Is it a CIA asset being used to control the radical left?

Is it a CIA asset being used to control the radical left?

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Probably, they eat that kinda shit up like sugar coated shit that's covered in sprinkles

When obums decided to commute most of its sentence I knew something foul was going to happen. And yah, just another Op.Monarch puppet for the cnigs

Running for what?
Gimme the rundown

It's running for U.S. senate

The left exonerate anything that hates it's biological identity. They see that as being "progressive"

Manning is /ourmann/.

this dude is straight up mentally unstable, he sounds fucking retarded, lock him the fuck back up

>leaks classified documents
>thinks certain people don’t deserve a platform

What a hypocrite.

Isn't it a eunuch now?

>Is it a CIA asset being used to control the radical left?

Can you think of any other reason why there are so many threads shilling for him to be in congress?

cool thanks

He's being used to make the left look completely retarded and hopefully break some people out of the spell. At least that's what I think.

The probably MK'd the soul out that man

>shilling for him to be in congress
we benefit if he actually runs. hes not going to win and it increases our chances of winning

People like this Manning guy are perfect enemies. What more can we ask for? That thing makes the basement dweller stereotype look good in comparison

I was there and got sucker punched by leftist protesters
It was Mike Cernovich's A night For Freedom
met Molymeme in person

Ask me anything



>go on hunger strike for sex change
>lol ok, easier than feeding tube
>also, not you are free!
They beat, starved, and castrated him. They broke him mentally and physically.

>we benefit if he actually runs.

how so?

>They beat, starved, and castrated him. They broke him mentally and physically.

That's kind of the problem I had with him being in congress...

That amount of tourture basically is akin to breaking his mind and rebuilding it in their image.

I'm worried that he's now just anouther deepstate actor.

MkUltra mindfucked him into submission

some fag made a thread called “wut” and got quints kms

Turkish sultanate when?

once cia, always cia. stay away, whatever was young kid is no longer. His mind is barely his anymore

its just a deranged she-male posting gibberish

Its complete "vote for me" rhetoric. He is spewing (((what they want to hear))) knowing he looks like (((what they want to see)))

So to sum up the day's choicest posts
"The NSA is wicked cool"
"The CIA rules"
"Don't trust Chelsea Manning he's CIA"
"Julian Assange is dead lol or CGI maybe"
Can see the glow from miles away

Amazing how someone can denounce fascism and want to deny half the country a platform in one sentence.

Anyone who writes like that with all the emotes and sugar should be welded inside a metal coffin

control the radical left?

maybe people will vote for him for the same reason the wingnuts voted for trump and roy moore.

>MkUltra mindfucked him into submission

I think it's pretty telling as to what they did to him, that he USED to be public enemy #1, and now they are pushing for him to be in congress.

They wouldn't do that unless he was near 100% controlled.

It wouldn't surprise me, but if the CIA wants to discredit communist I'm not going to stop them.

Why do all these trannies want to be ruling over everyone? We have an influx of them this election year. They were all rushing to be first one too, because that's all that matters. They won't ever focus on any issues that's not a tranny/lgbt issue either I bet.

I think the craving for governmental power is part of their never-ending, narcissistic drive for attention and positive approval. Government's already fucked up enough with normie politicians, we don't need ones that can't figure out what biology is.

He made a deal with the cabal. They made him remove his genitals and run in order to confuse children even more. When we meme take em out into reality?

this violent hate speech goy

This is some major MKULTRA shit right here. This motherfucker will end up as a ticking time bomb ready to be activated once in office.

Is this you?

>Had balls then
>Has no balls now

Quick rundown on this, guy, I guess?

I'm getting real sick of tptb giving the spotlight to mentally ill transexuals. They do it on purpose, to give thej sane transexuals a bad name. I just want one trans spokesperson worth looking up to is that so much to ask??

There's a big world out there. Why can't these retards make their own functioning societies. Why do they have to slow down our progress. Clean the shit out of the gears. Deport deport deport

This guy got brainfucked

faggot traitor needs to hang


this, i think, is the real answer.

>I don't believe in freedom of speech, vote for me!

the fuck must they have done to that poor man whilst he was in custody.

An adult using emoji's in a tweet like that is already mentally unstable. Now imagine lopping that unstable things dick off.

That is a viable strategy on the left these days.

nonono, this filth needs to run against Trump as the DNC nominee. It will be a meme goldmine and a bloodbath at the same time.

so is she leaving the USA. If yes then Hope you find another country that lets you be there nigger.

Couldnt even control his own gender wtf

Is he she straight up saying that we deserve to be monitored if we us are in the right? I thought he she went out of his her way to tell us we were monitored? What is this faggot on about?

>This guy got brainfucked
Honestly I think this is the most likely answer. There are no objective signs of abnormality before his show trial. He was mostly kept hidden away. The transgender thing happened later, was mostly announced by lawyers, and all evidence of prior predilections was of the sort easily fabricated. Leaking the cables did a lot of good informing america of the actions of its government. They would certainly have an incentive to discredit him rather than turning into a symbolic hero the way snowden eventually did. Suddenly after transitioning he got released, his behavior became erratic, and his actions switched from threatening to the deep state to supportive. Literally seems like a eunuch slave.

