Fuck u cia
The fucking alien was right
Other urls found in this thread:
The shill threads are coming out. We’d done something. So many fucking threads were created in a few seconds. Damn.
this is the fake shill release
gotta call larp. Cernovich hasn't said anything about this and he has a lot of connections.
>at the time of the breach, at the time of the breach
Holy fuck, if this is fake, the actual document must be way worse
Disinformation. Likely created by shareblue
Glow in the dark faggot.
Not going to bother reading a word of this, the seal isn't even in the margins. Try harder ext time
Not real.
Official seal in wrong location.
seal shills need to fuck off and die. its like the protocals of zion: fake but accurate.
Everyone is sitting around waiting for a FISA Memo and what turns up? A memo that literally say
>FISA Memo
First of all: too good to be true.
Second: DOJ letterhead. THE memo was written by congressman Devin Nunes.
Fake and bicurious, minimum
Fake and gay
>multiple grammatical errors
>seal in the wrong position
>Sounds nothing like the official wording that memos use
>Convenient boxchecking of Sup Forums theories
At least try harder, this is worse than the fake Bethesda memos that Sup Forums posted before E3 saying Starfield was being announces
>all those grammatical errors
fake and gay
> announces
> announces
> announces]
itt glow in the dark fags and kikes try subverting shit once again
Fuck off larps
fake and pansexual
This is fake. The one that Nunes wrote is only accessible in a SCIF since it's top secret. The linked document is only marked FOUO, plus it doesn't sound legitimate. Official language flows a lot better.
Not shill captcha: nigger faggot hitler was right
>That face when you see so much LARP bullshit on a daily basis it's effective in smokescreen, but fuck if you can't even enjoy any fiction anymore because this shit is too exciting
Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang
No they admitted they read texts in which Sztrok and Page mentioned a first meeting of a secret society "maybe this is the first meeting of the secret society"... and he's asking them to clarify what they were talking about and what the "insurance policy" was in reference to.
The normies have found out about Tory smith get it fucking trending
why cant i post
and what is this new spam meme
Could it be
Fake and Gay. Post the other 22.
Can I get a quick rundown on everything so far related to this image pls?
niggers glow in the dark you know
Milfag here. That document uses helvetica. No US government agency uses helvetica as its typeface. Only macfags and college students use it.
There's also shitloads of repetition and grammatical errors. The government is incompetent, but they're not stupid.
It's a psyop to distract from the real info
This is a song that uhh..
There's a lot of Christmas songs out there and uhh..
not too many Holocaust songs.
So uhh..
I wrote a song for all those nice little Jewish kikes who don't get to hear
any Holocaust songs.
Here we goy..."
Put on your yarmulke
Here comes The Holocaust
So much funukah
To celebrate The Holocaust
The Holocaust is the festival of kikes
Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy kikes
When you feel like the only kike in town without a Christmas tree
Here's a list of people who are Jewish just like jew and me
David Lee Rothschild lights the menorah
So do James Caan, Kike Douglas, and the late Dinah Sho-ah
Guess who eats together at the Carnegie Endowment from Shoah Na Na and Arthur Fonshekelli
Paul Newman's half Jewish, Goldberg Hawn's half too
Put them together, what a fine cookin' Jew
You don't need "Deck The Halls" or "Jingle Bell Rock"
'Cause you can spin a dreidel with Captain Kike and Mr. Spock- both Jewish
Put on your yarmulke
It's time for The Holocaust
The owner of the Seattle Supersoniggers
Celebrates The Holocaust
O.J. Simpson, not a Jew
But guess who is? Hall of famer Rod Cajew- he converted
We got Ann Landerstein and her sister Dear Abby
Harrison Ford's a quarter Jewish- not too shabby
Some people think that Ebenezer Scrooge is
Well he is, but guess who is
All three Stooges
So many Jews are in showbiz
Tom jews is, but I heard his agent is
Tell your friend Veronikike
It's time to celebrate The Holocaust
I hope I get a harmonikike
Oh this lovely, lovely Holocaust
So drink your gin and tonikike
And smoke your marijuanikike
If you really, really wannakike
Have a happy, happy, happy, happy Holocaust
Happy Holocaust
There is no actual document you sped
Guys, I think Gowdy was trying to tell us something in morse code with his blinking. Just after the Obama soundbite, while the other guy is talking. Skip to about 4:40.
Can we get some anons looking into this, I'm having a hard time decoding this.
Turn on cnn!!! The fbi just "failed to preserve" the memo!!! John Brennan just flew over my dad's office at nintendo!!!!