why do they blur the attackers. Let everyone know who they are. Destroy them socially
Are the attackers white?
If they're all charged as adults, they could get 20 years for it, so there's that at least and apparently the video is out there in the wild because it's what was used to identify them.
I assume so because I've not seen mention of them being anything else.
more like distabled
>I assume so because I've not seen mention of them being anything else.
I wish I had a reaction image to illustrate my disbelief at your ignorance.
you are now aware they will never be charged because their faces are blurred and that will be used as evidence the only person getting prison time is the victim.
>I assume so because I've not seen mention of them being anything else.
Stop leafposting, mutt
Prison colony commits crimes, big shock
Ah, well, sorry. I'm used to how our media fucks around with race. Shouldn't assume foreign media dicks around the same way.
The unblurred version's out there. They apparently posted it to facebook.
>I assume so because I've not seen mention of them being anything else.
good goy
That Mom sounds disabled af senpai
Good one
>they could get 20 years for it
Is that fair though? I mean if you smash a normal persons head you could make them retarded. If you smash a retards head though what is the worst that can really happen?
>she was tricked after believing she was going to see her boyfriend
>mentally disabled
Oi u w0t
Are you surprised a teen girl can get a boyfriend?
well this isnt cool, why blur the faces? auspol bring justice to this paleskinned abos
It's called taking advantage of people incapable of properly defending their rationale or themselves. Always a fucking leaf.
they were just trying to cure her with reverse physiology
Link to vid?
Fucking kill yourself leaf.
Not surprised, it's an absolute shithole. This shit happens weekly there
No guys your not thinking about this. Hitting a retard in the head would be like the same as hitting a tranny in the dick. Its not as cruel as hitting them in a place that could cause damage to a useful part of their body.
while not very nice for the poor retard, I would not say that is horrific.....at least not to me.....now my version of horrific is that poor mexican & his teenage son who get flayed alive and his heart yanked out while he is still conscious.....now that shit caused me horror....retard abuse, not so much.....
I thought Australians were all based white nationalists?
if the nationality and/or ethnicity isn't mentioned is because the attackers aren't white.
just because everyone bullies you for your flag( which is lame of them) does not make it ok for you to assert your self by trying to one up everyone else with shock value comments.
In case you have not noticed, the tide is turning away from acting like a fuck head on this website. That shit belongs in sp and b and tv.... not here
isn't AUS full of chinks?
>being this retarded
Just fucking gas yourself already you literal brainlet.
>the tide is turning away from acting like a fuck head on this website
Go fuck yourself you virtue signaling cunt. If you come here for political discussion you are bottom tier stupid. This containment board exists for happenings, memes and bants.
This looked like an amateur wrestling video
One of the attackers' sisters publicly apologized on facebook. You can find the apology for yourselves but here's the profile.
>Sup Forums is not for political discussion
Jesus christ how new are you? Lurk more you fucking waste of a post ID.
probably a coalburner, that's why she got beat up. 'taking there mens'
Anyone got that webm or gif of that inbred looking Turk kid slamming his sister's face in the birthday cake?
How many niggers have you seen dating disabled women instead of doing what this chicks did as well?
That was fucking enraging. Absolutely disgusting people
Fucking toxic femininity
>omg they made ozposting a real thing
>charged as adults
>20 years
You are aware different jurisdictions have different legal systems, right? Not a word of that is true, you fucking national embarassment.
fuck off newfag
>Sup Forumsitically incorrect is not a place to post shit that triggers me
Nice try jidf.
Quite literally what was reported. That and the 12 year old likely wouldn't be and would face a maximum of 2 years.
dunno if you're a leftist cuck or a newfag, Sup Forums has always been pro-euthanasia for retards
i dunno brown people are pretty much on the same level as downies so they're pretty much rival predatory parasites fighting over their primary source of sustenance, which is gibs/white guilt bucks... they obviously have zero sense of shame so it's no surprise they violently attack each other for no reason
lol cuck
I didn't say I was against eugenics friend
ooh dis gun be good.gif
Fake and gay. I've seen more realistic head slamming on WWE.
>burnt hands
>using burnt hands to grab table
Because only racists deserve to be publicly exposed by the MSM, obviously.
