Post good memorys about Sup Forums

Now that Sup Forums is in its end times let's post about the good memorys you got from Sup Forums

I miss the old australian shitposter with their systematic shitposts like
> you can only post in this thread if your healh minister is under 6000000 lbs
> not so fast Belgium

Other urls found in this thread:

My favorite is by far the intercontinental banter

>pay denbts
I was new here and felt like the world was my oyster

shitposting in colour


banter and hitler hotel


I don't miss anything about it. I wish I never came here. After I spent a few months here I was having panic attacks on the daily and having what I can only call "system shock" when I had taken enough red pills. This place fucked me. I haven't been happy since 2013. When I discovered this board my life entered a downward spiral of depression. The only fun part was the 2016 election. Fuck this place. The red pilled should envy the blue pilled.

The exodus from cuck to h8te was a glorious thing.
Coming back here now is like visiting the old neighborhood that's been infested with niggers.

I miss eesti toothbrush person :(


My favorite memory is when Sup Forums chose the President of the United States


I remember when fascists weren't ethno state LARPers

Remember that time that homeless bum climbed a tree and we exacerbated it until international media covered the story?

So.....they were right, Reddit is better

Sup Forums was always shit

I miss /mlpol/


Fuck off concern troll

Good news boys Sharia blue is pulling out. When corrupt the record lost their funding their last push was all demoralizing threads

why would you think Sup Forums is ending?

Making the pretend Hillary memes about drafting daughters. I didn’t make them, but I provided armchair enthusiasm and a small part of my soul that felt dead slowly came back to life.

At least 4+Sup Forums was new back when Sup Forums harbor happened. This is just a long slow decline that will eventually become GLP-tier shittery. Amazing to think back to 2015 when we expected Rand to try his best and maybe make it to the convention.
Merkel told some Palestine girl to go back and then let open the floodgates a month later.
Bataclan happened and we weren't even surprised, they rept what they sow.
But Trump was still making gains and seemed like the one man able to rebuild the country. And while the primaries were still far away, we knew he was the man after dismantling Jeb! The Hundred Million Dollar Man.
>mfw I have no face

Sup Forums is ironically the Utopian state that a lot of liberals were pushing for. An truly international and multicultural "society" shit posting together in harmony and by far the most diverse group of people ever to post together at one point.

I remember Sup Forums before the memeflags came.. again..

>> you can only post in this thread if your healh minister is under 6000000 lbs
>> not so fast Belgium
God damn i remember this. Fucking hilarious.

Nothing will ever beat the Zimmerman trial.

Sup Forums's influence comes from its memes. Unlike the rest of the site, Sup Forums actually cares about having influence.

that one thread where Sup Forums admitted whites are the devil and maybe life will be better without misplaced pride in something unearned

Belgians are lower than kikes. They are about as white as Jews are. The world would be better w/o both.

i want to be a whale farmer

pussy ass bitch

Never forget.

brexit, and the sense of solidarity especially from us anons. i loved staying up all night, it was so fucking tense. i will never forget it, i couldnt believe we actually won it, i fucking cried my eyes out

I miss this so much

I'll never envy ignorance.

/fitlit/ was the best

you don't get it m8ty, Sup Forums users can't post outside Sup Forums now. the rest of the site is normal, just Sup Forums is fucked.

i miss this too its being sold to /mlp/

yeah, about that. how the fuck are they doing that?

The Boston Marathon bombing. There was the guy on Sup Forums who said he would blow up a building if someone posted Bon Jovi minutes before it happened. Then Sup Forums found the terrorists just by looking at the photos.

