Gabriel dropout

why is she so amazing Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Satania a best. A BEST.

Gabu a shit. A SHIT.

Satania? More like shitania?

delet this

she has a weird shaped mouth and fang that makes you summer fags love her cheap ass

Oh look at this a namefag with shit taste, color me surprised, seriously how can this be?


She's actually the worst of the main 4. Not that she's bad, the others are simply superior.

Satania is best girl. This is simply a fact.

Satania > Gabriel > Vigne >>>>>>> Raphiel

>liking satania

>why is she so amazing Sup Forums?
I ask myself that question every day, non the less we may never know how such a perfect angel came into being. I'm glad we can all agree though that Tapris is indeed amazing.


Satania is amazing bullying material.

Gabriel > vigne = satania > Raphi

Satania is cute




But she's been around since winter.


Depends on what you mean by "go through a box of tissues"

Is it a jerker or a tear jerker?

subs when?

Mori is on the clock.

Based Mori


Because she's genki.

Top fluid druid

So what happens once a week has gone by and Mori has finished subbing the ova? Will the hype die down or will there be more hype?

>good family


you gave me an epileptic attack you fucking piece of shit fuck off

I will never forget my ex-girlfriend Satanichia.

Just if you cannot wait the ova is already in spanish subs but dont watch it if you have a weak heart

I second that warning.

>someone told me that there is a gab OVA
>go watching to have some laughs
>enden up having feels

what the fuck happend here?

man of true taste.

How would such fang look like in real life?

One is intelligent, funny, has a great body, and is the best girl.
the other one is Satania

This is now a Raphi thread

Raphiel=Vigne > Tapris > Gabu > Dog > Every other side character >>> Satania

woops wrong image, let me help you.

nice numbers




This is what zeta cucks believe.





>This isn't what shitania fags believe

What are some other shows like Gabu Dropu?

>Irrelevant shit holes comprised of Arab rape babies called 'Iberians' and Beaners such as Spain and Mexico get to enjoy an early subbed GabeDrop but some of the most relevant Anglo English speaking countries have to wait longer.
What did the Nippons mean by this?

Tfw I actually planned to start learning Spanish and decided to delay it to get other things out of the way in life first. I could have be watching a comprehensible gabedrop now...

but user im not mexican or spain im from another spanish speaking country

i dont like how the mexican speak



I want to convince Satania that she can stop bullies by saying "tortellini tortellini, quit being such a gosh darn meanie," and watch what happens.

just learn Jap

This is now a Satania thread again.

Was your lunch fun
alone on the stairs?

Her butt smells terrible.

I'm okay with this prospect.

Roger, roger

Continue the Raphi thread!


Just watched the first two episodes, can't say that it compares very well with other anime I've seen; does it ever git gut?

Just always keep in mind that she is the best girl.

Satania is a lovely girl.


Her smiles warms my heart.


What's your favorite thing about Satania?


She makes a great punching bag

I like her hair, specially when it's down.

You and your akuma friend will return to the pits of hell!

Do you think lots of boys ask Satania out?

She's very cute, after all.



>satania eating alone on the fucking stairs
>drops her lunch
That legit made me sad. Fucking hell man.


To be fair I never assumed your nationality to begin with nor do I actually have any problem with Mexicans or Spanish granted they do need to solve their internal problems, I just wanted to start some banter.

How does Mexican Spanish differ from your version of Spanish anyway?
Which country would that be anyway then,
I'm gonna make a guess and say Argentina maybe?

Of course

Excelent choice.


It improves throughout the season, the best episodes are at the end, but if you didn't like the first two episodes the show probably isn't for you.


this is normal. 2chingada4mi

She has excellent taste in fashion!

Delet this

Don't you want to share though?


I might be ok with it if you behave yours-

Hey, is this one of your tricks, isn't it! I won't fall for them!

>just learn Jap
Within a week? I'm not Tapris user, I don't think a subhuman 'White' burger like myself could pull it off in such a time frame.

Hop on master satania

I want to be Satania's big strong boyfriend and protect her from stupid cruel Raphiel-kun.

Thats actually a brilliant idea
now Raphi will "rape" me infront of Satania for fun

>Bullies you with Sass and wit

is not that we have a version of spanish in every hispanic country but a word can means something different in every country like we have many ways to say penis or vagina

for example gonorrhea is a disease but in my country colombia not argentina sorry is an insult but in almost all the hispanic countries means the same disease

female underwear has a diferent word in every country like pantaletas (México, Venezuela), bombacha (Uruguay), calzón (El Salvador), blumer (Cuba), bragas (España) and truza in Perú

another example we got shel(concha in spanish) in argentina nd uruguay the used it as another way to say vagina

and i dont even want to bring the spain differences

>Still the cutest.

Satania is not as stacked as Raphi, but she still has an amazing rack. They are bigger than average, but they aren't huge like Raphi.

Probably, and she probably rejects them in the most chuuni way possible too. I wonder if she would fall for a guy that acted as chuuni as she does, though.

I just realized that Satania and Raphi are blatant ripoffs of Maimai and Meimei from Makai Tenshi Djibril 4.
Djibril is literally Gabriel in islam.

>colombia, darn not even close, oh well I tried.
Huh, that's a pretty neat outlook on the various differences between Spanish speaking countries in SA. Thanks for the educational info user.

This fallen angel just redeemed herself and became best girl in 1 OVA and you can't do shit about it