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Give me a break. Leftists PRIDE themselves on hating america.

Typical projecting faggotry

>When you run out of arguments so you use ours

america is by and for whites
plenty of other places you can go to if this doesn't
"jive" with you

because of all the nonwhites. I do not support (((welfare))) as it is essentially a spic and nigger breeding program.

Why is that liberal projecting?

its like when they call people on the right "snowflakes". the left has no culture.

>Following the law is anti-American
I hate Jews so, so much

Hating mexicans = Hating Americans

Because it's too left wing

While Dems want to stick 25+ million 3rd world illegals up Americans' asses

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Why do liberals say they hate America and then pretend to love it and be patriots when Republicans go against their anti-American policies?


>poor niggers and illegals

Shilling hard, eh schlomo


>Nigger author
Opinion discarded

racism is not the answer

Why do leftist not understand the foundaiton of democracy is people understanding other have conflicting opinions?

Why is the media retarded?

You're right. Racism solves nothing. Bullets and lots of rope will.

It's true, as an American university student, I am told on the regular why I should hate my country.

Projecting is on the core identity of the left, nothing new here.

But you can see that they are on edge, and it's beautiful

Depends of the question

Because if I accuse you of being a pedo it keeps you from noticing I'm the actual pedo.


this question should be rephrased as "Why do republicans not support Amerimuttlandia?"

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Huff Post}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Britain here.
Why do liberals keep saying that Republicans damage the economy of America? There's something that doesn't seem quite right about this claim.
Is it because republicans tend to shut down pointless enterprises that superficially increase GDP or something but don't actually contribute anything of real value? (sorta similar to the "job creation = auto good fallacy?).

In terms of Americanism, the left are ABSOLUTELY un-american.

>Fill in the blank newfags
The _______ strikes you as he cries out in pain.

>literally this much projection
The nigger cunt who wrote that article has an IQ so low, she can't even grasp that she's explaining her own party's failings and claiming them to be those of the Republicans.

We've done it, lads - we've broken the fragile minds of the left, and they're all circling the drain now. What a time to be alive.

Schumer and the Dems committed TREASON. They favored illegal immigrants of a foreign power over American citizens.

And they did this all just to protect their slave labor workforce in wealthy liberal states like California. They also want those illegals to vote Democrat. The Dems also know that 90% of their biggest donations come from wealthy Californian liberals. So they won't do anything to endanger the economy of that state, which is based entirely on illegal immigrant slave labor. This is full on treason. They're helping a foreign power subvert the democracy of the United States.

Agreeing with the J left with the wrong reasons.

Calling a nigger's blog post on Hufflepuffpo "the media" is a bit of a stretch even in the current state.

Conservatives just accept the world for how it is. It's why leftists cum in their pants over Hegelian bullshit and hate the stoicism of right-wingers.

Didn't you motherfuckers just shut down the government over foreign criminals?

This is rich coming from the people constantly shouting FUCK AMERICA AND FUCK TRUMP.

>choosing to not turn a spending bill into an immigration bill means they hate America
>choosing to not cater to illegal Mexicans mean they hate America
We’re Mexico now I guess

Media manipulation. What we now call news is nothing more than political theatre, and bad theatre at that. It wins elections.

Remember when they started saying we were "triggered" by shit?

>Why do leftist not understand the foundaiton of democracy is people understanding other have conflicting opinions?
this mexibro gets it

>that paragraph at the bottom

goddamn that's some next level projection they've got going there.... I'm not even mad, hell I'm impressed

Their idea of an economy is taking everyone's money and giving it away

the (you) cries out in pain as he strikes you

loaded question

>dismantle economic strength
>Literally record stock numbers
4/4 Pinocchios

Im neither an alt-kike or a red faggot but stocks mean shit for most of the low/middle class.


>t. max soy nigger

Why do you get your news from a totally fuckin biased source

America is for whites, nignog

That's true, but the mainstream meteor acts like the (((stock market))) matters because they're all neoliberal tools.

Garbage in, garbage out. I rest my case.

>claims repubs shield traitors
>dems pardoned manning
Please pick one and only one

The question I always ask is "how much money are you going to get due to higher taxation?". That shit is going to only increase the budgets of leftist governments. That means that you're going to get more diversity statues and intentionally dumb pointless shit. You won't see any improvement in your quality of life, even if you wanted it.

