You know this is true

You know this is true

Obama won a peace prize for murdering thousands of people. Can't you see anything strange about that?

enjoy the fleeting smugness as your dacamites are sent home in the middle of the night

Fuck Dems!

>shutting down the govt to grandstand for illegal aliens
keep at it Dems!

What's funny is that Obama is gonna be an essentially 12 year term president because everything he did to America would take years and multiple presidents to undo. The people he added into office as well are still doing his bidding even now which makes it all worse.

>projecting this hard

Oh it was thoroughly unwarranted but it was more a sign of how much everyone hated George W Bush than how much they liked Obama.

fuck dems

that's some mo'fucking projection right thurr

How about we change it to FUCK DEMS across the board?

Who is saying this? fuck dems

>whites are racist sexist monsters who ruined everything
>rural retards should vote democrats like smart costal people

Reeeeeee why are we losing???

>DEMS: Fuck America and shit! Fuck white people! And fuck the government (but the government really should take care of me)

yes because the nobel prizes should be awarded out of spite... that makes sense.

All you are doing is admitting its completely rigged.

>Dems voting against the interests of the US and in favor of illegals
>somehow this is a tenable political position that doesn't get you hung for treason

>fuck dems

I see nothing wrong with this. They choose illegal spics over their own countrymen for slave labor.

Obama created a power vacuum in Libya that saw not only racial genocide take place but also the return of the slave trade.
The democrats also got caught red handed rigging their own leadership selection process because they wanted a proven psychopath to become the leader of "the world".

You should be bloody ashamed of yourself if you are a democrat.

>fuck white people
>why don't whites VOTE WITH US?!?!

>conveniently leaves out Bush era of mass hysteria

if youngfags on here are wondering why libtards are so feral, it's because they had 8 years of Bush where the jewish press blamed him for every misdeed ever. He was such a bad president only hardcore partisans would defend him, so Democraps spent 8 years with no one to check them on their hysteria.

this is just the extension of those times.

fuck dems

Since when do we want them to vote with us? I want to hang them all and leave their corpses to rot.

t. rural and suburban retard.

he won it for saving millions of lives u fucking retard

Not the first post, but definitely the best one.

>thinks illegals aren't in my best interest

Nigger, you never lived in Az. Got my house cleaned and my lawn mowed for 10 years for a fraction of the cost.

>wahhhh Pablo managed to take my low education / low skill job
>protect me government!

Capitalism, faggot. Either offer me a better clean house, cheap food, and a pristine lawn or stop crying. I don't have an irrational fear of brown people.

as a outsider, I love seeing the Democrats pull the same shit the Republicans pulled while Obama was in power. They really are no better then the Republicans,

w was a train wreck.

But they did vote with us faggot. Just today they raised the white flag and caved on the shutdown like the betas they are.

nice bait

This is fine, honestly.

We have finally reached a point, as a country, where we can no longer agree to govern together. The civil war isn't far away.



>one political party is opposed to the other
Wow, OP, have any more super-insightful insights for me? My almonds need toasting.

>imagine being so stupid and desperate for attention that you'd make this retarded image and post it on Sup Forums

try harder faggot LOL

fuck the dems

>All you are doing is admitting its completely rigged.
It is, and he's right. Obama got it for not being Bush

It's really similar to how the labor party or whatever the bong way to spell it is denying the brexit vote and claim to be exerting the will of the people.

meanwhile in reality:

2009: repubs are racist
2010: repubs are racist
2011: repubs are racist
2012: repubs are racist
2013: repubs are racist
2014: repubs are racist
2015: repubs are racist
2016: repubs are racist sexist xenophobic
2017: repubs are racist sexist xenophobic
2018: repubs are racist sexist xenophobic

09 Fuck white men
10 Fuck white men
11 Fuck white men
12 Fuck white men
13 Fuck white men
14 Fuck white men
15 Fuck white men
16 Fuck white men
17 Fuck white people
18 Fuck white women
>Dems why are white people leaving our party???

It was pretty fucking bad, and Trump still gets it way worse. It's just a sign of how fucked everything is

>big bang -> end of time: OP is a fag

My response: first of all, dipshit, Obama became president in 08, not 10. Secondly, obviously, as we all know, the world has only existed since 2008. Why, I'm sure if we looked back at the previous 8 years, you couldn't possibly make the same OP replacing the president and party.

You will be hung with the rest of the traitors for selling America to the whims of luxury and convenience

Baby's first election huh? Both parties do it.

Implying presidents make decisions,they are fucking puppets

More projection


yeah, it's a fucking mess. Labour got some success after Conservatives were shown to be weak in the latest election. Still it's not the knock out Labour wanted either so all their bitching about having the will of the people is bullshit. They have been pro-EU for a long time and Brexit is driving them nuts.

God I hate New Labour. Some small respect for Corbyn dragging Labour back to the left kicking and screaming, I might not like the guy's policies but Labour have been a lighter version of the Conservatives for some time only they act holier then thou.

That's cute, you larping 16 year old.

OP is right, instead of coming to a fair agreement between parties the Republicans are doing the most. Which in turn will make the Democrats do the most when they get back into power in three or seven years.

i make the best deals

>allowing brown people on your property
>allowing brown people in your house


Yea, you're a tool.

Haven't had an issue yet. And have had a great looking house and yard.

Not my problem you don't know how to get good help.

>saving millions
yet to be seen leaf

Lol, you poor enough you don't have one? I've got a pool too, nigger.

>we should import millions of savages because i'm too cheap to pay a white kid to mow my lawn

You faggots should be tarred, feathered, and set on fire.

implying that mutt owns a property, mutt still lives in mothers basement, so no you would not have the pleasure of having a tidy lawn

Just take it then.
Come on.
Why cant you take?
I took it!
It was easy!!
Why cant you take it??
Are you stupid?!
Ithought you said you were smart...

>everything republicans fault

>someone who is breaking multiple laws can do work cheaper than a law-abiding citizen
wtf i'm ancap now

jej the spic is actually his mom cleaning up his tendie crumbs and cum napkins.

This post is retarded, anons. Don't be like OP.

>1 post by this ID






2008: fuck white people!
2009: fuck white people!
2010: fuck white people!
2011: fuck white people!
2012: fuck white people!
2013: fuck white people!
2014: fuck white people!
2015: fuck white people!
2016: fuck white people!
2017: fuck white people!
2018: fuck white people!

Except nobody cares about the dems voting with reps.

>day of the rope is a LARP

Puppets to who?
Please don't say "the jew". Jewish people can't figure out how not to inbreed. They are powerful, sure, but they ain't no megatron.

Fuck dems!

>>dems are supposed to vote with us
>we're supposed to be willing servants of a political party

>You know this is true OF BOTH PARTIES
You just went Sheila Jackson Lee retarded

Damn, that was edgy as fuck!

lelel praise kek! XD
Your day of the rope would end with you hanging.

>le 1 rhetorical statement
>le 1 post by this OP

Maybe the Dems should adopt that philosophy more and not beg Republicans for money.

>yeah well what about...