Le kek gentlesir.,
Just trying to mash the potatoes.
all girls are disabled by virtue of being girls
>I assume so because I've not seen mention of them being anything else
Wtf it'd the opposite in Canada where the news omits the race of the suspect unless its white. Minorities can never associated with crime in the media. You can describe the color of the hoodie and the getaway car, of his height and body type, but you can't ever mention race.
Fuck off 11 year old.
Jesus that’s hot
Oh god, I'm going to hell. Laughed way harder than i should have.
Mashed potatoes, anyone?
But seriously this was actually funny as fuck, nigger.
Good question, user.
Toxic masculinity am I right?
Coulter's Law, if they're hiding the attacker's identity it's probably a shitskin
There’s a video numbnuts, they’re hot white girls.
Fucking white savages
Why are white cave apes allowed to continue their savagery
well, if there's one positive thing to come out of this, she was already retarded, a little extra brain damage isnt going to make a lot of difference.
Well they got the cunts who did it already so hopefully justice will prevail and they'll be locked away for a long time. They're just shit people and they're never going to be good for anything, hopefully the get equally beat up in jail.
All blurred faces just seems to be an Australian thing.
You have to be 18 or older to post on this site kids.
Might is right, shitskin.
>In case you have not noticed, the tide is turning away from acting like a fuck head on this website. That shit belongs in sp and b and tv.... not here
I wish but ass/pol/ will insist on being an ass no matter what since they're the coward faggots who come here to be the asshole online they're afraid to be in real life.
I'm suddenly not feeling sorry for the 12 year old girls in Britain getting gang raped by Muslims.
and they say men are brutal...
>being this new
>being this reddit
She prolly has a chad too. Kek
what a waste of digits.
Women are way more brutal that men they just fear social repercussions more than men, but when they are surrounded by women who socially accept the brutality or are driven by revenge, the only think limiting their brutality is their stupidity & weakness.
>All these edgy underagers defending literal whores because HAHAHAH RETARD GET SMASHED SO FAHNNNY
My friend once smashed a dude with his truck at night while dude was running across the road in all black clothes and dude got got turned into a retard. My friend had been drinking and cops told him to go to the station to do a blood draw 12 hours later. Dude that got smashed and turned into a retard was apparently a well known methhead and burglar in the area so the cops said my friend was doing the community a service and let him off with nothing. Dude is a retarded vegetable in some retarded vegetable care center now.
Cry more.
It just means KEK agrees with me about ass/pol/.
Graduate highschool.
Right? Ass/pol/ is out of control. It's bad enough they LARP as Chad Bully Thundercock all day but they have to have these edgy shock value comments on top of it all.
Why was she out at the park so late?
You’re literally bitching about Sup Forums being edgy lmao go back to wherever you came from
It doesn't bother you because you're a young faggot with time to waste, once you're older it just gets annoying having to shift through tons of "DUR U STUPID ME SMART U GAY FAG FUCK SHILL KEK KYS REDDIT SOYBOY" insults being hurled around by faggots like you with nothing better to do or nothing of value to say.
>roastie gets what she deserves
>rtd newfag whiteknights swarm the thread
with any luck theyll be lynched for all the world to see
>If you smash a retards head though what is the worst that can really happen?
Can anyone post orginal video?
Is it clear its ooga boogas
>hahaha dude, Sup Forums defends stacey whores who are the very same people that shunned and ostracized many of the people on this website
>We have always been edgy 13 year olds!
Fucking newfag piece of shit, kill yourself.
Do you have link to this?
yea but if u can do this your effectively a nigger. you should be shot. where is your concious.
Her mother is also a retard. Why the hell are tards allowed to reproduce?
Does anyone have a webm or liveleak link to the attack???
75% white 10% asian, only like 2-5% chink, which translates to 1-3 million
>Anglo education
15 year old have sex and beating each other up, yep, somebody is going to get married to those sluts and worship them like diamonds until they get divorced.
She is a literal heroin addict. Heroin affects the vocal chords which gives a very distinct voice manner. Her friend is also an ugly gayfag kek
You have to kill someone or fiddle 50 kids to get 20 years here.
Can someone meme this with Chuck Schumer smashing a disabled veteran's face and spread it on Reddit?
Pretty fucked up, I saw some of the video on another YouTube video and it was pretty brutal. Even the niggers I live around aren't that savage with their attacks.
The chad larpers are honestly the most annoying group here. Johnny bravo wannabes kek.