Magi 351

David is back

Spoilers where?



Dumping what we have so far.





Holy shit.


I wonder what exactly happened, he probably made a pact with the gods to get more power than ugo. Hope we will see how exactly those negotiations went.



This is it, for now.

Sinbad fucked up so badly. Why did Sinfaggot even save David?

So david told the other gods to help or what?

so he took over sinbased body?

The entire 'returning everything to the Rukh' plan activated, but Ugo is utterly confused because noone but Sinbad could possibly trigger it because he's the Master of the Sacred Palace and the only God here, as only one God is allowed per plane... unless a God from a higher plane is doing it.

What I'm getting here is that this is David's keikaku all along. He's claiming that Sinbad had been the foundation for his plan all along and he -let- Sinbad complete the 'returning all to the Rukh' magic.

He also said something about reversing the 'Great Flow' so, I imagine it means he's now at the -top- of the hierarchy instead of the very bottom.

Dunno, but it's strange that Sinbad and Arba aren't in those pics.

I dropped it when they challenged Sinbad and he threw clones of himself that needed to be defeated with talk no jutsu. What happened since then? I remember seeing some cute Arba pics.

Those are few chapters, just read them.

>needed to be defeated with talk no jutsu.
magi is not a battle shonen

I miss Fish.

I think its better to just read this shit all at once. Reading weekly is giving me really bad wiplash.