood the game they wouldnt publcily broadcast that they're jewish
They are all working together to push their agenda and effectively enslave humanity. We will genocide them this year. The holocaust will become reality. The Jew has willed their own destruction.
primal instincts. Its not as conspiracy as you think, and more so than you think. All truth is two fold. This is explained easily through math - zipfs law, zipf mystery, and the 80/20 rule in relation. It states: roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. In the human kingdom this is evident in our observation of governments, rulers, people of and in power. It would only make sense that there is a force in that percentile that is actively creating the pressures you witness on a daily basis. We just happen to call them Jews, Jews just so happen to be the group, through a kind of natural selection, that inhabit the top echelon of controllers. A lot of that has to do with tribal and survival instinct, urges and desires, thoughts and emotions. All of these things are skewed by forces beyond the Jews them selves, and we have a name for that too: evil. Don't be fooled. Satan owns this earth. Satan's karmic energy is dispersed through primal urges, instincts, and propensities. The ability to transcend animalistic, and un-altruistic, un-empathatic, un-compassionate movement is the ability to be close and unified with god(LOGOS) .. We are here to have our vitality, courage and faith tested. We have a place among the stars, Satan is merely a black hole who's gravitational pull can be used to slingshot us faster than light speed at the moment before falling into the event horizon.
Im murdering all the Jews before this is over.
i now think you're alphabet soup
A man talks about genociding the kikes and that makes him alphabet? Wake up. SOon we will all becoming together to do just that. They have left us no other choice.
have you taken a single look at the overall everything that is the EU? thats really all you need for proof m8.
oh the keks!!
shawn ruby
Sat 1/13/2018 9:17 AM
Sent Items
[email protected];
The biggest issue with Jews is that they'll always see themselves as a minority and will politically involve themselves as a minority, they invented a political philosophy to help export their views.
Using Marxism they will always be at odds with the majority. Marxism isn't simply a different economic principle, it's the philosophical intellectualization of being a minority.
Marxism was originally workers versus factory owners, then it became women versus the family, race versus the nation and now it's gender minorityism and the other perversions today (illegal immigrants versus native citizens).
The goal of Marxism is never to complete or connect a community it is to divide and Marxism in a majority underprivileged nation will still be divided up further into weird perversions because Marxism as a philosophy doesn't end. The base goal of it is to "get rid of the institutions holding back humanity", which ends up making more institutions.
Also, Marxism isn't epistemologically based, so it doesn't matter whether something being split up makes sense or not (gender) it just matters that there is something counteracting what already exists.
You're never going to find a complete Marxist nation which is why they fail all the time or they turn towards race and nationalism (ussr, china, nkorea).
The answer you seek is in both the Talmud and the Bible.
Kill the Goyim by any means possible.
Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50
John 8:44-45King James Version (KJV)
44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
- Jesus speaking to a group of jews
The truth is that god is real and so is Satan. Jews are Satan's children and they are here to do his work.
keep the thread alive anons!
this is good stuff
Fuck you nigger