Secret Society is Working to stop the Trump Presidency

Peter Strozk and Lisa Page texts contain references to a secret society trying to destroy Trump.

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It's not as if we didn't know this, but it's good to see it being said by someone in the GOPe. Also, bump.

Fuckin Jews

So in other words the Deep State. Looks like Sup Forums was right yet again

I don't trust Gowdy. All bark and no bite.

Not surprised in the least

FBI purge when

just like the "7th floor group" was referred to literally as "the shadow government"



it's always good news to hear that there are important people WITH BALLS to openly talk about this.... gotta keep this guy in the spotlight because he is definitely in danger now for openly talking about the kabbalistic mafia/cult and their pet goyim slaves, the masons

Wow so sleepy, goodnight anons.

bump for justice

Yeah me too goodnight.

goodnight, samefag

Goodnight shills

Bump! I knew GOWDY would get to the bottom of this

BUMP for the fight against the elite pedophile scum!

Fuck off (you) farmer

Bump... Fuck the deep state.

Yup and this is why

I read this tweet at least 2 days ago. Seems like a big nothingburger.

Surprise surprise Sup Forums was right again.

Anyone want to take a stab at guessing Strozk and his whore's ethno-religious background?

The tweet was just posted today. Stop lying shill.

Why the fuck is Sup Forums broken?!

Fuck the belluminati the niggers and the kikes I want this place free of shills!

This. Fire every single one of them.

I though you were tired you samefagging glownigger.

I'm glad Sup Forums is right. It'll make their chimpout when Trump is removed by the FBI all that much sweeter.
Lol, k? We don't care. Fuck you and your president. It was never about the law. Screencap this, bitch.

Yeah, and how about one of you geniuses tell us just what's wrong with a RL Dumbledores army fighting against Trumpfhs racist agenda?

Whole site is fucked hiro ruins everything again

They're just mad because literally no one cares how it happens, we all just want the Trumpster fire gone. It was never about fairness, or rules, or whether he actually broke the law. We just don't like him. And so he'll be abused, bullied, slandered, and yes, targeted by his own government. Did you think the election ended in 2016? You're cute.

Our restraint is mind boggling.

Nothing wrong with comedy. And the idea of an army of soyboys is a fucking kekfest.

They're not just saying it's a secret society. They're saying Strzok and Page called it that. How careless are these people?

Do you think you will be spared?

is time to sleep

dont make me say it again

go to bed or else

Because japs are fucking retards. Our jap especially so, remember this is someone dumb enough to spend money on Sup Forums.

>try to install a really shittly hidden secret society in the government
>get butthurt bc someone elses society already lives there

I dont care, unless we're talking about removing both.

>screen cap me signing my own death warrant
Gladly faggot, we're the ones with the guns.

It pisses me off that this is going to be the official talking point.

>They're not just saying it's a secret society. They're saying Strzok and Page called it that. How careless are these people?

No you know why the deep state was so bold as to "fail to preserve" the remaining texts... 100% sure these texts show the Mueller council was already planned before Comey's firing was used as an excuse to proceed by swamp rat Rosenstein.


And you'll be killed. You win I suppose.

the jews have to go back

#releasethememo bump

Who's going to do it, brave keyboard warriors? You? Even if I gave you my address you'd probably just swat me, since everyone knows Sup Forums kiddies are LITERAL, ACTUAL COWARDS.

Keep fighting the good fight!

Guys I am a senior analyst at a private data firm who has access to memo source data. I was able to sit down with a fresh pot of coffee and go through ALL the information. Unfortunately it is a big nothingburger. I found myself out of coffee and ready for some much needed zzzzz. Sorry but it's just nothing there.

Oh look, it's absolutely nothing. Lmao, stupid drumpfkins want to be the victims so bad.

Why do you wish death so much? Is it because you haven't experienced it?

If there is a coup we will flood out into the streets, going house to house, liquor store to welfare agency, home depot to lettuce farm, and we will kill every single one of you. We know who vermin you are, we know what you vermin look like, we know where to find rats, and we will exterminate you. Anyone who seeks to dismantle this country is a traitor and the punishment for treason is death.

