>"It is possible these text messages that are missing, perhaps they really were lost. Perhaps it is another strange coincidence," Ratcliffe said. "It is harder and harder for us to explain one strange coincidence after another."
"We know that Strzok and Page had an intense anti-Trump bias," he said. "And that's OK, so long as they check it at the door and do their job. We learned today in the thousands of text messages we have reviewed, that perhaps they may not have done that. We know about this 'insurance policy' that was referenced trying to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president."
Ratcliffe continued: "We learned today about information that in the immediate aftermath of his election, there may have been a 'secret society' of folks within the Department of Justice and the FBI, to include Page and Strzok, working against him. I'm not saying that actually happened, but when folks speak in those terms, they need to come forward to explain the context."
About the "secret society," Gowdy said: "You have this insurance policy in Spring 2016, and then the day after the election, what they really didn't want to have happen, there is a text exchange between these two FBI agents, these supposed to be fact-centric FBI agents saying, 'Perhaps this is the first meeting of the secret society.' So I'm going to want to know what secret society you are talking about, because you're supposed to be investigating objectively the person who just won the electoral college. So yeah -- I'm going to want to know."
We really did meme our way into the best timeline, didn't we.
Sebastian Reed
Who's we, nigger.
Jeremiah Morgan
The people who aren't kike shills.
Leo Harris
I want to believe...
James Nguyen
>reddit spacing while pretending to be user ISHYGDDT
Adam Baker
We absolutely did frendo. It's hard to even remember what the Berntstein timeline was like.
Jeremiah Morris
Everyone's flipping out about the "secret society" but all that was said was "perhaps this is the first meeting of the secret society". Probably just some faggy Dumbledore's Army delusions, Strzok was just trying to get this lefty's panties wet
Cooper Walker
None of these fucks care. It's a game. Make money and white babies, vote just for the LARP
Alexander Sanchez
Guys I think Gowdy is doing morse code with his eyes. Can we look into this, I'm having a hard time trying to decode it.
your posts have been logged, we will send a correction team to your location on the Day of the Rope
James Smith
Daniel Watson
At minimum, using the phrase “secret society” is admission of an organized coup and we all know what happens when you go after the king and miss. I personally think there’s even larger implications. These guys are lawyers and are used to choosing their words very carefully.
Jack Robinson
The people who aren't pathetic losers like yourself :^)
Cooper Smith
bumping this
Jace Wood
They updated their phones and broke their automatic data collection, and now old tech-dumb retards will be crying about missing text messages for the next decade until they finally die or people who know how the world actually works puts them in care homes.
Anthony Moore
Jace Morris
Get them from the carrier then, faggot. Shill elsewhere.
Lucas Gutierrez
I'm not buying the dip here
Jayden Phillips
>one strange (((cohencidence after another)))
Xavier Bennett
>the FBI messes up on purpose. Wow it's almost like they shouldn't get paid
Josiah Thompson
Oh no, this is just like when Malfoy found the room of requirement!
Leo Morris
Gowdy always looks like he's ready to stomp out a nigger, but he never actually does. He's a carnival barker, a theatrical performer.
Carriers don't preserve messages beyond a few days. All that gets preserved long-term is who the messages are to and from. Next
Elijah Parker
Charles Sanchez
Horowitz said he has the missing text messages!
Sebastian Nguyen
Sessions is doing a probe into doj for the missing text messages, saying "leave no stone unturned and will check other sources for them!" Inspector general has a memo that says he has them, so do they have them or not? I think they have them but are acting like they don't? Too many people are going to be in trouble.
Jason Brown
Probably were joking about it bcuz or how hilary won the primary through. Conspiracy.
Justin Reyes
So this the memo? Is this related to the memo. I can't keep up with this shit.
Thomas Carter
well if the FBI weren't hiding the text messages, maybe we could find out what this "secret society" really was and who was in it or if, like you say, it was just le jokes bruv X>
This is the same fbi that recovered a computer from the Vegas shooting that they said was missing the hard drive, then later said they found CP on the hard drive. Why to all these messages and texts etc always seem to be missing just when they're needed? It's almost as if it's being done on purpose. Why are billions of taxpayer's money being spent on data interception and collection centers?
Andrew Cook
you see Trey do the eyes thing?
Henry Brooks
Where are we with the memo? Still looking like it'll drop?
Jaxon Johnson
Adam Campbell
happening confirmed, fuck the shills - no other thread come close. We are not able to circulate the memes but we can still make them on our own. If not able to meme machine, post the fucking video link
Brandon Myers
yea, stay more current with news - timeline is out there
Aiden Wright
Connor Wright
I know this anime
Jace Adams
Democrats say: 1) The people are too stupid to understand it. 2) It's nothing. So, they won't release it, for the greater good. Because Democrat voters are idiots.
You get to see the girl in the .gif's titties with full on nip action as early as episode 1
Jackson King
Big brother will take care of you they said.
Ayden Nelson
Is this what they've been shilling to slide ? Bump
Charles Morgan
> secret society Huge if big!
Isaiah King
> readable big post spacing is bad Nice try, kike.
Luis Williams
>deletes harmless messages on purpose >Republicans will spend the next 2 years unearthing a big nothingburger.
That's 4D chess for you Drumpfy.
Adrian Cooper
>sex tourism talking smack Your very children are being molested by middle aged, minimum wage white guys.
Elijah Myers
>"We know that Strzok and Page had an intense anti-Trump bias," he said. "And that's OK, so long as they check it at the door and do their job. We learned today in the thousands of text messages we have reviewed, that perhaps they may not have done that. We know about this 'insurance policy' that was referenced trying to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president."
I believe this 100% because 30 years on this planet has taught me that normies are incapable of being professional, especially with the rise of the Internet and more interconnected social networks that encourage conformity to their friend group above all else. They can't put aside their personal opinions or feelings for a job EVER. That's asking too much of these normies, they just rationalize into their work and make their work about their opinions too.
There is no such thing as an objective professional anymore. Normies have lowered their acceptable behavior bar too low it seems, they're not willing to hold themselves up to any standards on any level of occupation.
Jace Nelson
Evan Reyes
I think we hopped again.
John Martinez
thanks user
Gavin Wright
And it all comes tumbling down, down, down.
Ian Taylor
Even though Gowdy is all talk no action gotta admit he has an expert way of sarcastically downplaying the situation
Gabriel White
Checked. Someone else said that too.
Samuel Diaz
Bump this is the biggest scandal of all time
Parker Reed
i work as a sterilization tech and this place is still rife with politics and we have nothing to do with politics at all
Angel Russell
They are not emails! They are text messages and IG horowitz says he has the missing ones!
Ayden Johnson
>666 DAK? DAK
Henry Walker
Sterilization techs don't need to keep segmented professional views, it's not like you sterilize an instrument knowing it's going to be rooting around in a republican in an hour.