Why does Sup Forums hate vegans all of a sudden?

why does Sup Forums hate vegans all of a sudden?

Other urls found in this thread:

scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&q=vegan cancer&btnG=

Everyone who isn’t a vegan has hated vegans since forever

>vegan men

Generally I hate anyone who proselytizes.

>all of a sudden
Fuck off fanny

is it because they make you realize you are a terrible person?

because Sup Forums is and has been for years been turning into a grouchy, stupid, old fart with alzheimers-induced rage

Because vegans are fags

go back to facebook dude, your bait is shitty

This is one of the few topics I am sure Sup Forums
doesn't actually give a fuck and just hates on

>all of a sudden

nobody ever liked vegans

Same as fascism.

>all of a sudden

If you don't eat meat you're not a man.

I don't give a shit what they eat. I do give a shit when they start acting like holier than thou faggots and/or try policing what I eat.

This. I know some vegans/vegetarians that don’t shovel their ideology down anyone’s throats for eating a burger and are cool with dining with meat eaters. The ones that do it for dietary purposes are usually pretty agreeable. It’s the “meat is murder” crowd you have to watch out for.

These guys will put meat in their ass but not in their mouth. Oh wait...

vegan-fascism when

Vegans are a plague on society. They use up far more natural resources, and they insult God's bounty.

>to all of you vegan men, i see you and love you -- as a friend

>They use up far more natural resources

We always hated vegan fags.

My only issue with vegans are their "holier than thou" attitude. Obviously, not all of them has it, but some has, and it's extremely annoying.
Fuck off fag, you might've sworn of meat and dairy, but I sure as fuck haven't. That's your choice and my choice is to keep eating it. Piss off

psych studies have shown that vegans have a higher rate of mental illness and disorders.than meat eaters. the studies haven't done in-depth work if it is caused by deficiencies in the diet or if it's just that flakes and loonballs are attracted to the vegan lifestyle, but, vegans are around the bend loony tunes.

I am not kidding at all when I say that I quite often go into the vegan section of my local supermarkets with a few 10ml syringes full of pork fat thinned with alcohol and inject the packages. It is so easy to get away with using long sleeves.

Vegans lack belief in real issues because they were raised by single mothers. I will be putting stickers on the vegan products in the future to inform them their food has been tampered with. You will never, ever, catch me. Go find your fathers.

It costs more to grow an equivalent weight of soybeans than it does in beef.

>implying all vegans are soyboys
the fuck? you realize a lot of vegans care about their health and wouldn't touch soy?

vegan gains is red pilled as fuck tho

lmao look at this black vegan fragility. so fragile

A man being vegan is like a western man eating soy. It doesn't make you a girly faggot, you do it because you already were a girly faggot.
Vegan gains is fucking lunatic who tried to film his own grandfathers death to put it on youtube so he could make fun of him for eating meat. He's also small as fuck for someone who's been training for over ten years, and now he's even getting fat, somehow. Too many vegan cookies I guess.

>Vegan gains is fucking lunatic who tried to film his own grandfathers death to put it on youtube so he could make fun of him for eating meat.
girly faggot detected. too insecure to stop eating meat? LMAO

I eat meat because I fucking want to.

Exactly. Vegans tend to be very militant, which is obnoxious.

>My only issue with vegans are their "holier than thou" attitude.
Not just that, it’s their pain in the ass “LOOK AT ME!!” bullshit as well.

>a few friends meet for dinner
>one who is foreveralone says he’s bringing his new gal
>everyone else expecting a trainwreck
>get there
>he’s grinning like the Cheshire cat
>she looks fairly…
>no purple hair or problem glasses
>wearing a nice dress
>chat a bit
>she isn’t a drooling retard
>we’re all happy aloneanon is finally getting some
>everyone looking at menus
Buuuuut, there’s NOTHING here that I can eat!!
>and, there it is
>’what about the baked ziti with zucchini and summer squash special the waitress mentioned?’ offers aloneanon
>’they have a really good eggplant parmesan.’ I stated
>assholeanon, the friend who has been divorced twice and now only bangs strippers, grabs her menu
>folds it open to the salad page
>and shoves it back into her hands

I swear to god, 3 of us said in unison “Then why the fuck are you a vegan?”

Cultured meat grown in labs is the final solution to the factory farming problem.

>fragile men
>vegan """""""""men"""""""""
>all of a sudden

Vegans are literally fragile.

What the fuck is this "all of a sudden"?

Veganism is a backwards, ignorant, immoral ideology that should be forcefully and painfully stopped wherever these toxic ideas pop up.

>inb4 idiots claim it's just a diet
No nigger, it's an ideology. You're just too dumb to know the dictates of your Jesus (Donald Watson) and your Vatican (The Vegan Society), but you still swear fealty.

Fucking soy boys. Who needs em? Man the fuck up and eat some bacon faggots.

Here are some studies in favor of veganism, I'd love some studies disproving veganism.




>Meme non-country flag
>calls a review and an unsourced, unreviewed article with no data "studies"
Your post tells us everything we need to know about vegans. Namely, that they pretend to be well read in nutritional science, when in actuality they don't even know what science looks like.

>wants to put fecal matter contaminated flesh in his body
>calling other people lunatics

this. I want it to be cheaper

Yeah because they totally don't put animal shit on crops to help them grow better. Retard

Vegans don't value chickens lives. They judge chickens as life not worth living, and that's why they're literally Hitler

scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&q=vegan cancer&btnG=
plenty of well cited articles for you to read here relating to meat and cancer. Oh wait, you're not going to read them care you?

I've read more than enough of them from you retards' invasion of /fit/. In every single one, What it boils down to is comparing vegans to normies, and as it turns out, holy shit, people who stick to some kind of diet are healthier than do nothing normies, who would have thought? Often they don't even use BMI brackets, just directly comparing people of normal weight to the obese, as though what you eat determines how fat you are, and now how much.

Sorry about that, here is a scholary study done by cambridge. Again I'd love some studies debunking veganism.

Everyone on the internet hates vegans. It's pretty nice in real life. Makes my boring, meaningless life more interesting to others.

this -

Veganism is the inefficient application of resources to secure a set amount of protein. Horribly more wasteful, and, well, one becomes a faggot too.

vegans r stoopid
eating meat is good for ur brain
that's why I eat 20 burgers a day


Supermarkets have cameras everywhere, you retard. You'd get the AUS equivalent of the FBI on your ass if you injected strange syringes into people's food.

>eating indian meats

Lmfao, you are projecting so hard. However, reported to the AFP just in case you aren't lying.

Sup Forums always hated gays.

Vegan gains got neutered like a cuck, he talks like a faggot, and he has jaundice from malnutrition.


One of my best friends turned into a vegan and has been dedicating his entire life to veganism, is unbearable now.