What does Sup Forums think about left handers?
Left handers
I’m a left handed person but I’m very right ;)
Gas chambers.
The is something that is just not right about them.
We absorbed our twins within the womb and no one suspects a thing. Fuck with us and you're next.
BTFO by scissors.
Pedophiles, geniuses, serial killers, billionaires, psychopaths, and innovators
>doing the fist with his right hand
He's a fraud
Left Hand supremacy. We are more creative and intelligent. Right handers are unthinking, unfeeling beasts of the field! Their toil is our gain!
Being left-handed is an advantage in numerous sports.
fuck leftists
the red right hand is the way to go
There's a reason the Romans called them sinister
Statistically they die earlier than right handed master race folks.
>right handed people have to bury us
You sure showed us, rightcuck
There is no group more sinister.
I'm right handed with writing but I use tools or play lefty style. Alot people ask if I'm a lefty, when I say no they always give me a weird look. Am I normal?
im ambidextrous, what does that align me with?
bukakke artist.
my dream job
I have a bunch of left-handed kitchen tools I’ve bought over the years:scissors, measuring cups, spatulas, knives, can openers, etc. When my wife, right-handed, moved in, I kept getting “wtf? What’s wrong with this? Why isn’t it working?” From my wife when she found all my kitchen tools. Funny as fuck, partial vindication for all those years of using right handed scissors in the left hand, or getting graphite on your hand using pencil. She’s finally got a hang of some of my left hand tools. But most recently had to replace a can opener. Got the type that cuts at the lid seam, not inside it (helps keep the dog food fresh). That’s especially fucks with her. I don’t even think she realizes I bought her a right hander’s version, probably cuz they look completely different.
We're the superior human beings
I am left handed and i dont know why OP cares so much.
Wow, you jerk off with the other hand to traps?
fuck off, your traps are gay, your waifu is trash and your dick is trickling.
You'll all be purged one day in a cleansing fire.
I've been left handed my whole life, and I don't know why, but I always felt held down by the right handed menace. THERE'S A REASON WHY ALL THE BEST BASEBALL PLAYERS ARE LEFT HANDED
most musicians, well the good ones anyway. tend to be left handed, so there is that.
that when they're to your right, they can easily give you a hand-job
Kurt and Jimi are pretty much the only noteworthy ones.
There are a fuckton of glorious right-handed m(agi/usi)cians
kurt...good. come on man you can do better. jimmy? meh he was sort of good i guess
Paul McCartney
Sinister and in-league with Beelzebub.
I fucking hate left handed people so much. My life goal is to personally detect the left handed gene and eliminate it from the earth.
If I have to snip a vas defrens or two while someone is sleeping to save the human race, I will. And I’ll use right handed scissors.
Their parents are retarded for not teaching their child to be right handed at a young age, and they are retarded for not learning themselves.
I write with my left hand but do everything else with my right
so you can jack off with both hands?
We have insane amounts of autism. Most lefties are innate mental (not necessarily social) autists. And though less goal oriented and lacking in structure but contrastingly creative. Ive never met a left handed person that wasnt creative. But most of them were usually disorganized.
However you either get a fucking psychosociopath or a genie or in fewer cases a normal.
I have the assumption that lefties are also politically left oriented (although im right politically oriented). but im not sure about this
>tfw shitting on a leftcuck's grave and wiping my ass with my right hand
I even play guitar right handed.
I used to play baseball competitively.
The reason of this is usually left handers are physically more suited to play Pitcher and 1st Base positions and usually most outs are made by pitcher or 1st base.
Try however to put a leftie as a shortstop 3rd base or catcher and he will be the worst shit ever. Those are positions where the righties are best suited for.
Also the shortstop position hinders attacking righties because its the nstural direction of the swing and lefties on the other hand have no shortstop to hinder them because the ball goes between 1st and 2nd.
So we dont really excel at baseball for being masterrace. The game balanced to treat righties fairly but lefties can take minor advantages that give them a boost over righties.
sry for longtext I missed talking about baseball.
I enjoyed the read.
Left Handers
>10% of the population
>50% of the US presidents
They're planning something. Don't fall for their lies
I do because I have to.
>Your non-dominant hand is the one you use your mouse with
In the end, us lefties fucking WON.
I'm left-handed. it is what is and it's fine.
normies are all retarded.
Left handed people are just like transexuals. A part of their brain is wired up back to front.
I have no problem with these people, they're just a little back to front.
+1 Masturbation buff