That being said has anyone seen his platform? How does he stand on any issue?

Bradley "manlet faggot" Manning unironically thinks Thernobitch is a fascist lol

On a scale of 1 to 10 how buttblasted is Snowden right now?

That's the saddest thing in my mind. I belive he was a little bitch but I do not belive be was a transgender fag. Obama never would have given anyone a pardon if they hadn't "earned" it. They did this to him.

I'm not sure why Julian Assange is so obsessed with this lobotomy patient

He just explained it.

out of interest has anyone been able to post on any other board tonight?

I havent

Are we more fucked than we think we are

>He just explained it.

link to post please?

All that needs to be done is push on the buttons. The left is already in doubt that she is an alt right stooge after claiming she went face to face with the nahtzees but was clearmy hanging out casually with them.

Once she is in a position of power it will wreak havic. Internally it will become a shitshow. Those high in the government who are now isolated from Twitter type #metoo activism will suddenly be exposed to it - accusations will fly and the progrrssives will further expand their tools of false tears to destroy people who oppose them.

This will give way to instal more progressive goons in high power.

eunuchs were very powerful and corrupt in chinese history

and made him love his own torture and degredation. these people scare me man

Hot. Need a doujin of this now.


this desu senpai

what if, ok, hear me out, um, what if this is bradley manning being threatened or coerced into being this tranny, and 'they' are using the momentum of the Virginia election to ram more degeneracy into public life, and normalize trannyism. In order to avoid being jailed for treason, or worse, it has agreed to be a robotic, signaling leftist tranny with military experience. there are most likely (active-alert) hypnosis methods being used. but i hypothesize that manning didn't even really want to do this. It has no choice. Be an active part of the agenda or else. or as someone said, MK ultra on steroids. I image that bradley has the finest handlers

I know Mr. sessions you have better things to do buuuuuuuut. I'm sure the government didn't go after all charges against missus Manning. I'm sure there a few other charges you. Oils drop before statutes of limitations might be running out soon.


Says: "Our world should be better for everyone"....and that the "fascist alt-right" should have no platform. I guess "everyone" means "me and my buddies".

You are beyond retarded

The military should have shot this faggot

What the fuck is with this kind of language

There's no way that idea thing is not the most fucked up thing you've ever jacked off too. I wager you wouldn't even be able to finish to it.

>You are beyond retarded

for asking a question?

you seem a little on edge, maybe relax, broseph.

mk ultra assasin, stay clear

But why male models?

we should make it a thing on /d/

incidentally it looks like they can still post images?

I can handle the only way to really good at least that's the only thing I always notice is Orion and you should get help if I can see how it applies to the 4th dimension

this 'dude' sounds like he got mk ultra'd and is nothing more than a pawn at this point.

Insert damn near anything in place of "fascist/alt-right" and guys like him would have an aneurysm.


We benefit if it wins. It will cause chaos for the senate democrats. They are the ones who have to deal with it and make it behave. Manning can’t be trusted to keep a secret and will probably send Wikileaks terabytes of internal DNC docs every week

it's a fair point, but how exactly are we going to prevent the orion factor without too much wall candy? especially when the un-car'ed are so adamant about gang related activities?

The fourth dimension is a fucking hologram, and not in any way applicable to reality except by it's presumed accuracy because of the orion lights making 4th dimension into 3rd dimension.

it's a conundrum.

Don't even give him the satisfaction of saying it. "It's" a mentally ill man.

How long did it take you to shield your sister's room?

Manning is only 5'2
No wonder he went nuts


With all due respect.

That thing probably wen5 through hell.

Masculine men who come out the army often end up conceptable failures.

Chelsea probably had to listen to a mix tape of baby cries and skinny puppy for 5 solid years.

‘The Terek streams over boulders,
the murky waves splash;
a wicked Chechen crawls on to the bank
and sharpens his kinzhal;

But your father is an old warrior
forged in battle;

sleep my darling, be calm,
sing lullaby.’

>How long did it take you to shield your sister's room?

Uhm... I didn't?

what are you talking about?

What a massive faggot.

That's the point. Surely you know she's been compromised by now?

Have any weird dreams when you slept in her room? Maybe a dark figure near the bed?

This triggers the schizophrenic

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

we have our own sleeper go codes

Does Sonnie Johnson get bonus points because she is also black?

I don't want to go down that road.

I didn't know you could read.jpg

What exactly are you trying to do, gangstalk me more than I already have been?

>verifiably and outspoken mentally ill authoritarian will attempt running for a seat in the senate

Couldn't have asked for an easier win.

I want you to give all this mind control nonsense up so you can finally get out of poverty. We know you've been blaming us for all your misfortune. It's not healthy.