Welcome back, anons, shills, and normies alike. After the beautiful triggering of the general downtown Portland metropolitan area, my legs were tired and my shoulders were sore. I slept a deep sleep, and awoke after the original thread had been archived. Now I have returned, and I am here to listen to the questions and scaremongering of the Soros shills once again. Ask me anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is that your frothy jar of piss

Is that homemade paste in that jar?

Tigard Oregon Fag here. I have about 6 more more posters will put up tomorrow.

Have you checked if the posters are still up?

Post pics

Oh wait. God dammit

You're supposed to piss in the jar not cummies

It's wheatpaste, so yeah. I took 3 cups water, 1 cup flour and stirred it constantly until it was just under boiling. I stirred well but it started solidifying, so I scraped the flour crap into the mix, then shook it well in the mason jar.
Nope, if someone could confirm that would be splendid. I'll be busy today but I can still post from mobile. Might run into a dead zone for a long while though.

loved the poster you put up over the antifa sticker

Apparently I also broke the entire god damn website according to the previous thread. There was like a posting limit and no one could post images? What was that all about?

Sounds like you're just cooking crack, you should just swap careers.

Too much fun, had to shut it down.

I'm in the portland area and would be glad to help this cause.

post it user

What is that faggot glass? Some hipster bottle filled with paint or something?

I'm currently trying to post on mobile, having a hard time. It keeps directing my to updating index when I'm trying to post, stay frosty

Why are we all from Portland

clackamas here, portland is aids.

Unlike these faggot Portlanders we can actually kill and get away with it, let's do our part

We are cooped up inside on this mongolian throat singing forum for fear of being found out.

Wait all you did was post posters?

How shit what a beta.

Racecucks forerever cowards

How many of you fags are actually in this city and why have I only met ultra liberals and turbogays in my decade living in Portland?

more than you think pal its called hiding in plain sight

I'd like to know what you did that mighty fine evening, Moonman wannabe.

A poopoo a weewee?poopiepie

yeah what did you you do probably nothing

What does the bottle do?

What's the poster? Quit being so goddamned coy.

Yeah I mean it makes sense. I'm pretty quiet and no one would even guess I voted Trump. It makes me feel a little less lonely somehow. What a nice thread. Thanks everyone.

Sorry I was busy not being a fucking loser lmao

>What's the poster?
#myboardersmychoice and no means no with a picture of the USA

It really doesn't want to post images on mobile. I'll post anyways but I wont be able to prove its me.
Lol that's in Iowa faggot

Autism has no borders. And you are definitely autistic

no wheatpaste, user - vandalism is not cool

Laurens face looks even more fucked up in her skype avatar