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I wonder what the median numbers look like.


>putting blacks above hispanics despite their number being higher.

>(((white non-hispanic)))

>all the numbers are far too low
We need to help whites.

Whites had to plan to survive the Winter. All snow aces are superior for this reason: white, Mongol, slave, Jap, based eskimo, bigfoots

why would someone have 10k non invested? total plebtier. I keep 3k in checking max, blacks and hispanics clearly understand better

Easy... jews who have more money got put on the same category with regular white people.

Blacks and hispanics don't invest.


unsourced shill thread, not even a good one. but I will still take the bait to bash leftists - The cornerstone of illogical leftist ideologies is the idea of victimhood and the inability to understand cause and effect.

I worked with people who got paid the same as me and lived paycheck to paycheck, spending money on all sorts of retarded things. Black or white. I had double their expenses yet still saved thousands while they were penniless.

Floyd Mayweather can't afford to pay his taxes. It's a problem with hood culture, not with skin color.

seems legit, soros wlll pass for white in the us.

Jews are being lumped in as white. Next.

This, im salty as fuck. PINCHE NEGROS

Banks don't ask you your race when Appling for an account in fact it is illegal for them to so.

We hispanics send it all back to our mother country where we eventually go back and live like kangs.

>less than $500 at any given time in bank
wtf am I Sup Forums?

Who the fuck keeps 5 figures in a checking account? I call total bullshit.

Stop calling me white non-hispanic. It's annoying.

>even the average white only has $10k in their checking account
Jesus Christ!

I feel nervous if my bank account goes under $20k. What the fuck do these people do if they lose their jobs or have a medical emergency? They'd be fucked!

But I thought Hispanics were hard working and intelligent. Also aren't African migrants the smartest in the world? This must be because of racism. The only reason.

You're a filthy late millennial or early Gen X, go back to summer camp boomer-spawn

Non-white races don’t understand concepts like “save for tomorrow” or “do something now to receive some kind of benefit at a later time”. This entire way of thinking is foreign to the non-white

I’m a white heterosexual working class male

My account hasent been as high as those in ten years

Fuck Obama


I keep $25000 in a checking/savings account. 6 months of expenses. It’s called an emergency fund. Everything else I put in my Roth 401k Roth IRA and other mutual funds. Don’t be stupid and not have a stocked emergency fund.

Sell stocks, you fucking poorfag.

I have an emergency fund, I just don't keep it in a checking account. I use my checking account for normal expenditures, savings account and hoarded cash money for emergency.

Ever since I was a kid taking school proficiency tests I knew this was "non-hispanic white" was BS

I am below average for whites :(

>Whites prepare for emergencies
Are we supposed to be supprised?

Why the hell would you ever keep that much in a checking account?

Learn how to use your accounts properly.

This. Only retards keep 20k in their chequing making no money for them. Makes me think poster has 200 bucks in chequing

Came here to ask this.

Who keeps ten grand on n checking?

I only have $300 in mine. Im not even nigger rich.

where the asians?

>tfw about 45K in savings atm
kill me pls


the people dragging the numbers up are the extremely rich people who have $50,000 in their checking accounts just in case they decide they need to buy a cheap car on a moment's notice. a more accurate number for whites would be around that of the blacks or hispanics.

And then the drug cartels steal it from you and kill you. Or you live like KANGS for 1 years, then the money drys up and you come back to work.

Median Checking:

Semi-Aryans: $3,800
Nogs: $895
Spic: $900

Numbers are a few years outdated, so numbers are probably up across the board

also fun fact
gf is a nig and she has
about 120$ in the bank. that's her life savings. I know this because I do her taxes.

I was keeping about $50k in checking but my investment accounts are like $160k.... put that $40k into the market around the tax cuts passage.

You should always keep a percentage of your wealth in cash/liquid form

Someone who pays off their credit cards every month would have 10K in checking.

>needing more than $3K in liquid cash at any given time

Keep the large majority in a savings account and get a slightly less shitty interest rate

>needing 10k liquid to pay off your credit card

degenerate consumerist behaviour

if you have a single bitcoin, you have more than that

>bitcoin to usd: 10900

Fpbp also, I know OP isn’t a shill, but sage. We have more important things to focus on

>keeping your money in your checking account
what in the fuck is this retarded bullshit?

Nah you're smart. Wait for this market to crash and buy the dip

No explain this

Hahaha what that's the minimum amount I save a week. Granted I make $18 an hour.

>keeping 10k in checking
Just goes to show how stupid the average person is

If you’re spending that much on credit you should neck yourself

I am White. I have wayyyy more than 10k lol. How much do the jews have?

Raysiss whitey be slavin us n sheit, ya know? Whitey has privilege, whitey born better nigguh.

Let's see jews

they're included in white for some reason