Make JK Rowling an Anti-Semite

Just take a look at the goblins in the movies and their descriptions in the books... happy merchants, and in the banks too.

Other urls found in this thread:

I honestly don't know why this didn't happen yet


What are you getting at user? All jews are greedy, hooked nosed bankers? I think you might be an anti-semite.

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They kinda look like Trump if you would comb their hair over.

It's a commonly known RACIST STEREOTYPE GOY.


Help me out I need to spread this but I have too much shame to go around posting the link everywhere

Star of David in Gringotts confirmed

it's worth a try but our hands are tied atm, need image posting to come back
>It's a commonly known RACIST STEREOTYPE
it's what we do here nigger

b u m p





Those are goblins? I just thought it was a jewish banker.

This is the floor of their (((bank)))

Notice anything? I'd love to hear her answer for this.

Casting the bump thread spell

>bumpedy dumpedy



top kek


People:mass Twitter and email fans of hers on her Twitter why they support anti-semitic stereotypes and tropes since they got
1 big noses

2 are greedy bankers

i cant see any image... what is it?

not bad

We email some libby newspaper that would eat this shit up, not fuck it up by using our "alt-right" twitter accounts to promote it.

he didn't post any image, but the floor of the goblin bank is a star of david

Make posts about the majority of major banks being jews to sneak ya redpill lil channie bbs

PERFECT! We mention it and say that it's hurtful to these "hardworking, industrious people" to have these "harmful" or "mean spirited" stereo types in her movies and books.

I would love this to hit her twitter really hard, she has some explaining to do.

Due to lack of image: The tile floor of Gringott's bank has a star of David laid in the tile. Bigly

3. Treacherous and untrustworthy, totally disloyal

Help my spread this, I need to make a new bread soon.

I saw this movie with my Jewish friend and when we saw this scene we immediately recognized that they were caricatures and we burst out laughing for about 10 minutes

It's fuckin obvious, we need to capitalize on this bitch

The goblins are also guilty of animal abuse, as they train dragons to guard the bank's treasures and fuck them up if they don't.

i just rechecked the movies for the scenes at Gringotts. I can only recall two scenes there: one in the first movie, and one in the last.
The floor design changed between the two movies.
In the last movie, it's nothing remotely like a star of david.
But in the first movie the floor design is clearly a Star of David (the scene where Harry first enters the place is the best angle/view that shows it).
There was no mention in the books of the goblins renovating the floor, so this means that the people who made the film decided to put the star of david as the floor pattern in the first movie, and then changed it by the last movie.

What's your point? I'm focusing more on the "racial stereotype" of the goblins man.

I would love to help do anything to knock that smug bitch down a peg or two and have a laugh

Should I start a general?

my point is simply to state that up to date information about the topic, you cretin.
you may carry on, now

a-user th-that h-h-hurt man
Seriously though this could be big

Her Hero is a snitch grabber


Could be.