Remember Vegas?Yeah, me neither

Remember when police said they are expecting to make another arrest within 60 days, and confirmed it was somebody besides Mary Lou Danley?

Yeah, me neither....

Other urls found in this thread:

An actual massacre doesn't need crisis actors who can barely keep their act together for the cameras.

Hell, normal people with their warts and faults suffices.

I still stick by the idea that he was an arms dealer and the sale went sour.

remember during the early timeline the gunman charged out of his room at the police and then shot someone in the leg?

If by went sour you mean the Saudi Prince in town got away by the skin of his teeth while Paddock became a Patsy for alphabet soup assassins, then yes; we agree.

Country music fans. Culling the herd really.

I dont usually get scared about researching topics. But that case has cia, black ops shit all over it. You dig too deep and its going to be the end of you. I stay clear of that

I know Sandy Hook was a hoax, but got any evidence that the Vegas massacre was one too?

What's a Vegas?


If one can find it, they aren't stopping you from finding it. Having said that, I don't care about this case anymore.

This... plus... MS13 ground shooters "herding the cattle". The actual massacre was staged to cover up the assassination. They tried to brute force the "lone gunman" theory but the spics hate for Trump supporters left a trail of separate testimonies regarding the same mexican cunt relishing in her contempt

Fucker had like 40 guns. All over the place. None of them used. Except for like 3 or 4. Clearly a arms deal gone bad. Unless you like spoon fed cnn stories

Yes, but anything else that isn't circumstantial? Circumstantial evidence is great and can even convict someone and send them to the firing squad, but a video would help red-pill the normies.

As in, does anyone have a video of the victims pulling a Syria?

Dude stfu and kys. You people are such creepy incompetent cocksuckers.

Explain, cocksuker asshole bitch. :|

Who the fuck makes an arms deal with FORTY firearms in a hotel? It took him multiple trips over many days with hockey bags to get all that shit past security to the room. It would have taken just as long to bring it all out one the sale was done. Also he brought a window cutter. I'm sure you're trolling but fuck you anyway

Reading comprehension is in the gutter. This place needs to start banning the fools who can't tell a friendly question and the enemy.



It will come out.

What about the Mexican girl screaming that everyone at the concert was going to die several hours before the shooting happened?

>implying he was alone
Who the fuck brings 40 firearms into a hotel and then only uses 3 of them? (with one just to become an hero)

The entire thing was faked. Las Vegas is one of the most heavily surveiled place on earth and we have no proofs of people dying other than fake news organizations. The liveleak gore is 2kb low quality bait

What startles me is our low attention span and ability to move forward after an unexplainable massacre perpetuated on a large specific group of citizens that allegedly slayed upwards of 60. Something like that should stop all Americans in their tracks and begin asking some questions and demanding answers

Maybe it was a test to study how quickly the masses can move on after such A tragedy. The results aren't good for us

Y'all remember that massive church shooting after?

(((We))) have no proof because (((we))) own no cameras there. (((We))) can talk about all the things (((we))) should have and don't but the reality is that (((they))) own the rights to all of the footage. Why should (((they))) tell us a god damned thing about what happened? Because we have a right to know? kek

Jesus I had forgotten about that one. And that one was closer to home. I guess it's happening to #metoo

Just today I saw a boy shot a girl here in a Texas highschool. I guess it's just part and parcel

Is that Bruce Paddock?

MSM was confused on that one
>shooter is white
>heroic civilians that stopped him were both white
Didnt fit the narrative of “ebil white people”

thats throwin me off a little t b h. are you jewish?

> I guess it's just part and parcel
Another day in Amefrica

newfag detected

Yea that's right. The perp was some autistic left wing faggot and the guys who got him were a couple of good ol boys

That one really tears my heart. It was a small town where almost everyone lost someone of their own in that church on Sunday morning. That's really gotta do something to your faith when the people dear to you get gunned down in the house of god. I have to visit that town someday soon

Nobody seems to remember that happened either

I was reminded today after seeing and Experian commercial advertising identity security

>wait, Experian is a credit bureau
>didn't they get hacked?
>it was Equifax that got hacked
>Experian now in credit monitoring business

Don't forget a good ol boy and a guy with a gun stopped and killed him. Doesn't fit the narrative I guess.

>Remember when police said they are expecting to make another arrest within 60 days, and confirmed it was somebody besides Mary Lou Danley?
More bullshit? Need some debunking? Lol im kidding. Yes we still to do this day know nothing about what happened

no, I just like parenthesis more than i like quotation marks. More or less I am just highlighting that we are just people on Sup Forums and they are the owners of all of the video footage that people assume doesnt exist because they are keeping it to themselves. The reality is that even footage of mundane, boring shit would exist and not even that has been seen. They are obviously hiding it

tenurefag detected

Las Vegas shooter Paddock had child porn on computer, FBI investigating person of interest: sheriff

I'm actually amazed. It's hard to find any info on this. This was from a press conference the other day. Not one fucking thread about it.


dude...when you use ((())), no matter what you write inside, it means JEW.

How can you not know this if you are not new? Braindead?


Link to full press conference

No it's stephen but apparently they both enjoy the same kind of porn...

Paddock Brothers Linked to Bohemian Grove

The Paddock's own a house 1 mile away from the summit of the mountain where the Grove is located. Bruce (the CP one) has lived there for years.

These coordinates might be interesting as well:

38.578271, -123.127550