Shills are full steam on this one. Must be big.

lets have that adress cuckboi

bumping again for a real political issue and not a sexbot/race mixing thread

JFK was a pretty cool dude, if even a degenerate.

is it fucking plus ultra

The spooks trying to play politics now, are a shell of the ones previous to you.
You guys are sloppy, and constantly fuck up. You literally thought SHE couldn’t lose. Your misguided hubris is your downfall.
Trump, and his folks are 2 steps ahead of you retards. This is why you keep losing.

We knew this, but it's finally confirmed by an official. Now journalist can't screech "muh russia conspiracy theory fake news hoax" anymore when people accuse politicians of being collectively anti-Trump.

this is bigger than Trump you faggot and you know it,
this deepstate group have had enough control of and infiltrated with their agents enough of the US federal government and its agencies to implement their agenda's. They have controlled the executive branch, media and other influential and key positions for years.
The conspiracies are all true. Those who control the bushes, clintons, obamas have been in control of the USA,.

I think after awhile of partying and having fun, he realized the things going on around him weren't right.
I think he wanted to be remembered as a good guy who made a difference. And he was going to. He was going to stop it all.
He just miscalculated what would happen to him first.






Clearly he's talking about a cabal of treasonous Democrats, and not an actual secret society like the masons.

Thanks user
watching now

>spend 70 years and trillions to bring down America
>Donald Trump, a plane, a hat, a microphone, twitter, and a carton frog brings it all down

Kek, what a bunch of faggots



>cabal of treasonous Democrats
and who controls that cabal?
that cable extends over party lines.
this has never just been about trump
it is about them losing their control of the most powerful country on the planet.

Order is Chaos
And chaos is order.
Order requires the loss of freedom.
Chaos embraces the power of choice.
Order is strict
While chaos is loose.
I prefer to live in chaos then a world of order.


Hey, dumbass, you are evidence. Your faggot boss won't let you leave when the shit hits the fan. They are going to kill you.

Nobody cares, gaylord.

Thanks Shareblue faggot. Your LARP is still pretty gay though.

Just as the FBI mysteriously loses heaps of their e-mails.

There's definitely something like the Masons that have infiltrated the executive branch, as well as the others and the public sector, like schooling.

The board is rallying tonight! It's a good thing.

Thank you for having a long term memory.
Couldn't remember what the number of the floor was.

We need Project Veritas to infiltrate (((whoever))) this is.


edgy faggot straight from reddit LMAO

did this sound scarier in your head pussy?

Just get rid of mueller and friends. Their usefulness has timed out.



Wrong. Mueller is about to start arresting every corrupt politician in our country.

You misunderstand him user; he doesn't care about democracy, he doesn't care about the law, he doesn't care about right and wrong, and he sure as shit doesn't care about America. You need to understand what we're dealing with in an enemy: these "people" want nothing less than the complete destruction of our nations, our values, our culture, and our world. They want everything good, everything we've built, everything about us wiped from existence and human memory. These are our enemies user, and they are nothing less than evil itself.

Be ready for war. It's coming.

Nah, he walked into the trap, no need to bail him out now.

You're trolling, right?

When the fuck do people start going down for shit?
Corruption everywhere, treason, does anyone in Washington do the right things?
We truly need to cleanse the entire shithole.

oh i do not misunderstand him.
fucking checked user.
and i know it is coming
they won't go down with a trying to take all down with them.
my gut today, holy shit its close.


Cocaine bump for this thread. Pure uncut Colombian.

Spread this shit everywhere even Trump hating normies believe in secret illuminatis like Jay Z

>Trump, and his folks are 2 steps ahead of you retards.
I don't know man. Maybe Trump's riding his luck for now. Never know. Deep state with its vast information network is not going to suddenly fall down.

Trump has military intelligence and some patriots on his side by now

Trump called them the fuck out over a year ago:

Get comfy niggers this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better

We are at such a high rift level in america that arresting certain people will cause civil unrest.

Almost certainly requiring Marshall law.

These things have to be done delicately. Pizzagate/metoo could be the keys to swing public opinion in favor of a purge





When is it not?

>and who controls that cabal?
>that cable extends over party lines.

The generals too if Mattis is any indication.