>Coming back here now is like visiting the old neighborhood that's been infested with niggers.
well, it is.



has to be w/ our IP's. I tried posting on different internet browsers and cleaned up my cache. still doesn't work.

tfw actually missing those negros

I made this thread on the end times mood on Sup Forums
> Sup Forums costs more than 90,000$ a month
> servers shut down
maybe Hiroshimoot will shut down Sup Forums

The night of Brexit was amazing and gave me an idea of what to expect when Trump won the election. I drank 3 bottles of wine that night and my dick was still so diamonds that I could have fucked 3 different women at the same time without pulling out of any of them. Good times.

its a cloudflare exploit. go see Sup Forums

t. Shlomomo

what was his nickname again?
I stayed up until 2AM waiting for the results; when Brexit passed I knew we were going to win the Presidency
I miss when newfags knew the rules, but faggots don't lurk for a year like they ought to

Hiroshimoot said that shit and you believe him? /q/ debunked his scamming jew ways back when he first took over. He moaned about money and threatened to axe boards, but then he went and ADDED boards. Moot said the site sas running green thanks to Sup Forums passes, and I'm more inclined to believe moot over gookmoot.

Feels fuckin good man

That was a waste of digits. Become strong and you'll cope with the truth.

Treeguy was dope.


I don't really care my life would be much better without Sup Forums


i'm done
you can find me on any board where Sup Forums is still an imageboard
seeyal Sup Forums
have fun piecing together pics from shit bits

poo and leaf jokes made me crack every time, too bad memeflags were allowed again.

fool. youre here forever.

Can't flim flam the zim zam

i am going to miss the mutt meme

Sup Forums64427475
here is a thread were you can start your new life

>>Sup Forums64427475

I'm a retard

all the digits gets for trump sent me spastic, it was like being a kid and believing in magic again


Install Zeronet
Go to Millchan: colon 43110 slash 1ADQAHsqsie5PBeQhQgjcKmUu3qdPFg6aA

>User moderated
>P2P (Use Tor and a VPN for Privacy and Security)


Install government spyware? No thx.

>Now that Sup Forums is in its end times let's post about the good memorys you got from Sup Forums
Sup Forums (especially Sup Forums), is getting bigger and bigger everyday. It may not be like the good old days, but things evolve.

Didnt this happen a few weeks/months ago? Its not that big of a deal, I could go to bed now and wake up and everything'll be fine

like morris dancing into american morris dancing?

What's happening? I thought OP was just sperging about nu-pol

/mbmc/ desu
short lived, great potential. it even killed the chan

not sorry.
it has been an honor!

More details please.
What city and country?
What was the issue?
Why was he in the tree?

why is it always a kekistan flag that posts this video?

its a good video dont get me wrong but ive never seen anyone without the kekistan flag post it

>all the reddit cancer newfags are going to fuck off
We've needed a new Sup Forumsharbor

How did you manage to live up until this point

>Sup Forums users can't post outside Sup Forums now
so this proves everyone on Sup Forums posts on Sup Forums


Totally agree. Zimzam was pinnacle

only the good posters, i bet Sup Forums sucks even harder now

What's happening? I'm fucking oblivious

Zimzam senpai times.

Boston bombers’ manhunt.

Day of Benghazi.

And of course, the Great Meme War of ‘16

The fuck? Why are they doing this?

it's kind of sad how most people will never be redpilled about zimzam and still think trayvon martin was a nice little boy who dindu nutin

I can't imagine what will happen to you if you go through any real trauma, like your parents dying or if you ever manage to get a gf her breaking up with you. Get a fucking grip

They literally hate what they've always wanted. Pure pottery

Who you talking to?

Where did I remotely reply I was a shaboon / schwartza supporter? The fuck outta here

Misread. Disregard

Epic days

ah I was talking about normies, you know those featherless beeings walking on two legs

didn't read disregard

>Install government spyware?
>Using government made internet
Nowhere to run boi

nvm I see now

>use government made internet
>use NSA made encryption
Checkmate, faggot. AES is secure enough for the US Government and intelligence agencies, I think it's secure enough for my shitposting and streaming anime.

>Not running your own quantum secure encryption

Are you sure about that
Best bants are Japan v. Korean

I particularly like leaf and aussie posts

I cannot afford to cool a server to 0.02 kelvin for a quantum cryptography co-processor.