That's part of why they fail financially. I don't think it's fully their fault, in part a lot of poorer people grow up surrounded by anti-capitalists who never fully explain how market economies and private capital work. For that reason people just assume that greed and exploitation are the order of the day ,All finance is a scam and you can't start a business because the economy is rigged.
Little do they know that socialism is the ultimate rigging of the economy. It is the ultimate "evil" corporation.

When did you stop beating your wife, OP?


stupid kike hater. You add nothing, not one goddamn thing to the discussion. "Joooooooooooooos 'r evil." That's it. Thanks, we get it. I'm sure your muzzie masters are grateful for your input on this board. Inshallababba.

Fucking retard.

Why do liberals hate america?

Hiya rabbi.

don't correct them, it's way too funny to watch them sperg out and blame everyone else for the projectile diarrhea spray they blasted all over their own bed

it's bad optics for them, they just haven't figured it out yet

Bitch, do you not understand that the stock market is literally companies selling parts of themselves to fund themselves to grow so that they don't have to take out a (((loan)), so if the value of the stock market goes up, that means american businesses are more valuable, which means more money is flowing, more people are going to get jobs, and those who have them are going to get paid better.

America is a Sodomite Nation

The people that write this drivel have no concept of America. In terms of ''what it is to be American,'' if you were born after 1964, you never lived in America.

>At the time of the breach.

Da troof.

I hate to get too deep here but empires rise and fall. We are on the slippery backslide. We may become victims of our own success like the romans. All we need now is a REALLY crazy emperor. Donald doesn't qualify YET. Humans just don't learn from their history

>the jew
>the shekel master
>the kike in the oven
>the roastie
>the feminist

You can do better in your shilling at least it was comical when you idiots linked directly to your shareblue propaganda.

fuck you jooooooo-tard. I'm Irish Catholic. If you really believe that kike's have that much control over everything, just 'convert' to being a joooo and start controlling the world.

you fucking, fucking retard.

Nice try, """JFK""". You have to go back to the desert.

This was the most absurd article I have ever read.

Projectile diarrhea spray. Now that's what I call bio terrorisim.

'''JFK""?? Please explain.

No, the stock market is about companies buying their own stocks in order to increase their stock prices because CEOs' are paid based on stock prices


It's a self propelling motion machine based on literally nothing, certainly not economic production. It's just a worthless bubble.

The revived roman empire perhaps? Wasn't that "special"? Be afraid, be VERY afraid (of your neighbors)

>Huff Post
>Carol Anderson
Liberal Black Woman. That explains everything

The headline is correct tho, far-left Republicans like McConnell, Paul Ryan, Graham, McCain, Flake and Mitt Romney DO hate America and want to destroy the founding white European stock and character of the nation.

Word up!

Damn I'm not the idiot that says this lightly but it's common knowledge what you said, we can't let them live it down, and you've earned it.....FPBP

JFK was an Irish-Catholic.

Because of all the people who came here from shitholes.

And as an investor, I'm almost up 30% since November '16 by buying a sole index fund (VTSAX).

This is what I was accused of by my liberal friends. Make no mistake, they believe we hate America. At least from my anecdotal experience.

How bout one party? No haggling over left or right. The C.C.P. perhaps? Move to china.

Oddly, since I'm from Arizona I'm not only from the desert, I still live in the desert.

Again, pretend to convert. If the jooooos are all powerful, you ought to have all the xtian babies to eat that your heart will pretend to desire. Take over hollywood, become a master banker. Go to whatever secret kike meetings they have so you can get your piece of the jewverse. Or do you understand on some level this is retarded and you are you simply mentally ill?

Thanks for the clarification

fukin commie pinkos

Because when the stock market crashed in 1929, the Republicans held a majority in congress

An opinion article on Huffpo is worse than the trashiest tabloid, yet people eat it up as real news. Why?

hate the haters, how original.

Good political theatre perhaps?

Haha huffpo


Honestly, can you guys like just cave in and make our jobs easier?

Shareblue doesn't pay us and unless we convert someone to the Left.

Negress? That's not now I remember it.

All they do is lie and project.

>Carol Anderson

I love how nobody has actually proven the article wrong, just crying about how "they are liars!!!!"


Is "spicnigga" a new hybrid? New kind of eugenics?

>huffingshit compost
>1 post by this ID

tl;dr. slide thread. stop responding you fucking retards. sage, report and ignore.

I shouldn't have encouraged him.