All right boys if Sup Forums gets shut down where do we migrate?
All right boys if Sup Forums gets shut down where do we migrate?
If you don't already know you don't need to know.
ur mums house
eight/infinity chan
start huffing jenkem and blaze your way down to 420chan
4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 chan so on.
Yes, fellow anons please speak clearly into the microphone where we may go?
infinity, the omega of image boards
Irl. Form your own local NSDAP chapter.
this and
Wayyyyy ahead of you
back to the donald xD
i want to dream
>if Sup Forums gets shut down
Why? What alarmist bullshit is happening now?
Triple doubles has spoken.
Idiot, we go everywhere.
Down to McDonald's and get a fucking job.
yahoo news comment section.
1488 Gaslight Road
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
| Gas the Kikes |
|_____ __|
(\__/) ||
(•ㅅ•) ||
/ づ
If Sup Forums gets shut down I start murdering Jewish families in their homes.
the Real World, time to redpill people irl.
Yawwwwn hey aren't you getting sleepy? It's such a slooooow day on pol that a nap actually sounds pretty good. Ohhhhh man am I tired. Maybe if we all just go to sleep there will be more up to date threads when we wake up. Common every one lets go to bed.
Make stickers and put our memes everywhere IRL!
Allready done the entire town are nazis
what if i don't have 5bux to throw down just to get banned?
imagine us communicating/shitposting by just posting images and replies on public bulletin boards, street lights, transformers, newspaper kiosks, etc...
threads would last until removed by literal janitors
Yeah but you can't waste the killing on the Jewish plebs, this is how the elites get their power. You need to go straight for the powerful ones.
Great post centipede,have an upvote +1
i might just have to start living my life
you need to rape then kill them, that way they're broken when they're ready to die.
>he doesn’t know ;^)
Misilm da je vrjeme za dobrovoljno odsluzivanje vojnog roka
Can't post images.
I think they're fixing something. Sup Forums was kill, you wouldn't be able to post in general.
Into the streets to purge what ye can
literally any other board
Sup Forums is the only one having this issue.
pokusal sam se prijavit u vojsku al su me odjebali
Radi cega?
7chan desu
ostecenje sluha
This is what’s causing the chimpouts get in here
We’re at shillcon 1
Think how much that would cost them. Think how much it would cost them to send shills instead of bots.
Ive got a garage
Newgrounds. We can post our own right wing cartoons, games and art
Jel ti to od slusalica ili neki drugi faktor
Cannot go back after this place, its like 25% fun.
I agree, plus we take their shekels to fund the war effort.
od lose genetike
uopce ne idem van niti koristim slusalice
5 chan
Kek has spoken, endchan?
Which town/region is it?
i wonder what the mods are like on 420chan
E jebiga
Al kad se stvari budu zakuhale pozvat ce oni sve i svasta mozes kontat na to
Samo odrzavaj fizicku i duhovnu spremu
/AM/ is DEAD
Split, splitsko-dalmatinska županija
al ja se ocu borit na strani rusije :(
back to video games.
>weeb and pony shit everywhere
i dont think so bud
I ja kume i ja
Wew boy this user sure is speaking some sense. boy am I tired now. Time to hit they hay. Let's figure this out in the morning fellas. Get yourself a glass of warm milk and go to bed
idemo kad dojde rat izdat ovu kurvinjsku drzavu
sam ne znam kak da to izvedemo, valjda bu putin nekaj omogucil
theres a reason its called pol's retarded child